546 research outputs found

    Electronic structure of CuCl1-xBrx solid solutions: first-principles calculations in the meta-GGA approximation

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    The electronic structure of CuCl and CuBr compounds and their solid solutions CuCl1–xBrx (x = 0.25, 0.50, 0.75) has been calculated in the framework of the density functional theory. The calculations have been performed in the basis of pseudoatomic orbitals using the simple local approximation (LDA) and the new meta-GGA exchange potential TB09, which, to a large extent, compensates the LDA error in the description of the position of conduction bands in semiconductors. A comparative analysis of the main characteristics of the electronic structure of binary compounds and their solutions has been carried out. It has been found that the composition dependence of the band gap Eg(x) has a small downward bowing with the coefficient b ~ 0.09 eV

    The Centenary of the Birth of Professor Georgy I. Dorofeev

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    The article is devoted to one of the leaders of the Leningrad school of gastroenterologists of the second half of the last century. For almost two decades, he headed the oldest department of the Military Medical Academy — the Department of Hospital Therapy, turning it into one of the famous gastroenterological centers of the country of that period. The author offers the reader the complete biography of this famous scientist. One of the most important scientific merits of G.I. Dorofeev is the creation of an original scientific internist school. Many followers of it headed and continue to head the leading scientific centers of the country


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    Говоріння як пріоритетний аспект у викладанні англійської мови

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    Since language is a means of communication, teaching speaking is a prior task in any methodology. This article is devoted to the research of the main methods of teaching speaking. These methods are fully described and their importance and productivity are proved

    Phase-sensitive amplification of 11 WDM channels across bandwidth of 8 nm in a fibre optic parametric amplifier

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    We experimentally demonstrate phase-sensitive fibre optic parametric amplification with gain >10dB and optical noise figure below 3dB for 11 channels spaced of 100 GHz. We employ all-fibre dispersion management to achieve a wideband phase-matching between signals and their copies

    Scalings for ultra-relativistic laser plasmas and monoenergetic electrons

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    The similarity theory is derived for ultra-relativistic laser-plasma interactions. First, it is shown that the most fundamental S-similarity is valid for both under- and overdense plasmas. Then, the particular case of tenious plasma is considered in great detail. It is shown that the electron dynamics in this case has two characteristic scales. The fast scale corresponds to relaxation to some attractor solution. The slow dynamics describes an adiabatic evolution of this attractor. This leads to a remarkable wave breaking exclusion rule in the 3D geometry. A similarity theory for the slow dynamics allows obtaining simple ``engineering'' scalings for the maximum electron energies, the number of accelerated electrons, the electron beam density, and for the acceleration distance. These scalings are aimed at design of a high-energy laser-plasma accelerator generating electron beams with superior properties


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    The article considers the phenomenon of psychogenetic career choice based on the analysis of the genetic tree and the assessment of the internal resources of the subject, the issues of interrelation between the predetermination of professional choice on the basis of the genetic factor and the formation of personality in development, taking into account the influence of environmental conditions on this process, other persons (parents, teachers, peers) are considered in detail.The article contains articles by well-known Russian and foreign scientists who have the results of many years of research and observations on this topic.В статье рассмотрен феномен психогенетического выбора профессии на основании анализа генетического древа и оценки внутренних ресурсов субъекта, подробно рассмотрены вопросы взаимосвязи между предопреде-ленностью профессионального выбора на основании генетического фактора и формированием личности в развитии, с учетом влияния на данный процесс условий среды, других лиц (родителей, преподавателей, сверстников).В работе использованы статьи известных российских и зарубежных ученых, имеющих по данной теме результаты многолетних исследований и наблюдений

    Multipurpose assessment of the financial competitiveness of a publishing company

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    The paper considers a set of theoretical, practical and methodological issues related to determining the level of competitiveness of publishing companies by forming an integral assessment. The methodology of the study is the application of the ranking system, the Fishburne method, the definition of the specific weights of indicators, allowing you to assess financial competitiveness of companies, the tools of graphic analysis to calculate the overall integrated indicators that characterize the level of competitiveness of the publishing company. The main findings of the study are to determine the level of competitive potential (LCP) of companies, through integral evaluation. The advantage of the assessment method used is the application of a system of financial, marketing and reputational indicators. This indicator system has made it possible to more accurately determine the level of financial competitiveness and improve the effectiveness of financial and investment decisions made in the publishing industry

    Features of soils of the natural park “Scherbakovsky” Volgograd region

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    The paper presents the results of a study of the soil cover of the Shcherbakovsky Nature Park in the Kamyshinsky district of the Volgograd region. To achieve the results 12 soil sections were laid along the studied soil catena (1.5 km), so that morphological and chemical features of the soils of the study area were investigated. Variety and diversity are due to vertical zonality and geological and hydrological peculiarities. So, in the gullies and in massive forest plantations various dark humus and gley soils have become widespread. On steppe, slope and watershed areas lithosolic light humus luvisols and light humus lithozems were formed. On areas with open sand surface, humus psammozems with protohumus horizons W, as well as light humus (AJ-C) and humus soils (A-C), and a variety of soil-forming rocks of the natural park were found. In relief depressions they are represented mainly by gleyed sandy, as well as proluvial-deluvial deposits with inclusions of large fragments of opokas. On steppe and steep-slope areas, the soil-forming rocks are thick layers of opoka deposits. Their upper boundary varies from 20 to 60 cm depth depending on the meso- and microrelief. On the watersheds, the soilforming rocks are represented by sandy, ferruginous deposits with new formations of clay and pseudofibres. The parent rock is registered starting from 100 cm depth and consists of large blocks of hardened sandstone. The chemical properties of the studied soils are characterized by a neutral or slightly acidic pH. Easily soluble salts are leached from all soil horizons. The maximum values of Сorg are typical of humus and transitional horizons. The studies conducted in the Shcherbakovsky Nature Park are of greatest importance for monitoring the state of soils, and also allowed us to identify the features of the genesis of underdeveloped soils and luvisols of the dry-steppe natural zone