33 research outputs found

    Nearly free surface silanols are the critical molecular moieties that initiate the toxicity of silica particles

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    Inhalation of silica particles can induce inflammatory lung reactions that lead to silicosis and/or lung cancer when the particles are biopersistent. This toxic activity of silica dusts is extremely variable depending on their source and preparation methods. The exact molecular moiety that explains and predicts this variable toxicity of silica remains elusive. Here, we have identified a unique subfamily of silanols as the major determinant of silica particle toxicity. This population of “nearly free silanols” (NFS) appears on the surface of quartz particles upon fracture and can be modulated by thermal treatments. Density functional theory calculations indicates that NFS locate at an intersilanol distance of 4.00 to 6.00 Å and form weak mutual interactions. Thus, NFS could act as an energetically favorable moiety at the surface of silica for establishing interactions with cell membrane components to initiate toxicity. With ad hoc prepared model quartz particles enriched or depleted in NFS, we demonstrate that NFS drive toxicity, including membranolysis, in vitro proinflammatory activity, and lung inflammation. The toxic activity of NFS is confirmed with pyrogenic and vitreous amorphous silica particles, and industrial quartz samples with noncontrolled surfaces. Our results identify the missing key molecular moieties of the silica surface that initiate interactions with cell membranes, leading to pathological outcomes. NFS may explain other important interfacial processes involving silica particles

    Mesothelioma response to carbon nanotubes is associated with an early and selective accumulation of immunosuppressive monocytic cells

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    BACKGROUND: The asbestos-like toxicity of some engineered carbon nanotubes (CNT), notably their capacity to induce mesothelioma, is a serious cause of concern for public health. Here we show that carcinogenic CNT induce an early and sustained immunosuppressive response characterized by the accumulation of monocytic Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells (M-MDSC) that counteract effective immune surveillance of tumor cells. METHODS: Wistar rats and C57BL/6 mice were intraperitoneally injected with carcinogenic multi-walled Mitsui-7 CNT (CNT-7) or crocidolite asbestos. Peritoneal mesothelioma development and immune cell accumulation were assessed until 12 months. Leukocyte sub-populations were identified by recording expression of CD11b/c and His48 by flow cytometry. The immunosuppressive activity on T lymphocytes of purified peritoneal leukocytes was assessed in a co-culture assay with activated spleen cells. RESULTS: We demonstrate that long and short mesotheliomagenic CNT-7 injected in the peritoneal cavity of rats induced, like asbestos, an early and selective accumulation of monocytic cells (CD11b/c(int) and His48(hi)) which possess the ability to suppress polyclonal activation of T lymphocytes and correspond to M-MDSC. Peritoneal M-MDSC persisted during the development of peritoneal mesothelioma in CNT-7-treated rats but were only transiently recruited after non-carcinogenic CNT (CNT-M, CNT-T) injection. Peritoneal M-MDSC did not accumulate in mice which are resistant to mesothelioma development. CONCLUSIONS: Our data provide new insights into the initial pathogenic events induced by CNT, adding a new component to the adverse outcome pathway leading to mesothelioma development. The specificity of the M-MDSC response after carcinogenic CNT exposure highlights the interest of this response for detecting the ability of new nanomaterials to cause cancer

    The cytotoxic activity of amorphous silica nanoparticles is mainly influenced by surface area and not by aggregation

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    The aggregation state of NP has been a significant source of difficulty for assessing their toxic activity and great efforts have been done to reduce aggregation of and/or to disperse NP in experimental systems. The exact impact of aggregation on toxicity has, however, not been adequately assessed. Here we compared in vitro the cytotoxic activity of stable monodisperse and aggregated silicon-based nanoparticles (SNP) without introducing a dispersing agent that may affect NP properties. SNP aggregates (180 nm) were produced by controlled electrostatic aggregation through addition of KCl to a Ludox SM sol (25 nm) followed by stabilization and extensive dialysis. The size of the preparations was characterized by TEM and DLS; specific surface area and porosity were derived from N2 sorption measurements. Macrophage (J774) and fibroblast (3T3) cell lines were exposed to monodisperse or aggregate-enriched suspensions of SNP in DMEM in absence of serum. The cytotoxic activity of the different preparations was assessed by the WST1 assay after 24 h of exposure. Parameters that determined the cytotoxic activity were traced by comparing the doses of the different preparations that induced half a maximal reduction in WST1 activity (ED50) in both cell lines. We found that ED50 (6–9 _g/ml and 15–22 _g/ml, in J774 and 3T3, respectively) were hardly affected upon aggregation, which was consistent with the fact that the specific surface area of the SNP, a significant determinant of their cytotoxic activity, was unaffected upon aggregation (283–331 m2/g). Thus studying small aggregated NP could be as relevant as studying disperse primary NP, when aggregates keep the characteristics of NP, i.e. a high specific surface area and a nanosize dimension. This conclusion does, however, not necessarily hold true for other toxicity endpoints for which the determinants may be different and possibly modified by the aggregation process.status: publishe

