23 research outputs found

    Neuropsychological aspects of functional movement disorders

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    V teoretické části disertační práce je představen současný pohled na funkční (psychogenní) poruchy hybnosti (FPH) v platné mezinárodní klasifikaci nemocí (MKN-10) označované jako disociativní (konverzní) motorické poruchy, který v posledních dvou dekádách prošel výrazným vývojem. Jedná se o heterogenní skupinu onemocnění s tendencí k chronickému průběhu, která se vedle motorických příznaků projevují řadou komorbidních non-motorických příznaků (únava, bolest, úzkost, deprese, kognitivní obtíže aj.). Navzdory potenciální reverzibilitě mají tyto poruchy stále nepříznivou prognózu a jsou spojené s nízkou kvalitou života. Na základě dosavadního poznání patří mezi ústřední fenomény rozvoje a udržování FPH abnormity pozornostních procesů. Pozornostním procesům v kontextu komplexního kognitivního výkonu se věnovalo zatím pouze minimum studií, a to s rozporuplnými výsledky. Disertační práce měla dva cíle. První z prezentovaných studií se zaměřila na vliv subjektivně hodnocených non-motorických symptomů včetně subjektivních kognitivních stížností a objektivně posuzovaných motorických příznaků na kvalitu života. Cílem druhé z prací bylo zkoumat kognitivní profil pacientů s FPH, včetně hodnocení validity výkonu, které je v tomto kontextu relevantní. Výsledky studií potvrdily, že non-motorické symptomy mají...The theoretical part of this dissertation presents a current view of functional (psychogenic) movement disorders (FMD) in the current International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) referred to as dissociative (conversion) motor disorders, which has undergone significant development in the last two decades. It is a heterogeneous group of diseases with a tendency of becoming chronic diseases, which, in addition to motor symptoms, are manifested by a number of comorbid non-motor symptoms (fatigue, pain, anxiety, depression, cognitive difficulties, etc.). Despite the potential reversibility, these disorders still have an unfavorable prognosis and are associated with a low quality of life. Based on our current understanding, abnormalities of attentional processes are among the central phenomena of the development and maintenance of FMD. So far, only a minimum of studies has focused on attentional processes in the context of complex cognitive performance with contradictory findings. The dissertation had two goals. The first of the presented studies focused on the impact of subjectively assessed non-motor symptoms including subjective cognitive complaints and objectively assessed motor symptoms on the quality of life. The aim of the second study was to examine the cognitive profile of patients with FMD...Department of Neurology First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital in PragueNeurologická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin

    Occupational therapy consensus recommendations for functional neurological disorder

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    BACKGROUND: People with functional neurological disorder (FND) are commonly seen by occupational therapists; however, there are limited descriptions in the literature about the type of interventions that are likely to be helpful. This document aims to address this issue by providing consensus recommendations for occupational therapy assessment and intervention. METHODS: The recommendations were developed in four stages. Stage 1: an invitation was sent to occupational therapists with expertise in FND in different countries to complete two surveys exploring their opinions regarding best practice for assessment and interventions for FND. Stage 2: a face-to-face meeting of multidisciplinary clinical experts in FND discussed and debated the data from stage 1, aiming to achieve consensus on each issue. Stage 3: recommendations based on the meeting were drafted. Stage 4: successive drafts of recommendations were circulated among the multidisciplinary group until consensus was achieved. RESULTS: We recommend that occupational therapy treatment for FND is based on a biopsychosocial aetiological framework. Education, rehabilitation within functional activity and the use of taught self-management strategies are central to occupational therapy intervention for FND. Several aspects of occupational therapy for FND are distinct from therapy for other neurological conditions. Examples to illustrate the recommendations are included within this document. CONCLUSIONS: Occupational therapists have an integral role in the multidisciplinary management of people with FND. This document forms a starting point for research aiming to develop evidence-based occupational therapy interventions for people with FND

    The development of the Jewish community in Kolín in the 18th century. The population, crafts, administration in comparison

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    The comparison of two biggest jewish communities in the Czech country, Kolín and Libeň, show us in virtue of performed research the different making of them. On the one hand its population grew in the same way up. Many of the inhabitants come from other cities, mainly from Nový Bydžov and Praha, also some from Poland or Germany. On the other hand show the differents in crafts, taxes collection and administration. In Kolín were more tradesmen and merchants, in Libeň dominated the manufacturing of clothes. The real jewish ribbon manufacture in Libeň was established at the end of eighties of 18th century. Surprising is result of research the taxes. The Jews from Kolin, although they had less incomes, had to collect twice more contribution tax than the Jews from Libeň. The contribution tax rises about one third during the 18th century. The administration of Jews in Kolín was privileged due to direct management of Czech chamber. But the the economic situation was different, the Jews from Libeň were for Praha more important. The digest from reviewed sources perform the schedule of office holders, tables and graphs in supplement. Also the picture supplement is included

