6 research outputs found

    Frozen local hole approximation

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    The frozen local hole approximation (FLHA) is an adiabatic approximation which is aimed to simplify the correlation calculations of valence and conduction bands of solids and polymers. Within this approximation correlated local hole states (CLHSs) are explicitely generated by correlating local Hartree-Fock (HF) hole states. The hole orbital and its occupancy is kept frozen during these correlation calculations. Effective Hamilton matrix elements are then evaluated with the above CLHSs; diagonalization finally yields the desired correlation corrections for the cationic hole states. We compare and analyze the results of the FLHA with the results of a full MRCI(SD) (multi-reference configuration interaction with single and double excitations) calculation for two prototype model systems, (H2)n ladders and H-(Be)n-H chains. Excellent numerical agreement between the two approaches is found. Comparing the FLHA with a full correlation treatment in the framework of quasi-degenerate variational perturbation theory reveals that the leading contributions in the two approaches are identical. Thus, the FLHA is well-justified and provides a very promising and efficient alternative to fully correlated wavefunction-based treatments of the valence and conduction bands in extended systems.Comment: RevTeX, 9 pages, 7 figures (6 ps files

    Multireference configuration interaction treatment of excited-state electron correlation in periodic systems: the band structure of trans-polyacetylene

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    A systematic method to account for electron correlation in periodic systems which can predict quantitatively correct band structures of non-conducting solids from first principles is presented. Using localized Hartree-Fock orbitals (both occupied and virtual ones), an effective Hamiltonian is built up whose matrix elements can easily be transferred from finite to infinite systems. To describe the correlation effects wave-function-based multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) calculations with singly and doubly excited configurations are performed. This way it is possible to generate, both, valence and conduction bands with all correlation effects taken into account. Trans-polyacetylene is chosen as a test system.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Chem. Phys. Let

    Ab initio Green's function formalism for band structures

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    Using the Green's function formalism, an ab initio theory for band structures of crystals is derived starting from the Hartree-Fock approximation. It is based on the algebraic diagrammatic construction scheme for the self-energy which is formulated for crystal orbitals (CO-ADC). In this approach, the poles of the Green's function are determined by solving a suitable Hermitian eigenvalue problem. The method is not only applicable to the outer valence and conduction bands, it is also stable for inner valence bands where strong electron correlations are effective. The key to the proposed scheme is to evaluate the self-energy in terms of Wannier orbitals before transforming it to a crystal momentum representation. Exploiting the fact that electron correlations are mainly local, one can truncate the lattice summations by an appropriate configuration selection scheme. This yields a flat configuration space; i.e., its size scales only linearly with the number of atoms per unit cell for large systems and, under certain conditions, the computational effort to determine band structures also scales linearly. As a first application of the new formalism, a lithium fluoride crystal has been chosen. A minimal basis set description is studied, and a satisfactory agreement with previous theoretical and experimental results for the fundamental band gap and the width of the F 2p valence band complex is obtained.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, RevTeX4, new section on lithium fluorid