6 research outputs found

    Munkavállalói attitűdök és az ipar 4.0

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    One of the most controversial topic’s of the labour market is the workplace effects of automation, and it’s impacts. Industry 4.0 and automation could bring enormous change in the near-future, both in the economy, and in the labour market. The effects of these changes – positive, and negative ones too – are depending on different factors: the pace of automation, effective laws, the preparedness and attitude of countries, companies, and employees will all play a role in the impacts of Industry 4.0. In this research, we are trying to find out how the Hungarian employees think about the topic’s biggest questions, and how do they relate to automation, concerning their own job, and the labour market as a whole. In this research we found that the interviewed employees have a more positive view on the possible future impacts of automation, than what international researches suggest, and that they mostly think of automation as an opportunity, and not as a threat

    Munkavállalói attitűdök és az ipar 4.0

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    One of the most controversial topic’s of the labour market is the workplace effects of automation, and it’s impacts. Industry 4.0 and automation could bring enormous change in the near-future, both in the economy, and in the labour market. The effects of these changes – positive, and negative ones too – are depending on different factors: the pace of automation, effective laws, the preparedness and attitude of countries, companies, and employees will all play a role in the impacts of Industry 4.0. In this research, we are trying to find out how the Hungarian employees think about the topic’s biggest questions, and how do they relate to automation, concerning their own job, and the labour market as a whole. In this research we found that the interviewed employees have a more positive view on the possible future impacts of automation, than what international researches suggest, and that they mostly think of automation as an opportunity, and not as a threat

    A munkaerő-megtartás és a well-being kapcsolatának elemzése nemzetközi kutatásokban - szisztematikus irodalmi áttekintés

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    A COVID-19 világjárvány gyökeresen átformálta a hagyományos emberierőforrás-menedzsment gyakorlatait. A változások hatására a vállalati stratégiákban felértékelődött az alkalmazottak fizikai és mentális jóllétének szerepe. A munkavállalói jóllét témakörének vizsgálata akadémiai szinten hosszú múltra tekint vissza, azonban a munkaerő-megtartás összefüggésében eddig kevés tanulmány látott napvilágot. A témakör gyakorlati jelentősége megkérdőjelezhetetlen. A szerzők tanulmányukban szisztematikus irodalmi feldolgozás útján vizsgálták a témakör nemzetközi irodalmát. Kutatásuk során arra kerestek választ, melyek azok a munkavállalói jólléti tényezők, amelyekre vállalati szintű munkaerő-megtartási stratégia építhető. Az eredmények felhívják a figyelmet a témakör további vizsgálatának szükségességére, amit alátámaszt a kutatási kérdéssel szorosan összeegyeztethető találatok alacsony száma, valamint a témakör komplex megközelítésének hiánya

    A munkaerő-megtartás és a well-being kapcsolatának elemzése nemzetközi kutatásokban - Szisztematikus irodalmi áttekintés

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    A COVID-19 világjárvány gyökeresen átformálta a hagyományos emberierőforrás-menedzsment gyakorlatait. A változások hatására a vállalati stratégiákban felértékelődött az alkalmazottak fizikai és mentális jóllétének szerepe. A munkavállalói jóllét témakörének vizsgálata akadémiai szinten hosszú múltra tekint vissza, azonban a munkaerő-megtartás összefüggésében eddig kevés tanulmány látott napvilágot. A témakör gyakorlati jelentősége megkérdőjelezhetetlen. A szerzők tanulmányukban szisztematikus irodalmi feldolgozás útján vizsgálták a témakör nemzetközi irodalmát. Kutatásuk során arra kerestek választ, melyek azok a munkavállalói jólléti tényezők, amelyekre vállalati szintű munkaerő-megtartási stratégia építhető. Az eredmények felhívják a figyelmet a témakör további vizsgálatának szükségességére, amit alátámaszt a kutatási kérdéssel szorosan összeegyeztethető találatok alacsony száma, valamint a témakör komplex megközelítésének hiánya

    Impact of Industry 4.0 and Digitization on Labor Market for 2030-Verification of Keynes’ Prediction

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    The research objective of this study is to examine the changes in technological unemployment and to evaluate Keynes’ theory based on a literature analysis concerning the fourth industrial revolution. The methodology used in this study is a literature analysis of 86 papers published between 2011 and 2020 on topics related to Industry 4.0, the labor market, and technological unemployment. The change caused by the labor market raises employment sustainability issues. Among the goals adopted at the 2012 UN Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development, this study is directly related to goals 8 and 9, and indirectly to goal 10. Research evidence suggests that the impact of Industry 4.0 processes will reduce the amount of labor needed, bringing us closer to Keynes’ vision of three hours a day. The analysis suggests that reduced working hours will increase economic efficiency through more intensive work. The literature is used to determine whether the trend of reduced working hours can be interpreted as a positive or negative phenomenon. The extent of technological unemployment is determined by the digitalization strategy of each country and the speed of its introduction, as well as the readiness of the education system in a given country to retrain vulnerable groups in the labor market. However, the overall picture is positive: on the one hand, digital transformation opens up a wide range of opportunities for a more human life, and on the other hand, from an economic point of view, digitalization will become an inescapable element of competition by reducing marginal costs. The study’s novelty is that the effects of Industry 4.0 and technological unemployment on the labor market are analyzed in the context of Keynes’ theory

    Basic Income: Opportunity or Problem?

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    There has been an increase in debate over universal basic income in recent years, mostly related to the different welfare measures introduced in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic around the world, and because of the increasing relevance of labor market automation. In this study, our objective is to evaluate the attitudes of Hungarian citizens towards basic income, with a focus on its feasibility, as well as positive and negative effects. In order to accomplish this, we analyzed relevant international literature to draw up a questionnaire from studies, while also looking at background variables that potentially influence an individual’s attitude towards basic income. Results show that Hungarian citizens rather disagree about the feasibility of a basic income scheme in Hungary but they are a lot more agreeable with the EU-s capability to provide one (18.4% compared to 52%, respectively. Regarding its possible positive impacts, the most frequently mentioned items include reducing anxiety about financing basic needs, helping people return to education, and offsetting the effects of automation, while concerns about the idea of not being researched and tested enough, its effects on inflation, and its possible work-discouraging nature were listed as the most relevant negative effects