19 research outputs found

    Hypopituitarism and Legg-Calve-Perthes disease related to difficult delivery

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    Legg-Calve-Perthes (LCP) disease is characterized by idiopathic avascular osteonecrosis of the epiphysis of the femur head. The main factor that plays a role in the etiology of the disease is decreased blood flow to the epiphysis. Many predisposing factors have been suggested in the etiology of LCP disease, and most have varying degrees of effects. Here we present the case of a boy aged 4 years and 10 months with complaints of short stature and a diagnosis of multiple hypophyseal hormone deficiency, in whom LCP disease and difficult birth-related pituitary stalk interruption syndrome were identified by anamnesis. The present case revealed that LCP disease and hypophyseal hormone deficiency could be secondary to difficult birth and that LCP disease could be secondary to insulin-like growth factor 1 deficiency. Additionally, to the best of our knowledge there is no published case on the relation between LCP disease and insulin-like growth factor 1 deficiency. Therefore, we believe that this case is worthy of presentation

    Psychiatric problems in children and adolescents with rheumatic heart disease and which factors affect them: A preliminary study

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    GİRİŞ: Romatizmal kalp hastalığı olan çocuk ve ergenlerde psikiyatrik belirtilerin yanı sıra yaşam kalitesini ve hangi faktörlerin bu psikiyatrik sorunlara katkıda bulunduğunu belirlemeyi amaçladık. GEREÇ ve YÖNTEM: Romatizmal kalp hastalığı olan toplam 25 çocuk ve ergen, ayrıca, 6-16 yaş arası 25 çocuk ve ergen kontrol grubu olarak dahil edildi. Okul Çağı Çocukları ç n Duygulanım Bozuklukları ve zofren Gör şme Ç zelges - imdi ve Yaşamboyu ekli (ÇD G- Y) t m çocuk ve ergenlerin ebeveynlerine uygulandı ve Çocuklarda Depresyon Envanteri, Spielberger Durumluluk ve S reklilik Kaygı Envanteri ve KINDLR Anketi Çocuk ve Ergenlerde Sağlığa lişkin Yaşam Kalitesinin Ölç lmesi için t m çocuk ve ergenlere uygulanmıştır. Anneleri değerlendirmek için, Beck Depresyon Envanteri, Beck Anksiyete Envanteri ve Beş Faktör Kişilik Envanteri kullanılmıştır. BULGULAR: Romatizmal kalp hastalığı olan çocuk ve ergenlerde anksiyete puanlarının ve anksiyete bozukluğu tanısının y ksek olduğunu bulduk (p <0.05). Annelerin kaygı puanları, depresyon puanları ve kişilik özellikleri KINDL alt ölçekleri ile ilişkili idi ve kişilik özelliklerinden nevrotiklik puanları da Çocuk Depresyon Ölçeği puanları ile ilişkili olarak bulundu. Ayrıca, psikiyatrik bozukluk varlığının, Beck anksiyete skorları ile tahmin edilebildiğini bulduk. SONUÇ: Sonuçlarımız, psikiyatrik değerlendirmenin, romatizmal kalp hastalığı olan çocukların ve ergenlerin ve ebeveynlerinin tedavisinde önemli olduğunu göstermektedir.INTRODUCTION: We aimed to evaluate the psychiatric symptoms in addition to quality of life in children and adolescents with rheumatic heart disease, and to determine which factors contribute to psychiatric problems of them. MATERIALS and METHODS: A total of 25 children and adolescents with rheumatic heart disease, additionally, 25 children and adolescents with typical developing controls aged 6–16 years old were included. Kiddie-Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia, (present and life time version – K-SADS-PL) was applied to parents of all of the children and adolescents, and Child Depression Inventory, The Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for children KINDLR Questionnaire for Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents were applied to all of the children and adolescents. Assessment for mothers, Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory and Five Factor Personality Inventory were used. RESULTS: We found higher anxiety scores and increased anxiety disorder diagnosis among children and adolescents with rheumatic heart disease (p<0.05). Mothers’ anxiety scores, depression scores, and personality traits are associated with KINDL subscales, and neuroticism scores are also associated with Child Depression Inventory scores. In addition, presence of psychiatric disorder was predicted by Beck anxiety scores. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that psychiatric evalution is important in the treatment of children and adolescents and their parents with rheumatic heart disease