571 research outputs found

    Two new liverworts for Europe in Macaronesia : Odontoschisma prostratum (Sw.) Trevis. on the Azores and Jungermannia callithrix Lindenb. & Gottsche on the Azores and Madeira

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    Odontoschisma prostratum (Sw.) Trevis. and Jungermannia callithrix Lindenb. et Gottsche, two liverworts mainly distributed in the Neotropics, are reported at hand of many collections from Macaronesia. O. prostratum occurs on 8 of the 9 Azorean islands, growing on all type of substrates, even epiphyllous, but rarely in bogs. J. callithrix is known from 8 Azorean islands and from Madeira, growing epigeic. The phytogeographical interest of the occurrence on the Azores of some 39 liverworts (among 147) belonging to the neotropical and/or paleotropical elements is discussed. Most of the neotropical species may have been easily transported to the Azores by the frequent depressions (or occasionally storms) moving rapidly at relatively low altitude (3,000 m) from the North or Central American eastern coasts or from the Caribbean islands and Bermuda to Western Europe in a few days. Only a few of these species could have been be introduced by human activities, mainly along the coast

    Fibonacci numbers with applications

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá vybranými aplikacemi Fibonacci čísel a zlatého řezu. Práce je rozdělena na dvě hlavní části. První část zkoumá výskyt zlatého řezu v chemii. Konkrétně jde o poměr poloměrů atomů ve sloučeninách halogenidů alkalických kovů, asymetrické rysy chemických procesů, stabilitu transuranových prvků, energetickou hladinu elektronů plynů a spinové stavy subatomárních částic. V druhé části se zabývá simulací elektrické sítě napájené ze dvou stran a výpočtem jejích parametrů. Na okraj, jako ukázka rozmanitosti výskytu Fibonacci čísel, je uveden odstavec o zlatém řezu ve vztahu rostlin a hmyzu.This bachelor thesis deals with golden ratio, its appearance and possible use in technical practice. It is divided into two main parts. First part deals with golden ratio appearance in chemistry. Specificly inquire into distance between centers of atoms in a halide salts compounds, asymmetric features of chemical processes, stability of transuranic elements, energy levels of gas electrons and spin number of subatomic elements. Another part takes an interest in simulation of electrical power lines supplied by two sides and calculatinon of its parameters. Last section is included in order to present variety of Fibonacci numbers appearence. It shows us relations between insects and flower, where insect live.

    Semi-attached house, Havlickuv Brod

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    Bakalářská práce řeší projekt rodinného řadového domu v rovinatém terénu. Řadový dům je umístěn na pozemku parcelního čísla 1646/302 ve městě Havlíčkův Brod, městské části Horní Žižkov. Zastavěná plocha domu je 104,73m2. Stavba má dvě nadzemní podlaží, je nepodsklepená. Dům je určen pro čtyři až pět osob, pokoje jsou orientovány převážně jižním směrem, součástí domu je i garáž. Obvodové a vnitřní nosné stěny jsou navrženy ze systému ztraceného bednění od firmy Velox, vnitřní příčky jsou provedeny ze sádrokartonu. Stropy jsou vytvořeny ze stropních nosníků a bednících vložek Velox. Řadový dům má sedlovou střechu, sklon střechy je 15°. Vchodové dveře a okna jsou plastové od firmy Vekra. Součástí je také seminární práce na téma tepelná čerpadla v rodinných domech.Bachelor thesis project solves a family semi-attached house in flat terrain. Terraced house is located on the ground number 1646/302 in the city Havlíčkův Brod, district Horní Žižkov. Built-up area of the house is 104,73m2. The building has two above-ground floors, no basement. The house is designed for four to five people, the rooms are oriented mainly towards the south, part of the house is a garage. Outer and interior bearing walls are designed from the shuttering of the company Velox, interior partitions are made of plasterboard. Ceilings are created from ceiling beams and formwork liners Velox. Terraced house has a saddle roof, roof slope is 15°. Exterior doors and windows are plastic from the company Vekra. Also includes is a seminar paper on the topic of heat pumps in family houses.

    Detached house with project office

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    Předmětem bakalářské práce je samostatně stojící novostavba rodinného domu s projekční kanceláří. Jednotlivé funkční části mají samostatný vchod a nejsou dispozičně propojeny. Rodinný dům má dvě nadzemní podlaží a je navržen jako komfortní bydlení pro čtyřčlennou rodinu. Jednopodlažní provozovna, která stavebně navazuje na obytnou část stavby je určena pro majitele objektu a 6 zaměstnanců. Budova je založena na základových pasech z prostého betonu a vyzděna ze stavebního systému HELUZ. Obvodové stěny jsou zaizolovány kontaktním zateplovacím systémem ETICS z minerální vlny. Střecha je řešena jako plochá, s hydroizolační vrstvou tvořenou asfaltovými pásy.The subject of this bachelor’s thesis is a newly bulit family house with a design office. The building consists of two main parts. Both parts have its own entrance and are not interconnected. The first part of the building, a two storey family house, is designed for a family of four. The design office is a single-storey building intended for 6 employees and an owner of the building. The structure is based on strip foundations made of plain concrete. The walls and ceilings are made of the Heluz system. The perimeter walls are insulated with ETICS mineral wool insulation composite system. The building has a flat roof with an asphalt waterproofing system.