    Psychological aspects of narration in mediacontens

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    The topic of narration in media contents is the main subject of my thesis. Psychological findings related to use of media, and television in particular, are contemplated. Myth which is examined from a psychological perspective represents the key topic of my thesis. The myth is compared to a fairytale as it embodies archetypal patterns of a human mind. In the thesis, first, the theoretical frames of naratology, semiotics, psychology and media studies are described. Second, my findings are used for a practical demonstration of a semiotic analysis of selected media messages: commercial, fairytale and news. Categories of cognition, emotion and motivation are used for considering the psychological aspects. Furthermore, deeper structures of human psyche and subconscious processes are stressed. The main objective of the thesis is to provide deeper understanding of mental operations while being exposed to media contents which utilize components of narration and myth. The topic of this thesis is complex; therefore, I have presented findings from disciplines mentioned above coherently. The thesis is, hence, a sectional essay offering integrated findings from multiple disciplines

    Physiotherapeutic Approaches in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

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    Department of Rehabilitation and Sports MedicineKlinika rehabilitace a tělovýchovného lékařstvíSecond Faculty of Medicine2. lékařská fakult

    Stanovení ochlazovací funkce stromů v areálu Nadace Partnerství v Brně

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    The urban heat island (UHI) is one of the most important problems in urban landscapes. Trees can reduce the negative impact of UHI through shading and evapotranspiration. Goal of this thesis is to determine the cooling effect of four Norway maples (Acer platanoides) in Nadace Partnerství, the area of Otevřená zahrada in Brno. Sap Flow of these trees was measured with trunk heat balance method (THB) and has taken place during the summer of 2017. It was possible, due to seasonal measurements of tree sap flow, to calculate, how much energy was consumed for process of transpiration. The consumed energy was calculated through specific latent heat which is 2450 kJ/l. Trees were able to transpirate up to 3 685 litres of water per month (June). Monthly, 28,3 to 32,8% energy was consumed for the process of transpiration. If the trees were absent, the energy would be used for heating of the urban surface thus increasing the surrounding air temperature

    Comparison of adherence and outcome of antiviral therapy of viral hepatitis C in drug users and non-users

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    3456 ABSTRACT: Background: VHC is a widespread serious chronic infectious disease. Most of the patients affected by the disease consist of IDUs. Treatment of VHC is now perceived as an important preventive element for the spread of the disease in IDUs population. Adherence to treatment is absolutely crucial for the successful completion of treatment. Adherence to treatment is often questioned by clinicians who treat VHC in patients using addictive substances. Objectives: To compare the efficacy of treatment of VHC in patients with a history of drug in patients without a history of drug, to compare treatment adherence among patients without a drug history and patients with drug history, to map out the factors affecting adherence to treatment and to find a place in the therapeutic team for expertise of addictologist. Material and Methods: Data from documentation of 258 patients that were treated in 2006- 2015 for viral hepatitis C at the Department of Infectious Diseases at the University Hospital Brno have been processed with using the statistical and analytical methods and in compliance with ethical rules retrospectively. Adherence to treatment (defined as the completion or early termination of treatment due to non-compliance with the treatment regime by the patient) and the effectiveness of treatment, as..

    Depression in the elderly with focus on people with cognitive deficit

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    Depressive symptoms are very common among people with neurocognitive disorder. The comorbidity of both diseases and the overlap of their symptoms complicates correct diagnosis and thus also the initiation of a correct treatment. The instruments of depression measuring in seniors with a severe cognitive deficit are also a discussed issue. The subject of the theoretical part is to describe the issue of depression and cognitive disorders in the old age with a focus on Alzheimer's disease, which is the most common mental disorder in the elderly together with depression. The goal of the empirical part of the thesis is to research based on the interviews with seniors if the most frequently used method of depression measuring in the elderly, Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), is a suitable measuring instrument also in seniors with a cognitive deficit and further examine how these seniors actually experience the individual mood qualities which are the subjects of items in GDS. Forty seniors with a various degree of cognitive deficit participated in the research. The study results showed that the questionnaire is usable for seniors with a mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia. To detect the border of the cognitive deficit, below which it is not suitable to use the depression measuring method GDS, a..