77 research outputs found

    „L® immeuble“ - „Der Wohnblock“ - eine globale Simulation im CALL-Unterricht

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    LehrerInnen und das Fremde

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    Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit widmet sich den Sichtweisen und Meinungen von VolksschullehrerInnen in Wien mit Blick auf Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund und deren Eltern. Dabei ist die diskursive Konstruktion von Fremdheit zentral. Zwei miteinander verbundene Annahmen liegen dieser Arbeit zugrunde: Fremdheit wird durch das Agieren der Menschen produziert und reproduziert und durch das Fremde kann das Eigene erst zum Eigenen werden. Das Fremde stellt also ein Außen dar, das fĂŒr die Konstitution des Innen entscheidend ist. Diesen ZusammenhĂ€ngen widme ich mich im theoretischen Teil einerseits anhand von Konzepten zu Othering, Rassismus, EthnizitĂ€t oder IdentitĂ€t. Andererseits diskutiere ich die ZugĂ€nge von Pierre Bourdieu, Michel Foucault und Ernesto Laclau. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit stellt eine empirische Untersuchung mittels Gruppendiskussionen dar. LehrerInnen haben in drei Gruppendiskussionen ĂŒber Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund und deren Eltern diskutiert. Ich habe die Diskussionen mittels dokumentarischer Methode im Hinblick auf Fremdheitskonstruktionen und auf die Dynamik der Ein- und Ausgrenzung untersucht: Abgrenzungsmerkmale wie Sprache oder Religion bekommen fĂŒr die LehrerInnen je nach Kontext eine spezifische Bedeutung und die Grenzen zwischen dem Eigenen und Fremden verschieben sich immerzu.This diploma thesis focuses on the views and opinions of Austrian primary school teachers on migrant children and their parents. In doing so, the discursive construction of otherness is essential. Two related assumptions are made: otherness is produced and reproduced through human actions; and with this otherness ones separate identity is secured. Thus otherness represents externals, which are critical to the constitution of the self. I focus on these correlations in the theoretical chapter through concepts of othering, racism, ethnicity and identity. In this part also I discuss the views of Pierre Bourdieu, Michel Foucault and Ernesto Laclau. The second half of the thesis consists of empirical analysis of group discussions. In three group sessions, teachers exchanged their views on migrant children and their parents. I analysed the discussions using the documentary method, focusing on the construction of otherness and the dynamic processes of inclusion and exclusion. Distinguishing traits, such as language and/or religion take on specific meaning in their context. Hence the teachers’ boundary between the self and the other is constantly adjusted

    Development of an in situ conservation strategy for crop wild relatives (CWR)

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    Wildpflanzenarten sind als genetische Ressource der PflanzenzĂŒchtung und als Teil komplexer ökosystemarer Wirkungsketten gleichermaßen von Bedeutung und unver­zichtbar. Der Artenverlust schreitet fast ungebremst fort und betrifft auch wild vorkommende Verwandte unser Kultur- und Nutzpflanzen (WVK-Arten). Völkerrechtlich besteht eine verbindliche Pflicht zur Umset­zung einer Erhaltungsstrategie fĂŒr Wild- und Kulturpflanzenarten, die die VorzĂŒge der In-situ-Erhaltung im natĂŒrlichen Lebensraum mit den Vorteilen der Ex-situ-Erhaltung in Genbanken verbindet. Im Beitrag wird auf die Komponenten einer deutschen In-situ-Erhaltungsstrategie eingegangen. Das Konzept des genetischen Erhaltungs­gebietes (GenEG) wird einleitend vorgestellt und ein Plan zu dessen Umsetzung erörtert. Durch die Auswahl und das langfristige Management genetisch distinkter Vorkommen von WVK-Arten in ihrem natĂŒr­lichen Verbreitungsgebiet kann die genetische Variation einer limitierten Anzahl von Arten aktiv erhalten werden. Hierzu mĂŒssen die geeignetsten WVK-Arten ermittelt, Vorkommen dieser Arten durch Anwendung des floristischen Lösungsansatzes oder des Genpool-Lösungsansatzes identifiziert, FlĂ€chen als GenEG ausgewiesen und durch ein Netzwerk von Kooperationspartnern betreut werden. Auf die Notwendigkeit einer besseren Kommunikation zur Bedeutung und Wert biologischer Vielfalt, insbesondere der genetischen Vielfalt von WVK-Arten, wird hingewiesen. Der rechtliche Handlungsspielraum fĂŒr die Ausweisung von GenEG, der mögliche FlĂ€chenbedarf und finanzielle Aspekte werden erörtert.Wild species are equally important and indispensible as genetic resource for plant breeding and as element of complex ecosystematic processes. The loss of species continues almost unabated and also hits crop wild relatives (CWR). According to international law, the implemen­tation of a conservation strategy for wild and cultivated species combining the best elements of the in situ conservation strategy with those of the ex situ conservation strategy is obligatory. The paper elaborates components of a German in situ conservation strategy. The genetic reserve concept is introduced. An implementation plan is discussed which will allow the informed choice and long-term active maintenance of a limited, genetically distinct occurrences within the distribution area of the species required to maintain a wide range of genetic variation. To this end priority CWR need to be determined. The floristic approach or the genepool approach can be applied to identify occurrence and their sites suited for the establishment of a genetic reserve. The established set of genetic reserves is jointly management by a network of cooperation partners. The need for improved public awareness building on the importance and value of biological diversity, especially of the genetic diversity of CWR, is emphasized. The legal scope for the designation of genetic reserves, the possible space requirement and financial aspects are discussed

