19 research outputs found

    Enable Flexibilisation in FAIRWork’s Democratic AI-based Decision Support System by Applying Conceptual Models Using ADOxx

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    Decision-making in complex production environments is challenging as the information and knowledge requirements must be constantly observed since the ecosystems they operate in are continuously changing. Artificial intelligence (AI) can tackle complexity in decision-making by making machines more intelligent. But reacting to changing or new problems and related decision processes to facilitate the understanding of the involved humans is an equally important problem. Therefore, decision support systems are required to assist complex decisions and enable flexibility to support the decision-makers. Within this scope, we will introduce the Democratic AI-based Decision Support System (DAI-DSS), which is designed and implemented within the EU-funded FAIRWork project, considering both human and machine actors during decision-making. The FAIRWork project proposes a model-based approach to both express high-level decision scenarios and formally describe the decision processes, which are then used as input for configuring the decision support system to meet concrete decision problems

    A BPM Lifecycle Plug-in for Modeling Methods Agility

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    Business Process Management literature has proposed several BPM lifecycles on a level of abstraction that is modeling method -agnostic, i.e. they consider the modeling language and tool support an underlying invariant or technological concern. While remaining on the same abstraction layer, we highlight a method agility requirement observed in commercial BPM consulting projects - concretely, it manifests as change requests for the modeling language or tool, from one lifecycle iteration to the next, leading to situations of model value co-creation as customer demands are assimilated in the modeling method. Based on a conceptualization of such situations, a lifecycle plug-in is proposed in the form of a methodology and associated tool support, allowing for responsive evolution of the adopted modeling method with impact on several lifecycle phases. Historical examples from the evolution of a BPM product are provided to illustrate and classify the demands that motivate the existence of this lifecycle plug-in

    PBL3.0:Integrating Learning Analytics and Semantics in Problem-Based Learning

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    This paper presents the PBL3.0 project that aims at enhancing Problem Based Learning (PBL) with Learning Analytics (LA) and Learning Semantics (LS) in order to produce a new educational paradigm and pilot it to produce relevant policy recommendations. To this end, the project will reach the following objectives and corresponding specific goals: 1) Construct a new educational approach that combines a well-established learning strategy like PBL with novel technologies in learning like LA in PBL respecting legal and ethical considerations (PBL_LA), 2) Design a semantic model for PBL_LA, which will enable the annotation of learning resources in order to easily integrate them to the PBL approach and enable their discoverability when setting personalized learning pathways, 3) Adapt a set of open source software tools for supporting PBL_LA and the semantic model based on existing Learning Management Systems, analytics tools, and an intuitive semantic annotation tool, 4) Create relevant, semantically annotated educational material and perform trials at various sites in order to draw evidence-based conclusions, 5) Produce relevant policy recommendations for PBL_LA that could raise the quality in education and training, 6) Create an organic ecosystem of among others organizations, researchers, educators, students with an interest in PBL_LA. Finally, the project will develop a Community of Practice, where institutions and individuals from across Europe will be able to exchange knowledge and expertise on LA, learning semantics, innovative learning tools and approaches. This aims to support transnational cooperation and mutual learning on forward-looking issues between key stakeholders to provide solutions to current challenges in education and training

    Design of metamodels for domain-specific modelling methods using conceptual structures

