142 research outputs found
Alih Tehnologi Kegiatan Manajemen Konstruksi Menuju Persiapan Pembangunan Pltn Di Indonesia
TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES TOPREPARATION OF NPP DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIA (An Experience Of Mul ti Propose Reactor 30 Devel opment at Serpong). Management and development of a nuclear installati on coul d not be separated from the role of Construction Management in the pl anning stages of the project start until the commissioni ng. On the construction of nuclear install tions MPR 30 Serpong, the rol e of human resource of Indonesia particularly Batan has recei ved a lot of knowl edge and experiences i n the development process, the ongoing process of transfer of technology from the foreign consultants (Bechtel -USA) to Batan has been conducted at theti me, and at l east we are abl e to absorb knowledge and prove i t hrough to completi on development incl udi ng commissioni ng activiti es. In the course of the time human resource chal lenges are requi red to have individual skil ls and expertise suffici ent to handle a mega project such as nuclear power plants. Constructi on Management is managi ng a maj or project stages from planning, construction, procurement, i nstall ation commissioni ng until handover to the owner. Based on the experience of the construction of the RSG-LP, it i s expected that human resources that meet to the standards requi red competencies for the preparation of NPP i n Indonesia are fulfill ed. PROSES ALIH TEHNOLOGI KEGIATAN MANAJEMEN KONSTRUKSI MENUJUPERSIAPAN PEMBANGUNAN PLTN DI INDONESIA (Pengalaman Pembangunan Reaktor Serba Guna Serpong).Pengelolaan pembangunan i nstalasi nukli r tidak lepas dari peran Manajemen Konstruksi dal am ahapan proyek mulai perencanaan sampai kommisioning. Pada pembangunan i nstal asi nuklir RSG-LP Serpong peran SDM Indonesi a khususnya Batan telah banyak menimba pengalaman dal am proses pembangunan, pada saat it u proses alih tehnologi sedang berlangsung dari pihak konsul tan asing ( Bechtel-USA ) kepada Batan, setidaknya kit a mampu menyerap ilmu dan membuktikannya sampai sel esai pembangunan termasuk kegi atan kommisioning. Dalam perjalanan waktu tantangan SDM dituntut untukmemiliki kemampuan indifidual dan keahl ian yang memadai dal am menangani suatu mega proyek seperti pembangki t tenaga nuklir. Manaj emen Konstruksi merupakan tahapanpengel ol aan suatu proyek besar dari perencanaan, konstruksi , pengadaan ,kommisioni ng hingga serah terima instalasi kepada pemilik. Berdasarkan pengalaman pembangunan RSGLP, di harapkan kebutuhan SDM yang memiliki persyaratan standar kopetensi dapat terpenuhi menyongsong persiapan pembangunan PLTN di Indonesi
Manajemen Rencana Kegiatan Persiapan Pembangunan Pltn Di Indonesia
A feasibi lity Study that has been updated show that two nuclear power uni ts wi th eachuni t of power up to lOOOMWe can represent decently an economical alternative energy supply.It added that the available time schedul e was quite tight so that the preparation for thedevelopment must be starti ng first. Thi s paper will discuss the preparati on of plans of the firstnuclear power plant whi ch includes program activiti es, the structure of contracts, schedules of activities and funding. From the information obtai ned to date that in addition to a candidate site that is ready to be buil t in Muria peni nsula i s sti ll required another potential al ternative site besides to search other compl ete data information. This sit e i nvestigation activi ties completed wi thin the time schedule was passed "critical path", so that these acti vi ti es should be carried outi ntensively and obey the time. This paper describes the steps that need to be prepared to welcome the first nucl ear power plant, after reviewi ng the various input above and apply the reality in Indonesi a as the i nitial condi tions. Studi Kelayakan yang telah dimutakhirkan menunj ukkan bahwa dua unit PLTN dengan daya unit masi ng-masing sampai lOOOMWe dapat merupakan alternatif penyediaan energi yang ekonomis, dan layak. Di sebutkan pula bahwa jadwal waktu yang tersedia cukup padat sehi ngga persiapan menjelang