363 research outputs found

    Unsupervised extraction, labelling and clustering of segments from clinical notes

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    This work is motivated by the scarcity of tools for accurate, unsupervised information extraction from unstructured clinical notes in computationally underrepresented languages, such as Czech. We introduce a stepping stone to a broad array of downstream tasks such as summarisation or integration of individual patient records, extraction of structured information for national cancer registry reporting or building of semi-structured semantic patient representations for computing patient embeddings. More specifically, we present a method for unsupervised extraction of semantically-labelled textual segments from clinical notes and test it out on a dataset of Czech breast cancer patients, provided by Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute (the largest Czech hospital specialising in oncology). Our goal was to extract, classify (i.e. label) and cluster segments of the free-text notes that correspond to specific clinical features (e.g., family background, comorbidities or toxicities). The presented results demonstrate the practical relevance of the proposed approach for building more sophisticated extraction and analytical pipelines deployed on Czech clinical notes.Comment: To be published at the IEEE BIBM 2022 conferenc

    Evoluční a ochranářské důsledky mezidruhové hybridizace u vzácných druhů rostlin

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    3 Summary Hybridization plays an important role in the evolution of vascular plants. It can have both positive and negative consequences, ranging from the origin of new species on the one hand to the extinction of taxa through introgression on the other. These effects may be pronounced in geographically restricted or rare species. The core of this thesis are three case studies addressing interspecific hybridization involving rare angiosperm species. Finally, the thesis is completed with a study considering hybridization as a source of variation and new species. The coexistence of frequent primary hybrids with their parental taxa was revealed in the system comprising the rare species Cerastium alsinifolium and its widespread counterpart C. arvense. The spatial distribution of the endemic species and its habitat preferences were elucidated. In contrast, comparatively rare hybridization events were found in the Nymphaea alba - N. candida complex. Although it has been assumed that water lilies hybridize freely, our karyological data do not support this hypothesis. Hybrids therefore do not present a serious risk to either of these rare species. The third study describes interspecific hybridization in the spore-bearing genus Diphasiastrum. Traditionally, three basic and three hybridogenous species are recognized...4 Souhrn Hybridizace hraje významnou roli v evoluci cévnatých rostlin. Obecně ale může mít jak pozitivní tak negativní důsledky, sahající od vzniku nových taxonů až po možné vyhynutí druhu skrze introgresi. Tyto důsledky mohou být znásobeny obzvláště u taxonů s omezeným geografickým rozšířením nebo u vzácných taxonů. Základem předkládané dizertační práce jsou tři studie zabývající se mezidruhovou hybridizací s účastí vzácného taxonu. Práce je doplněna studií, ve které vystupuje hybridizace jako zdroj variability a nového taxonu. Koexistence početných primárních hybridů s rodičovskými taxony byla odhalena u endemického rožce Slavkovského lesa (Cerastium alsinifolium) a jeho široce rozšířeným protějškem (C. arvense). Naproti tomu, hybridizace nativních leknínů (Nymphaea alba, N. candida) je velmi vzácná. Předpokládalo se, že oba taxony mohou volně hybridizovat, avšak naše karyologická data tento předpoklad nepotvrdila. Hybridizace v obou případech není vážným ohrožením vzácných taxonů. Třetí studie osvětluje důsledky mezidruhové hybridizace v rámci rodu Diphasiastrum. Obecně jsou ve střední Evropě rozlišovány tři základní a tři hybridogenní taxony. Vymezení jednotlivých taxonů je však nejednoznačné a díky introgresivní hybridizaci existují přechody (jak v morfologii, tak ve velikosti genomu) mezi taxony. Tato...Department of BotanyKatedra botanikyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Parallel SVD computation

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    Behavior of predried mature concrete beams subject to partial wetting and drying cycles

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    The presented research focuses on the behavior of predried concrete beams with 2.5 m span subjected to cycles of nonsymmetric wetting and drying. Wetting is induced by partially immersing the specimens in a water basin. The submerged portion of the specimens was relatively low (1/5 to 1/10 of their height) leading to a highly nonuniform and nonsymmetric distribution of eigenstrains due to concrete swelling. Unlike conventional experiments on the volume changes of concrete, the measured quantity is not the axial deformation but the vertical displacement instead. This paper presents the experimental data obtained within two wetting and drying cycles, running over 1 year