    Functionalized nanostructures

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    Tato práce se zabývá funkcionalizovanými nanostrukturami. V první části jsou zmíněny materiály vhodné pro funkcionalizaci, využití funkcionalizovaných nanostruktur v oblasti medicíny a biochemie a metody detekce změn optických vlastností. Ve druhé části jsou zkoumány změny optických vlastností nanostruktur po funkcionalizaci pomocí spektroskopické elipsometrie a FTIR spektroskopie.This thesis deals with functionalized nanoparticles. In the first part there are mentioned materials suitable for a functionalization, the usage of functionalized nanoparticles in medicine and biochemistry and detection methods of changes of optical properties. In the second part changes of optical properties after functionalization are investigated by spectroscopic ellipsometry and FTIR spectroscopy.

    Kinetic Objects

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    Justifiability of taxation in universal provision of healthcare

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    This paper firstly addresses the question if taxation is justifiable. It draws from a critique of Nozick's entitlement theory and Cohen's contrasting view that private property is theft. By a consequent advocacy of the priority of society over an individual it claims that taxation is justifiable for the provision of public goods that are to the benefit of all. The second part of this paper applies the defence of taxation to the provision of healthcare to argue that a rights approach doesn't provide a sound philosophical basis of the universal provision of healthcare. By using the method of reflective equilibrium, it is evocative of egalitarian intuitions regarding disadvantage and shows that they present substantial economic difficulties. It further argues that an adaptation of the difference principle can serve as a useful departing point for defending a universal provision of healthcare because it benefits all members of a polity. The paper concludes by outlining some contradictions in defining the extent of healthcare provision and employing economic policies as well as by arguing that for a healthcare system to preserve the advantages of capitalism, -while providing healthcare to all- a salient compromise between free markets and state intervention needs to be maintained

    Fiction and Social Knowledge : Towards a Strong Program in the Sociology of Literature

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    Following the strong program in cultural sociology, I propose a strong program in the sociology of liter-ature, which treats literary pieces rightly as relatively autonomous cultural entities and “independent var-iables”. To outline the epistemological foundations of the new research program, I compare how social knowledge comes into existence through the sociological text and the text of literary fiction. I discuss the representation of social reality in interpretive research, with Isaac Reed’s book Interpretation and Social Knowledge as a starting point. To claim literary autonomy, I outline some of the aspects which social the-ory shares with literary fiction. I am mainly interested in how social theory and literary fiction mediate social knowledge to their readers via the aesthetic experience. I identify two main categories of social knowledge mediated by literature: existential understanding and Zeitgeist. Discussing the sociological treatment of several novels, I look at how these two categories intertwine and support each other to create colorful, sensitive, but also robust and deep social knowledge, which condenses aesthetic, existential, and non-discursive aspects of social experience together with the “big picture” of whole societies. I argue that only by overcoming the often-assumed inferiority of literature in sociological research can sociology real-ize its full potential in understanding the meanings of social life


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    In this paper, we introduce a variant of the Dubins traveling salesman problem (DTSP) that is called the Dubins traveling salesman problem with constrained collecting maneuvers (DTSP-CM). In contrast to the ordinary formulation of the DTSP, in the proposed DTSP-CM, the vehicle is requested to visit each target by specified collecting maneuver to accomplish the mission. The proposed problem formulation is motivated by scenarios with unmanned aerial vehicles where particular maneuvers are necessary for accomplishing the mission, such as object dropping or data collection with sensor sensitive to changes in vehicle heading. We consider existing methods for the DTSP and propose its modifications to use these methods to address a variant of the introduced DTSP-CM, where the collecting maneuvers are constrained to straight line segments

    The Limits of the Power of Judges

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    The paper is devoted to an attempt of judges, especially of the constitutional courts, to seize the right to disturb the constitutional laws and to create their own standards through the theory of transcendental source of law, often with a kind of transcendental support. The paper presents the position that God is the only transcendental legislator and everything else is the work of human hands, therefore, changeable by people.Článek se kriticky zabývá růstem nevolené moci - moci soudců, zvláště soudců ústavních. Kritizuje teorii materiálního jádra ústavy