    Development of a network for the on-farm conservation of crop genetic resources: First results of a pilot project for the re-introduction of old Lactuca varieties to the market

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    In a pilot project, we examined the chance of maintaining plant genetic resources by commercial utilization of old varieties using Lactuca sativa as a model plant. Nine market gardens in the region of Berlin and Brandenburg cultivated 18 old varieties during four cultivation periods to test field performance. They supplied the products to the market in their customary manner to analyse marketing success. Seven of the market gardens practice organic horticulture. In a complementary field trial at Humboldt-UniversitÀt zu Berlin, we established data concerning the field performance of the varieties, analysed dry matter contents, nitrate and phenol concentrations, and observed shelf life for two days under simulated retail conditions (18°C, 80% rel. air humidity). Generally, yield was acceptable for market purposes. However, cultivation in autumn failed because of the cold climate. Biotic and abiotic factors like slugs or hail caused non-specific damages. Specific problems of particular varieties were less important. Based on the results of 2007, the varieties can be put preliminarily into three categories: suitable for on-farm conservation, suitable for home gardens, and varieties with contrasting results depending on the respective market garden.The nitrate concentrations of all varieties were clearly below the EU acceptable limit of 2500 mg/kg fresh weight of lettuce grown in the field. The phenol concentrations varied from 3.3 to 17.2 mg GAE/g dry weight. Generally, the cultivars had a reasonable shelf life of one to two days, however three varieties showed a better storability whereas four other cultivars deteriorated rapidly. Marketing success was good in Berlin City but poor in the countryside of Brandenburg. The regular customers of the market gardens in Berlin who prefer organic food are a promising target group for further stimulation of interest to buy rare crop varieties. The on-farm conservation of old varieties in market gardens requires relatively large quantities of seeds of good quality. However there might arise problems in seed supply as the VERN e.V. was confronted with bottleneck problems. Therefore, we organised a network of interested market gardens who take on maintenance and propagation of individual varieties. The network will be developed in co-operation with the VERN e.V. who will also process the seed as well as organise the exchange of the various varieties within the network. Further, the network will deal with problems concerning maintenance breeding and seed quality

    Biomonitoring der weitrÀumigen Verdriftung von Pestiziden mittels Baumrinde, Vegetation und Passivsammler