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    Der Begriff "Digitale Transformation" hat sich in den letzten Jahren zum bestimmenden Element in der strategischen Ausrichtung von Unternehmen entwickelt. Technologische, organisatorische und rechtliche Rahmenbedin-gungen, die von innen und aussen auf ein Unternehmen wirken, fordern eine kontinuierliche Evaluation der strategischen Ausrichtung. Die Art und Weise wie Produkte und Dienstleistungen in einem globalen Umfeld ange-boten werden, ist einem konstanten Wandel unterworfen. Agilität, in al-len funktionalen Ebenen einer Organisation, hat sich als bestimmende Not-wendigkeit entwickelt um eine Neuausrichtung systematisch zu bewerkstel-ligen. Das Thema "Innovation", als organisatorische Fähigkeit auf Ver-änderungen vorausschauen zu reagieren bzw. vorwegzunehmen, hast sich von einer exotischen Randerscheinung zu einem bestimmenden Instrument für alle Geschäftsbereiche positioniert. Im Rahmen der hier präsentierten Forschungsarbeit wird auf diese Herausforderung eingegangen: basierend auf der Annahme, dass Innovationsprozesse durch Ansätze der Modellier-ung unterstützt werden können (im Sinne einer Externalisieren von Wissen), stellt sich diese Arbeit der Frage, wie unterschiedliche Modellierungsansätze, repräsentiert durch ihre Metamodelle, kombiniert und als gemeinsame Wis-sensbasis für die Innovation verstanden werden können. Der Beitrag dieser Arbeit baut auf Erkenntnissen der formalen Wissens-repräsentation auf. Als Grundlage werden "Conceptual Structures" her-angzogen und für die Entwick von Metamodelle entwickelt. Dieser formale Repräsentation ermöglicht einen systematischen Designprozess mit der Zielsetzung der: - Harmonisierung von Metamodellen um verteilte Modellierungssysteme zu entwickeln, und - "Intelligence" Funktionalität, die auf Basis der Resultate der Harmon-isierung, die Zusammenhänge in komplexen Systemen verständlich und nachvollziehbar machen. Das entwickelte, konzeptionelle Ansatz und deren technologische Realis-ierung wurde im Rahmen der Ergebnisse des OMiLABs auf Adäquanz und Vollständigkeit evaluiert.Digital transformation has become the leading topic in recent years to re-invent and re-structure enterprises. The need for transformation is attributed to the availability of novel and innovative technologies, defining the abilities (internal or external) an organisation can build upon in order to elevate/a-lign its offerings, adapt its organisational structure and quickly respond to changing market, legal or technological trends. Agility in these transform-ation and innovation process is regarded as a key organisational capability. Stakeholders need to trace and understand design decisions taken, evaluate and assess potential business cases based on common artefacts developed and capture the innovation process that has led to its development. Conceptual models and their underlying metamodels are considered the foundational building blocks for these intelligence considerations. Within this thesis, the conceptual approach and technological realisa-tion to support the harmonisation and alignment of metamodels applied during these transformative processes is discussed. Based on the assump-tion that stakeholders from different backgrounds require varying domain-specific expressiveness to contribute and collaborate, the need to align and couple these models and provide intelligence functionalities individually or on a global scope is manifested. The contribution targets these needs by defining a formal representation of metamodels using conceptual structures. A graph-based representation is proposed that defines a common, abstract vocabulary for metamodels and an extendible framework for syntactic and semantic knowledge operation to support the - Harmonisation of Metamodels within distributed modelling ecosystems applying similarity matching techniques and to identify virtual relation between the nodes of the environment, - Alignment of Intelligence Capabilities to dynamically attach model processing functionalities to the participating metamodels and their harmonisation links. The conceptual approach developed has been evaluated in the context of the OMiLAB environment for completeness and adequacy, accompanied by a prototypical implementation coined DeMoMa for domain-specific metamodel design, harmonisation and alignment of functionality

    Link to open source

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    <p>Link to open source - business processes and SEOR Engine</p

    BEDe: A Modelling Tool for Business Ecosystems Design with ADOxx

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    Part 14: Knowledge Transfer and Accelerated Innovation in FoFInternational audienceIn this contribution we explore a design technique for business ecosystem applying conceptual modelling techniques as a means to conceptualize such environments and provide capabilitiesto explore and analyze its outcomes in a comprehensive manner. The motivation for thiswork is attributed to the need of methods in the field that support design, collaborations during evaluation / evolution phases of business ecosystems. The requirements are derived from areview of literature and case studies, used as input for a conceptual analysis performed. As an outcome we propose a modelling method and prototype that provides a formal representation of the concepts identified, interaction and sharing capabilities of models and enables domain-specific extension capabilities realized through metamodeling

    A Toolbox Supporting Agile Modelling Method Engineering: ADOxx.org Modelling Method Conceptualization Environment

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    Part 3: Short PapersInternational audienceThe importance of Modelling Method Engineering is equally rising with the importance of domain specific modelling methods and individual modelling approaches. In order to capture the most relevant semantic primitives that address domain specifics needs, it is necessary to involve both, method engineers as well as domain experts. Due to complexity of conceptualization of a modelling method and development of regarding modelling tool, there is a need of a guideline and corresponding tools supporting actors with different background along this complex process. Based on practical experience in business, more than twenty EU projects and other research initiatives, this paper introduces a toolbox to support the conceptualization of a modelling method. The realized toolbox is introduced and evaluated by two EU-funded research projects in the domain of e-learning and cloud computing as well as additionally by an in-house development project in the area of decision modelling extensions. The paper discusses the evaluation results and derived outlooks