10 research outputs found

    Haigusjuht: haruldane suhkruhaigus MODY 2

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    Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) – noorte küpsuseas algav diabeet – on autosoom-dominant selt päritav mono geense etioloogiaga insuliinisõltumatu diabeedi vorm, mida iseloomustab haiguse algus enne 25. eluaastat, stabiilne kergekujuline hüperglükeemia ja isuliini sõltumatu diabeedi esinemine vähemalt ühel esimese astme sugulasel. Eesti Arst 2006; 85 (1): 46–4

    Kawasaki haigus Eestis aastatel 2002–2007

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    Kawasaki haigus (KH) on tundmatu etioloogiaga vaskuliit, mis esineb peamiselt alla 5aastastel lastel. Haiguse diagnoosimise aluseks on tüüpiline kliiniline pilt koos lisasümptomite ning südame pärgarterite kahjustusega. Artiklis käsitletakse KH epidemioloogilisi aspekte, diagnostikat ja raviküsimusi ning tuuakse ära Eestis aastatel 2002–2007 Tallinna Lastehaiglas ja TÜ Kliinikumi lastekliinikus diagnoositud haigusjuhtude analüüs. Eesti Arst 2009; 88(Lisa4):46−5

    Natural history of epilepsy in argininosuccinic aciduria provides new insights into pathophysiology: A retrospective international study

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    OBJECTIVE: Argininosuccinate lyase (ASL) is integral to the urea cycle, which enables nitrogen wasting and biosynthesis of arginine, a precursor of nitric oxide. Inherited ASL deficiency causes argininosuccinic aciduria, the second most common urea cycle defect and an inherited model of systemic nitric oxide deficiency. Patients present with developmental delay, epilepsy, and movement disorder. Here we aim to characterize epilepsy, a common and neurodebilitating comorbidity in argininosuccinic aciduria. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study in seven tertiary metabolic centers in the UK, Italy, and Canada from 2020 to 2022, to assess the phenotype of epilepsy in argininosuccinic aciduria and correlate it with clinical, biochemical, radiological, and electroencephalographic data. RESULTS: Thirty-seven patients, 1-31 years of age, were included. Twenty-two patients (60%) presented with epilepsy. The median age at epilepsy onset was 24 months. Generalized tonic-clonic and focal seizures were most common in early-onset patients, whereas atypical absences were predominant in late-onset patients. Seventeen patients (77%) required antiseizure medications and six (27%) had pharmacoresistant epilepsy. Patients with epilepsy presented with a severe neurodebilitating disease with higher rates of speech delay (p = .04) and autism spectrum disorders (p = .01) and more frequent arginine supplementation (p = .01) compared to patients without epilepsy. Neonatal seizures were not associated with a higher risk of developing epilepsy. Biomarkers of ureagenesis did not differ between epileptic and non-epileptic patients. Epilepsy onset in early infancy (p = .05) and electroencephalographic background asymmetry (p = .0007) were significant predictors of partially controlled or refractory epilepsy. SIGNIFICANCE: Epilepsy in argininosuccinic aciduria is frequent, polymorphic, and associated with more frequent neurodevelopmental comorbidities. We identified prognostic factors for pharmacoresistance in epilepsy. This study does not support defective ureagenesis as prominent in the pathophysiology of epilepsy but suggests a role of central dopamine deficiency. A role of arginine in epileptogenesis was not supported and warrants further studies to assess the potential arginine neurotoxicity in argininosuccinic aciduria

    Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency (MSD): Review of the Literature and Case Reports of Two Siblings with Dental Caries and Trauma

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    Multiple sulfatase deficiency (MSD) (MIM # 272200) is an extraordinarily rare inborn error of metabolism (IEM). The phenotypic spectrum is largely heterogeneous and attributed to the combined effects of deficiencies in the nine sulfatases currently known to be related to human diseases. Systemic sequelae of MSD are vast and multisystemic, primarily encompassing developmental delay and neurological, cardiopulmonary, dermatological, gastroenterological, and skeletal manifestations. The dental phenotype is scarcely described in the literature due to a paucity of cases. Dental treatment under local and general anaesthesia mandates an integrated multidisciplinary approach to safeguard systemic health and optimise outcomes. This paper presents two siblings with multiple sulfatase deficiency who presented to the Paediatric Dental Department at Great Ormond Street Hospital, requiring comprehensive care under general anaesthesia for dental caries and trauma

    Fenüülketonuuria Eesti ravijuhend

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    Eesti Arst 2012; 91(1):46–5

    Üle-eestiline vastsündinute laiendatud sõeltestimine tandemmass-spektromeetria meetodil ravitavate kaasasündinud ainevahetushaiguste suhtes

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    Ainevahetushaigused (av-haigused) on rühm pärilikke haigusi, mille korral ensüümidefekti tõttu pidurdub organismis teatud metaboliitide lammutamine, ülesehitus või transport. Selle tagajärjel võivad häiruda kehas mitmed elutähtsad funktsioonid, põhjustades ägedat või kroonilist elundipuudulikkust, eluohtlikke seisundeid ja enneaegset surma. Haigused avalduvad eri vanuses – vastsündinueast täiskasvanueani – ning esmased sümptomid on sageli mittespetsiifilised. See muudab nende haiguste õigeaegse diagnoosimise ja ravi keeruliseks. Alates 1. jaanuarist 2014 alustati Eestis katseprojekti vastsündinute laiendatud sõeltestimiseks tandemmass-spektromeetria meetodil, mille raames lisandub kahele juba skriinitavale haigusele, milleks on fenüülketonuuria ja kaasasündinud hüpotüreoos, veel 18 uut ravitavat av-haigust. Katseuuringu eesmärk on uue laborimeetodi juurutamine ja sellega teatud ravitavate ainevahetushaiguste võimalikult varane diagnoosimine ning ravi alustamine haiguste kaugprognoosi parandamiseks.Eesti Arst 2014; 93(4):218–22

    An LC–MS/MS-Based Method for the Quantification of Pyridox(am)ine 5′-Phosphate Oxidase Activity in Dried Blood Spots from Patients with Epilepsy

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    We report the development of a rapid, simple, and robust LC–MS/MS-based enzyme assay using dried blood spots (DBS) for the diagnosis of pyridox­(am)­ine 5′-phosphate oxidase (PNPO) deficiency (OMIM 610090). PNPO deficiency leads to potentially fatal early infantile epileptic encephalopathy, severe developmental delay, and other features of neurological dysfunction. However, upon prompt treatment with high doses of vitamin B<sub>6</sub>, affected patients can have a normal developmental outcome. Prognosis of these patients is therefore reliant upon a rapid diagnosis. PNPO activity was quantified by measuring pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP) concentrations in a DBS before and after a 30 min incubation with pyridoxine 5′-phosphate (PNP). Samples from 18 PNPO deficient patients (1 day–25 years), 13 children with other seizure disorders receiving B<sub>6</sub> supplementation (1 month–16 years), and 37 child hospital controls (5 days–15 years) were analyzed. DBS from the PNPO-deficient samples showed enzyme activity levels lower than all samples from these two other groups as well as seven adult controls; no false positives or negatives were identified. The method was fully validated and is suitable for translation into the clinical diagnostic arena