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    Anlass fĂŒr ein Biomonitoring zur weitrĂ€umigen Verfrachtung von Pestiziden ĂŒber die Luft war die wiederholte und erhebliche Kontamination von Bio-Körnerfenchel mit zugelassenen, hĂ€ufig applizierten Pflanzenschutzmitteln, die kilometerweit von den FenchelflĂ€chen angewendet wurden. Zudem wurde fĂŒr Glyphosat eine breite Belastung der Bevölkerung gemessen: 99,6% von ĂŒber 2000 Probanden der bundesweiten Studie „Urinale 2015“. Das LuftgĂŒte-Rindenmonitoring mit Analysen von ĂŒber 500 Pestiziden wurde von 2014 bis 2017 an 24 Standorten in Brandenburg und Bayern durchgefĂŒhrt. Weitere Vegetationsproben wie Körnerfenchel und GrĂŒnkohl wurden an 11 Standorten und technische Passivsammler (PUF-SIP) an 2 Standorten zur Kalibrierung analysiert. Insgesamt wurden 55 Pestiziden gefunden, im Durchschnitt 27 (4 - 36) pro Standort. Insbesondere zeigten 15 Pestizide eine ĂŒber einzelne Standorte hinausgehende, weitrĂ€umige Verbreitung auf. Diese Drift verursacht eine ubiquitĂ€re Kontamination bishin zu weit entfernt liegenden Naturschutzgebieten. So wurde Pendimethalin an 22 von 24 Standorten (93%), Prosulfocarb bei 75% und sogar Glyphosat bei 33% aller Standorte gemessen. FĂŒr derartige hochproblematischen Pestizide sind angemessene Änderungen im Zulassungsverfahren erforderlich, um  Umweltbelastungen wirksam zu reduzieren und die Koexistenz alternativer Anbaumethoden, wie zum Beispiel des ökologischen Landbaus, zu gewĂ€hrleisten

    Integrating Generative Artificial Intelligence in Intelligent Vehicle Systems

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    This paper aims to serve as a comprehensive guide for researchers and practitioners, offering insights into the current state, potential applications, and future research directions for generative artificial intelligence and foundation models within the context of intelligent vehicles. As the automotive industry progressively integrates AI, generative artificial intelligence technologies hold the potential to revolutionize user interactions, delivering more immersive, intuitive, and personalised in-car experiences. We provide an overview of current applications of generative artificial intelligence in the automotive domain, emphasizing speech, audio, vision, and multimodal interactions. We subsequently outline critical future research areas, including domain adaptability, alignment, multimodal integration and others, as well as, address the challenges and risks associated with ethics. By fostering collaboration and addressing these research areas, generative artificial intelligence can unlock its full potential, transforming the driving experience and shaping the future of intelligent vehicles.Comment: under revie

    Macropore flow at the field scale: predictive performance of empirical models and X-ray CT analyzed macropore characteristics

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    Predictions of macropore flow is important for maintaining both soil and water quality as it governs key related soil processes e.g. soil erosion and subsurface transport of pollutants. However, macropore flow currently cannot be reliably predicted at the field scale because of inherently large spatial variability. The aim of this study was to perform field scale characterization of macropore flow and investigate the predictive performance of (1) current empirical models for both water and air flow, and (2) X-ray CT derived macropore network characteristics. For this purpose, 65 cylindrical soil columns (6 cm diameter and 3.5 cm height) were extracted from the topsoil (5 to 8.5 cm depth) in a 15 m × 15 m grid from an agricultural loamy field located in Silstrup, Denmark. All soil columns were scanned with an industrial CT scanner (129 ÎŒm resolution) and later used for measurements of saturated water permeability, air permeability and gas diffusivity at -30 and -100 cm matric potentials. Distribution maps for both water and air permeabilities and gas diffusivity reflected no spatial correlation irrespective of the soil texture and organic matter maps. Empirical predictive models for both water and air permeabilities showed poor performance as they were not able to realistically capture macropore flow because of poor correlations with soil texture and bulk density. The tested empirical model predicted well gas diffusivity at -100 cm matric potential, but relatively failed at -30 cm matric potential particularly for samples with biopore flow. Image segmentation output of the four employed methods was nearly the same, and matched well with measured air-filled porosity at -30 cm matric potential. Many of the CT derived macropore network characteristics were strongly interrelated. Most of the macropore network characteristics were also strongly correlated with saturated water permeability, air permeability, and gas diffusivity. The correlations between macropore network characteristics and macropore flow parameters were further improved on dividing soil samples into samples with biopore and matrix flow. Observed strong correlations between macropore network characteristics and macropore flow highlighted the need of further research on numerical simulations of macropore flow based on X-ray CT images. This could pave the way for the digital soil physics laboratory in the future

    „L® immeuble“ - „Der Wohnblock“ - eine globale Simulation im CALL-Unterricht

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