    The D prostanoid (DP) receptor agonist BW245C ((4S)-(3-[(3R,S)-3-cyclohexyl-3-hydroxypropyl]-2,5-dioxo)-4-imidazolidineheptanoic acid) inhibits fibroblast proliferation and bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis in mice.

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    Prostaglandin (PG) D2 exerts contrasting activities in the inflamed lung via two receptors, the D prostanoid receptor (DP) and the Chemoattractant receptor-homologous molecule expressed on Th2 lymphocytes (CRTH2). DP activation is mainly known to inhibit pro-inflammatory cell functions. We tested here the effect of a DP specific agonist, BW245C ((4S)-(3-[(3R,S)-3-cyclohexyl-3-hydroxypropyl]-2,5-dioxo)-4-imidazolidineheptanoic acid), on pulmonary fibroblast functions in vitro and in a mouse model of lung fibrosis induced by bleomycin. DP mRNA expression was detected in cultured mouse lung primary fibroblasts and human fetal lung fibroblasts (HFL-1) and found up- and down-regulated by interleukin-13 and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta, respectively. While micromolar concentrations of BW245C and PGD2 did not affect mouse fibroblast collagen synthesis or differentiation in myofibroblasts, they both inhibited fibroblast basal and TGF-beta-induced proliferation in vitro. The repeated administration of BW245C (500 nmol/kg bw instilled trans-orally in the lungs 2 days before and 3 times per week during 3 weeks) in bleomycin-treated mice significantly decreased both inflammatory cell recruitment and collagen accumulation in the lung (21 d). Our results indicate that BW245C can reduce lung fibrosis in part via its activity on fibroblast proliferation and suggest that DP activation should be considered as a new therapeutic target in fibro-proliferative lung diseases

    Lung fibrosis induced by crystalline silica particles is uncoupled from lung inflammation in NMRI mice.

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    Previous studies in rats have suggested a causal relationship between progressive pulmonary inflammation and lung fibrosis induced by crystalline silica particles. We report here that, in NMRI mice, the lung response to silica particles is accompanied by a mild and non progressive pulmonary inflammation which is dispensable for the development of lung fibrosis. We found that glucocorticoid (dexamethasone) dramatically reduced lung injury, cellular inflammation and pro-inflammatory cytokine expression (TNF-α, IL-1β and KC) but had no significant effect on silica-induced lung fibrosis and expression of the fibrogenic and suppressive cytokines TGF-β and IL-10 in mice. Other anti-inflammatory molecules such as the COX inhibitor piroxicam or the phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor sildenafil also reduced lung inflammation without modifying collagen, TGF-β or IL-10 lung content. Our findings indicate that the development of lung fibrosis in silica-treated NMRI mice is not driven by inflammatory lung responses and suggest that suppressive cytokines may represent critical fibrotic factors and potential therapeutic targets in silicosis

    The cytotoxic activity of amorphous silica nanoparticles is mainly influenced by surface area and not by aggregation.

