71 research outputs found

    If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with: How individual habituation of agent interactions improves global utility

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    Simple distributed strategies that modify the behaviour of selfish individuals in a manner that enhances cooperation or global efficiency have proved difficult to identify. We consider a network of selfish agents who each optimise their individual utilities by coordinating (or anti-coordinating) with their neighbours, to maximise the pay-offs from randomly weighted pair-wise games. In general, agents will opt for the behaviour that is the best compromise (for them) of the many conflicting constraints created by their neighbours, but the attractors of the system as a whole will not maximise total utility. We then consider agents that act as 'creatures of habit' by increasing their preference to coordinate (anti-coordinate) with whichever neighbours they are coordinated (anti-coordinated) with at the present moment. These preferences change slowly while the system is repeatedly perturbed such that it settles to many different local attractors. We find that under these conditions, with each perturbation there is a progressively higher chance of the system settling to a configuration with high total utility. Eventually, only one attractor remains, and that attractor is very likely to maximise (or almost maximise) global utility. This counterintutitve result can be understood using theory from computational neuroscience; we show that this simple form of habituation is equivalent to Hebbian learning, and the improved optimisation of global utility that is observed results from wellknown generalisation capabilities of associative memory acting at the network scale. This causes the system of selfish agents, each acting individually but habitually, to collectively identify configurations that maximise total utility

    Лапароскопические операции у больных с тяжелой сочетанной травмой и тупой травмой живота

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    In this article we analyzed our experience of treatment of 822 patients with polytrauma and abdominal blunt trauma. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible benefits of the routine diagnostic laparoscopy and laparoscopic operations performed in case of abdominal trauma. After general examination, labtests, X-ray, USS and CT and diagnosis of trauma, 622 patients were performed videolaparoscopic examinations. In 152 (24.6%) cases we found trauma of the liver complicated with bleeding. We performed the laparoscopic operation in 152 (53.9%) patients of 282 liver trauma cases. In 51 cases of thoracic trauma with haemothorax we performed videothoracoscopies with coagulation of intercostal vessels. We also analyzed indications to laparoscopy in case of trauma and came to conclusion that laparoscopy is a useful tool to avoid an unnecessary laparotomy in stable patients with abdominal trauma. Bleeding from minor injuries of the liver or the spleen can be controlled through the laparoscopy. Laparoscopic operations in patients with mixed trauma and abdominal blunt trauma decrease mortality and number of postoperative complications. Future developments in minimally invasive surgery will allow a wider usage of laparoscopy for diagnosis and treatment of abdominal trauma.Проанализирован опыт лечения 822 пациентов с политравмой и тупой травмой живота. Целью данной работы было оценить возможные преимущества стандартной диагностической лапароскопии и лапароскопических операций, выполненных у пациентов с травмой живота. После общего обследования, лабораторных тестов, рентгенографии, УЗИ и КТ-диагностики травмы у 622 пациентов выполняли диагностическую лапароскопию. В 152 (24,6 %) случаях обнаружили травму печени, осложненную кровотечением. Во всех этих случаях (53,4 % от общего числа — 282 пациентов, которым проводили лапароскопию) выполняли лапароскопические операции. В 51 случае травмы грудной клетки, осложненной гемотораксом, выполнили видеоторакоскопии с коагуляцией межреберных сосудов. Также проанализированы показания к лапароскопии в случаях травмы. Сделан вывод, что при травме живота лапароскопия позволяет избежать ненужных лапаротомий у гемодинамически стабильных пациентов. Кровотечения из небольших повреждений печени и (или) селезенки могут быть проконтролированы лапароскопически. У пациентов с политравмой и тупой травмой живота лапароскопические операции значительно снижают летальность и количество постоперационных осложнений


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    For the purpose of improvement of results of treatment of extensive median hernias in the choice of ways of the combined hernioplasty at a stage of an electromyography ball assessment of the stigmata of a dysplasia of a connecting tissue, influence of a mesenchymal failure on contractility of abdominal muscles and data of program diagnostics of a collagen found at survey in microscopic preparations of a skin and aponeurosis at 95 surgical patients is introduced. In group 25 (26,4%) of patients with clinically significant level of a dysplasia depression of electroactivity of rectus muscles for 24,7% and the lateral group of the abdominal muscles - for 22,8% is revealed. The microscopy of sites of an aponeurosis among them taped depression of density of laying of a collagen to 31,7% and augmentation of intensity of its staining twice. As a result of the undertaken improvement the way of surgical treatment of median hernias of the extensive sizes which use in clinical practice allows to reduce a share of a dysplasia of a connecting tissue among the reasons of a recurrence of a disease is developed