    Evoluční a ochranářské důsledky mezidruhové hybridizace u vzácných druhů rostlin

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    epo h ě evolu i év atý h rostli . O e ě ale ůže ít jak pozitiv í tak egativ í důsledk , sahají í od vz iku ový h ta o ů až po ož é v h utí . T to důsledk ohou ýt o zvláště i te ziv ější o ů s geografi ký rozšíře í e o u vzá ý h ta o ů. )áklade předkláda é dizertač í prá e jsou tři účastí vzá ého ta o u. Prá e je dopl ě a studií, ve Koe iste e počet ý h pri ár í h h ridů s rodičovský i ta o la odhale a u e de i kého rož e Slavkovského lesa a jeho širo e rozšíře ý protějške ů je vel i vzá á. Předpokládalo se, že o a ta o hoj ě , avšak aše kar ologi ká data te to předpoklad epotvrdila. H ridiza e v případe h e í váž ý ohrože í vzá ý h ta o ů. Třetí studie osvětluje důsledk . O e ě jsou ve střed í Evropě rozlišová tři základ í a tři h ridoge í ta o . V eze í jed otlivý h ta o ů je však ejed oz ač é a dík i trogresiv í h ridiza i e istují pře hod jak v velké části u ož ě a lidský i aktivita i .j. distur a e , které u ož il původ ě prostorově izolova ý i ta o a ásled ou h ridiza i. Původ ové aga osper i ké posled í studii. O do é li ie vz ikají ve střed í Evropě opakova ě dík ezidruhové h ridiza i. Nejčastěji vz ikají aga osper ičtí triploidi h ridiza í diploi ího a tetraploid ího ta o u apř. . Dlouhodo á e iste e tě hto li ií je u ož ě a pře hode k aga osper i ké u způso u reproduk e.Hybridization plays an important role in the evolution of vascular plants. It can have both positive and negative consequences, ranging from the origin of new species on the one hand to the extinction of taxa through introgression on the other. These effects may be pronounced in geographically restricted or rare species. The core of this thesis are three case studies addressing interspecific hybridization involving rare angiosperm species. Finally, the thesis is completed with a study considering hybridization as a source of variation and new species. The coexistence of frequent primary hybrids with their parental taxa was revealed in the system comprising the rare species Cerastium alsinifolium and its widespread counterpart C. arvense. The spatial distribution of the endemic species and its habitat preferences were elucidated. In contrast, comparatively rare hybridization events were found in the Nymphaea alba - N. candida complex. Although it has been assumed that water lilies hybridize freely, our karyological data do not support this hypothesis. Hybrids, therefore, do not present a serious risk to either of these rare species. The third study describes interspecific hybridization in the spore-bearing genus Diphasiastrum. Traditionally, three basic and three hybridogenous species are recognized...Katedra botanikyDepartment of BotanyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Micromechanical Analysis of Cement Paste with Carbon Nanotubes

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are an attractive reinforcement material for several composites, due to their inherently high strength and high modulus of elasticity. There are controversial results for cement paste with admixed CNT up to 500 µm in length. Some results show an increase in flexural or compressive strength, while others showing a decrease in the values. Our experiments produced results that showed a small increase in fracture energy and tensile strength. Micromechanical simulations on a CNT-reinforced cement paste 50×50 µm proved that CNT clustering is the crucial factor for an increasein fracture energy and for an improvement in tensile strength

    Driving locus of control : The Czech adaptation

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    Objectives. This study attempts to introduce the Driving Locus of Control (DLoC), a method focused on the internal or external source of attribution of the driving behaviour, to the Czech context. This study also relates DLoC to attitudes towards autonomous vehicles (AVs). Participants and setting. Out of the general population, 59 inquirers personally interviewed (CAPI) 1 065 respondents (49% women) in the age range between 15 and 92 years (M = 50, SD = 17). The respondents were sampled via multistage random sampling procedure, based on the list of addresses in the Czech Republic. Hypotheses. The authors hypothesised to replicate the original two-factor structure of the DLoC Scale and that the higher levels of internal DLoC result in not considering the improvement in traffic safety as the AVs replace human drivers. Statistical analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to analyse the factor structure of DLoC Scale. Hypotheses related to the empirical validity of the method were assessed via structural equation modelling. The reliability of DLoC Scale was calculated in terms of internal consistency (McDonald coefficient). Results. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed reasonably good support for structural validity of the one-dimensional DLoC-CZ15 factor model (χ2 = 426.967, df = 90, CFI = 0.964, TLI = 0.958, SRMR = 0.066, RMSEA = 0.065). In addition, the one-dimensional DLoC-CZ15 factor model showed acceptable internal consistency - ω = 0.9 (95% CI [0.89, 0.91]). The structural equation modelling found a relationship between DLoC and some of the items capturing attitudes towards AVs, too. Study limitations. The analysed data were obtained via interviews between respondents and inquirers. As a result, the study does not contain indicators of empirical validity measured by a methodologically different approach, such as an observation of driving behaviour