27 research outputs found

    Sintering and Reactive Sintering by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS)

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    A wide variety of technological applications, especially in electronics, requires high‐density nanostructured solids, consolidated by sintering from nanoparticles. A new sintering technique known as spark plasma sintering (SPS) appears as the only method to reach high densities while preserving the final grain size within the nanometric range, with the added advantage of carrying out the process at significantly lower temperatures and shorter times as compared with the classical processes. Recent studies have revealed that in many cases, SPS can also accomplish the solid‐state reaction to achieve the desired compound, leading to reactive SPS (RSPS). In this chapter, a review of RSPS is presented, focusing particularly on magnetic oxide materials as functional solids

    Propuesta de innovación docente para Filología: programa de inclusión del alumnado en la investigación universitaria y la adquisición de experiencias científicas y formativas

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    El proyecto busca satisfacer la creciente voluntad de participación del alumnado en los procesos y ámbitos académicos profesionales, dinamizando su interacción con el cuerpo docente, así como la apertura de horizontes laborales a nivel universitario.Depto. de Estudios Ingleses: Lingüística y LiteraturaFac. de FilologíaFALSEsubmitte

    La plasticidad del hepatocito y su relevancia en la fisiología y la patología hepática

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    Determination by Relaxation Tests of the Mechanical Properties of Soft Polyacrylamide Gels Made for Mechanobiology Studies

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    Following the general aim of recapitulating the native mechanical properties of tissues and organs in vitro, the field of materials science and engineering has benefited from recent progress in developing compliant substrates with physical and chemical properties similar to those of biological materials. In particular, in the field of mechanobiology, soft hydrogels can now reproduce the precise range of stiffnesses of healthy and pathological tissues to study the mechanisms behind cell responses to mechanics. However, it was shown that biological tissues are not only elastic but also relax at different timescales. Cells can, indeed, perceive this dissipation and actually need it because it is a critical signal integrated with other signals to define adhesion, spreading and even more complicated functions. The mechanical characterization of hydrogels used in mechanobiology is, however, commonly limited to the elastic stiffness (Young’s modulus) and this value is known to depend greatly on the measurement conditions that are rarely reported in great detail. Here, we report that a simple relaxation test performed under well-defined conditions can provide all the necessary information for characterizing soft materials mechanically, by fitting the dissipation behavior with a generalized Maxwell model (GMM). The simple method was validated using soft polyacrylamide hydrogels and proved to be very useful to readily unveil precise mechanical properties of gels that cells can sense and offer a set of characteristic values that can be compared with what is typically reported from microindentation tests

    Determination by Relaxation Tests of the Mechanical Properties of Soft Polyacrylamide Gels Made for Mechanobiology Studies

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    International audienceFollowing the general aim of recapitulating the native mechanical properties of tissues and organs in vitro, the field of materials science and engineering has benefited from recent progress in developing compliant substrates with physical and chemical properties similar to those of biological materials. In particular, in the field of mechanobiology, soft hydrogels can now reproduce the precise range of stiffnesses of healthy and pathological tissues to study the mechanisms behind cell responses to mechanics. However, it was shown that biological tissues are not only elastic but also relax at different timescales. Cells can, indeed, perceive this dissipation and actually need it because it is a critical signal integrated with other signals to define adhesion, spreading and even more complicated functions. The mechanical characterization of hydrogels used in mechanobiology is, however, commonly limited to the elastic stiffness (Young’s modulus) and this value is known to depend greatly on the measurement conditions that are rarely reported in great detail. Here, we report that a simple relaxation test performed under well-defined conditions can provide all the necessary information for characterizing soft materials mechanically, by fitting the dissipation behavior with a generalized Maxwell model (GMM). The simple method was validated using soft polyacrylamide hydrogels and proved to be very useful to readily unveil precise mechanical properties of gels that cells can sense and offer a set of characteristic values that can be compared with what is typically reported from microindentation tests

    Fabrication of low-cost micropatterned polydimethyl-siloxane scaffolds to organise cells in a variety of two-dimensioanl biomimetic arrangements for lab-on-chip culture platforms

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    We present the rapid-prototyping of type I collagen micropatterns on poly-dimethylsiloxane substrates for the biomimetic confinement of cells using the combination of a surface oxidation treatment and 3-aminopropyl triethoxysilane silanisation followed by glutaraldehyde crosslinking. The aim of surface treatment is to stabilise microcontact printing transfer of this natural extracellular matrix protein that usually wears out easily from poly-dimethylsiloxane, which is not suitable for biomimetic cell culture platforms and lab-on-chip applications. A low-cost CD-DVD laser was used to etch biomimetic micropatterns into acrylic sheets that were in turn replicated to poly-dimethylsiloxane slabs with the desired features. These stamps were finally inked with type I collagen for microcontact printing transfer on the culture substrates in a simple manner. Human hepatoma cells (HepG2) and rat primary hepatocytes, which do not adhere to bare poly-dimethylsiloxane, were successfully seeded and showed optimal adhesion and survival on simple protein micropatterns with a hepatic cord geometry in order to validate our technique. HepG2 cells also proliferated on the stamps. Soft and stiff poly-dimethylsiloxane layers were also tested to demonstrate that our cost-effective process is compatible with biomimetic organ-on-chip technology integrating tunable stiffness with a potential application to drug testing probes development where such cells are commonly used

    Micro–Macro: Selective Integration of Microfeatures Inside Low-Cost Macromolds for PDMS Microfluidics Fabrication

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    Microfluidics has become a very promising technology in recent years, due to its great potential to revolutionize life-science solutions. Generic microfabrication processes have been progressively made available to academic laboratories thanks to cost-effective soft-lithography techniques and enabled important progress in applications like lab-on-chip platforms using rapid- prototyping. However, micron-sized features are required in most designs, especially in biomimetic cell culture platforms, imposing elevated costs of production associated with lithography and limiting the use of such devices. In most cases, however, only a small portion of the structures require high-resolution and cost may be decreased. In this work, we present a replica-molding method separating the fabrication steps of low (macro) and high (micro) resolutions and then merging the two scales in a single chip. The method consists of fabricating the largest possible area in inexpensive macromolds using simple techniques such as plastics micromilling, laser microfabrication, or even by shrinking printed polystyrene sheets. The microfeatures were made on a separated mold or onto existing macromolds using photolithography or 2-photon lithography. By limiting the expensive area to the essential, the time and cost of fabrication can be reduced. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microfluidic chips were successfully fabricated from the constructed molds and tested to validate our micro–macro method