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    The aggregation state of NP has been a significant source of difficulty for assessing their toxic activity and great efforts have been done to reduce aggregation of and/or to disperse NP in experimental systems. The exact impact of aggregation on toxicity has, however, not been adequately assessed. Here we compared in vitro the cytotoxic activity of stable monodisperse and aggregated silicon-based nanoparticles (SNP) without introducing a dispersing agent that may affect NP properties. SNP aggregates (180nm) were produced by controlled electrostatic aggregation through addition of KCl to a Ludox SM sol (25nm) followed by stabilization and extensive dialysis. The size of the preparations was characterized by TEM and DLS; specific surface area and porosity were derived from N(2) sorption measurements. Macrophage (J774) and fibroblast (3T3) cell lines were exposed to monodisperse or aggregate-enriched suspensions of SNP in DMEM in absence of serum. The cytotoxic activity of the different preparations was assessed by the WST1 assay after 24h of exposure. Parameters that determined the cytotoxic activity were traced by comparing the doses of the different preparations that induced half a maximal reduction in WST1 activity (ED(50)) in both cell lines. We found that ED(50) (6-9μg/ml and 15-22μg/ml, in J774 and 3T3, respectively) were hardly affected upon aggregation, which was consistent with the fact that the specific surface area of the SNP, a significant determinant of their cytotoxic activity, was unaffected upon aggregation (283-331m(2)/g). Thus studying small aggregated NP could be as relevant as studying disperse primary NP, when aggregates keep the characteristics of NP, i.e. a high specific surface area and a nanosize dimension. This conclusion does, however, not necessarily hold true for other toxicity endpoints for which the determinants may be different and possibly modified by the aggregation process

    Mouse innate-like B-1 lymphocytes promote inhaled particle-induced in vitro granuloma formation and inflammation in conjunction with macrophages

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    The current paradigm for explaining lung granulomatous diseases induced by inhaled particles is mainly based on macrophages. This mechanism is now challenging because B lymphocytes also infiltrate injured tissue, and the deficiency in B lymphocytes is associated with limited lung granulomas in silica-treated mice. Here, we investigated how B lymphocytes respond to micro- and nanoparticles by combining in vivo and in vitro mouse models. We first demonstrated that innate-like B-1 lymphocytes (not conventional B-2 lymphocytes or plasma cells) specifically accumulated during granuloma formation in mice instilled with crystalline silica (DQ12, 2.5 mg/mouse) and carbon nanotubes (CNT Mitsui, 0.2 mg/mouse). In comparison to macrophages, peritoneal B-1 lymphocytes purified from naïve mice were resistant to the pyroptotic activity of reactive particles (up to 1 mg/mL) but clustered to establish in vitro cell/particle aggregates. Mouse B-1 lymphocytes (not B-2 lymphocytes) in coculture with macrophages and CNT (0.1 µg/mL) organized three-dimensional spheroid structures in Matrigel and stimulated the release of TIMP-1. Furthermore, purified B-1 lymphocytes are sensitive to nanosilica toxicity through radical generation in culture. Nanosilica-exposed B-1 lymphocytes released proinflammatory cytokines and alarmins. In conclusion, our data indicate that in addition to macrophages, B-1 lymphocytes participate in micrometric particle-induced granuloma formation and display inflammatory functions in response to nanoparticles

    Gasdermin D membrane pores orchestrate IL-1α secretion from necrotic macrophages after NFS-rich silica exposure.

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    IL-1α is an intracellular danger signal (DAMP) released by macrophages contributing to the development of silica-induced lung inflammation. The exact molecular mechanism orchestrating IL-1α extracellular release from particle-exposed macrophages is still unclear. To delineate this process, murine J774 and bone-marrow derived macrophages were exposed to increasing concentrations (1-40 cm/ml) of a set of amorphous and crystalline silica particles with different surface chemical features. In particular, these characteristics include the content of nearly free silanols (NFS), a silanol population responsible for silica cytotoxicity recently identified. We first observed de novo stocks of IL-1α in macrophages after silica internalization regardless of particle physico-chemical characteristics and cell stress. IL-1α intracellular production and accumulation were observed by exposing macrophages to biologically-inert or cytotoxic crystalline and amorphous silicas. In contrast, only NFS-rich reactive silica particles triggered IL-1α release into the extracellular milieu from necrotic macrophages. We demonstrate that IL-1α is actively secreted through the formation of gasdermin D (GSDMD) pores in the plasma membrane and not passively released after macrophage plasma membrane lysis. Our findings indicate that the GSDMD pore-dependent secretion of IL-1α stock from macrophages solely depends on cytotoxicity induced by NFS-rich silica. This new regulated process represents a key first event in the mechanism of silica toxicity, suitable to refine the existing adverse outcome pathway (AOP) for predicting the inflammatory activity of silicas