690 research outputs found

    Fundamental constants and tests of general relativity - Theoretical and cosmological considerations

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    The tests of the constancy of the fundamental constants are tests of the local position invariance and thus of the equivalence principle. We summarize the various constraints that have been obtained and then describe the connection between varying constants and extensions of general relativity. To finish, we discuss the link with cosmology, and more particularly with the acceleration of the Universe. We take the opportunity to summarize various possibilities to test general relativity (but also the Copernican principle) on cosmological scales.Comment: Proceedings of the workshop ``The nature of gravity, confronting theory and experiment in space'', ISSI, Bern, october 200

    Stability of six-dimensional hyperstring braneworlds

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    We study a six-dimensional braneworld model with infinite warped extra dimensions in the case where the four-dimensional brane is described by a topological vortex of a U(1) symmetry-breaking Abelian Higgs model in presence of a negative cosmological constant. A detailed analysis of the microscopic parameters leading to a finite volume space-time in the extra dimensions is numerically performed. As previously shown, we find that a fine-tuning is required to avoid any kind of singularity on the brane. We then discuss the stability of the vortex by investigating the scalar part of the gauge-invariant perturbations around this fine-tuned configuration. It is found that the hyperstring forming Higgs and gauge fields, as well as the background metric warp factors, cannot be perturbed at all, whereas transverse modes can be considered stable. The warped space-time structure that is imposed around the vortex thus appears severely constrained and cannot generically support nonempty universe models. The genericness of our conclusions is discussed; this will shed some light on the possibility of describing our space-time as a general six-dimensional warped braneworld.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figures, uses RevTex, fine-tuning and stability analysis discussed in greater details. Matches published versio

    Gyromagnetic Factors and Atomic Clock Constraints on the Variation of Fundamental Constants

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    We consider the effect of the coupled variations of fundamental constants on the nucleon magnetic moment. The nucleon g-factor enters into the interpretation of the measurements of variations in the fine-structure constant, alpha, in both the laboratory (through atomic clock measurements) and in astrophysical systems (e.g. through measurements of the 21 cm transitions). A null result can be translated into a limit on the variation of a set of fundamental constants, that is usually reduced to alpha. However, in specific models, particularly unification models, changes in alpha are always accompanied by corresponding changes in other fundamental quantities such as the QCD scale, Lambda_QCD. This work tracks the changes in the nucleon g-factors induced from changes in Lambda_QCD and the light quark masses. In principle, these coupled variations can improve the bounds on the variation of alpha by an order of magnitude from existing atomic clock and astrophysical measurements. Unfortunately, the calculation of the dependence of g-factors on fundamental parameters is notoriously model-dependent.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figures. Discussions of the effects of the polarization of the non-valence nucleons, spin-spin interaction and nuclear radius on the nuclear g-factor are added. References added. Matches published versio

    A Generalized Theory of Varying Alpha

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    In this paper, we formulate a generalization of the simple Bekenstein-Sandvik-Barrow-Magueijo (BSBM) theory of varying alpha by allowing the coupling constant, \omega, for the corresponding scalar field \psi\ to depend on \psi. We focus on the situation where \omega\ is exponential in \psi\ and find the late-time behaviours that occur in matter-dominated and dark-energy dominated cosmologies. We also consider the situation when the background expansion scale factor of the universe evolves in proportion to an arbitrary power of the cosmic time. We find the conditions under which the fine structure `constant' increases with time, as in the BSBM theory, and establish a cosmic no-hair behaviour for accelerating universes. We also find the conditions under which the fine structure `constant' can decrease with time and compare the whole family of models with astronomical data from quasar absorption spectra.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures. Minor corrections and clarifications added. Final section on spatial variations removed so that the paper focuses exclusively on time-variatio

    Probing dark energy beyond z=2z=2 with CODEX

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    Precision measurements of nature's fundamental couplings and a first measurement of the cosmological redshift drift are two of the key targets for future high-resolution ultra-stable spectrographs such as CODEX. Being able to do both gives CODEX a unique advantage, allowing it to probe dynamical dark energy models (by measuring the behavior of their equation of state) deep in the matter era and thereby testing classes of models that would otherwise be difficult to distinguish from the standard Λ\LambdaCDM paradigm. We illustrate this point with two simple case studies.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A nuclease that cuts specifically in the ribosome binding site of some T4 mRNAs.

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    Manifestations of a spatial variation of fundamental constants on atomic clocks, Oklo, meteorites, and cosmological phenomena

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    The remarkable detection of a spatial variation in the fine-structure constant, alpha, from quasar absorption systems must be independently confirmed by complementary searches. In this letter, we discuss how terrestrial measurements of time-variation of the fundamental constants in the laboratory, meteorite data, and analysis of the Oklo nuclear reactor can be used to corroborate the spatial variation seen by astronomers. Furthermore, we show that spatial variation of the fundamental constants may be observable as spatial anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background, the accelerated expansion (dark energy), and large-scale structure of the Universe.Comment: 4 page

    Cosmic microwave background anisotropies in multi-connected flat spaces

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    This article investigates the signature of the seventeen multi-connected flat spaces in cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps. For each such space it recalls a fundamental domain and a set of generating matrices, and then goes on to find an orthonormal basis for the set of eigenmodes of the Laplace operator on that space. The basis eigenmodes are expressed as linear combinations of eigenmodes of the simply connected Euclidean space. A preceding work, which provides a general method for implementing multi-connected topologies in standard CMB codes, is then applied to simulate CMB maps and angular power spectra for each space. Unlike in the 3-torus, the results in most multi-connected flat spaces depend on the location of the observer. This effect is discussed in detail. In particular, it is shown that the correlated circles on a CMB map are generically not back-to-back, so that negative search of back-to-back circles in the WMAP data does not exclude a vast majority of flat or nearly flat topologies.Comment: 33 pages, 19 figures, 1 table. Submitted to PR

    Theory Challenges of the Accelerating Universe

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    The accelerating expansion of the universe presents an exciting, fundamental challenge to the standard models of particle physics and cosmology. I highlight some of the outstanding challenges in both developing theoretical models and interpreting without bias the observational results from precision cosmology experiments in the next decade that will return data to help reveal the nature of the new physics. Examples given focus on distinguishing a new component of energy from a new law of gravity, and the effect of early dark energy on baryon acoustic oscillations.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; minor changes to match J. Phys. A versio

    Improved tests of Local Position Invariance using 87Rb and 133Cs fountains

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    We report tests of local position invariance based on measurements of the ratio of the ground state hyperfine frequencies of 133Cs and 87Rb in laser-cooled atomic fountain clocks. Measurements extending over 14 years set a stringent limit to a possible variation with time of this ratio: d ln(nu_Rb/nu_Cs)/dt=(-1.39 +/- 0.91)x 10-16 yr-1. This improves by a factor of 7.7 over our previous report (H. Marion et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 150801 (2003)). Our measurements also set the first limit to a fractional variation of the Rb/Cs ratio with gravitational potential at the level of c^2 d ln(nu_Rb/nu_Cs)/dU=(0.11 +/- 1.04)x 10^-6, providing a new stringent differential redshift test. The above limits equivalently apply to the fractional variation of the quantity alpha^{-0.49}x(g_Rb/g_Cs), which involves the fine structure constant alpha and the ratio of the nuclear g-factors of the two alkalis. The link with variations of the light quark mass is also presented together with a global analysis combining with other available highly accurate clock comparisons.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, 34 reference