diawal inya pembangunan harus di mulai dari sekarang.Dalam makalah i ni akan dibahas rencana kegiatan persiapan pembangunan PLTN yang pertama meli puti program kegiatan, struktur kontrak, jadwal kegi atan dan pendanaan .Dari informasi yang telah diperol eh sampai saat i ni bahwa selain cal on tapak yang sudah si ap dibangun di semenanjung Muria masi h di perlukan tapak alternative yang potensial di samping mel engkapi pencarian data informasi l ai nnya. Kegiatan merampungkan penyeli di kan tapak ini di dalam adwal waktu ternyata melewati "criti cal path", sehi ngga kegi atan i ni harus dilaksanakan secara ntensif dan taat waktu. Makalah ini menguraikan langkah-langkah yang perlu di siapkan dalam menyongsong pembangunan PLTN pertama , setel ah menelaah berbagai masukan di atas dan menerapkan Kenyataan di Indonesia sebagai kondi si awalnya
Pemilihan Struktur Pondasi Pada Gedung Pabrik Bahan Bakar Nuklir
ELECTORAL STRUCTURE OF BUILDING FOUNDATIONS IN NUCLEAR FUEL ELEMENT PLANT. Pl ant structures of nucl ear fuel el ements have a substanti al burden. This requires analysis of the selecti on of the proper foundation for buildi ng support for a variety of different soil conditions found i n two locati ons, first at a l ocation near the nucl ear power pl ant i n Jepara and the second location BATAN Serpong area. Expected to know the location of soil condi ti ons, we can determined the type of foundation that will be used based on the criteria requirements of the building PEMILIHAN STRUKTUR PONDASI PADA GEDUNG PABRIK ELEMEN BAHAN BAKAR NUKLIR. Struktur bangunan pabrik el emen bahan bakar nuklir mempunyai beban yang cukup besar. Untuk it u diperlukan anali sa pemilihan jeni s pondasi yang tepat sebagai penopang bangunan untuk berbagai kondisi tanah berbeda yang terdapat di dua lokasi, lokasi pertama didekat PLTN Jepara dan l okasi kedua di kawasan BATAN Serpong. Diharapkan dengan mengetahui kondisi tanah lokasi, kita dapat menentukan j enis pondasi yang akan digunakan berdasarkan criteria persyaratan bangunan gedung
Model Pengembangan Materi Pembelajaran Seni Musik Di Sd/mi Berdasarkan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (Ktsp)
Although since 2006, Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) has been implied in elementary school/Islamic elementary school, but in its implementing there are still many teachers who find difficulties. From that reason, as the follow up of the previous research, this research will develop learning material model based on culture, creativity context, life skill, and enjoyable for students by noticing teachers‟ needs, environment and capability. The research locations determined purposively by establish three of special characterized towns in Central Java. This research uses Educational Research and Development which developed by Brogg and Gall (1983:775-76). Based on the previous research, the model of music learning material that developed in this research refers to three characteristics, they are (1) easy to be implemented by elementary school and Islamic elementary school teachers (applicable); (2) can be a comprehensive learning guidance, and (3) can be functionalized as learning media and source to teachers. The form is teaching materials that consist of: (1) learning materials belong to music knowledge and experience; (2) guidelines for teachers; and (3) supporting media (VCD).  Development processes are done by four steps, they are (1) arranging learning material, teachers‟ guidance, and supporting media ( VCD); (2) expert review; (3) trial and (4) seminar. The trial model of music material development that developed in this research still done in limited target. From that reason, to know the feasibility for next betterment, it still needs continuation trial in broader target. So the model of music‟s learning material development is ready to be disseminated and implemented
Analisis Kebutuhan Guru Seni Musik Dalam Konteks Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Berbasis Action Learning Di Sekolah
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendiskripsikan kompetensi yang diperlukan para calon guru seni musik dalam konteks pelaksanaan pembelajaran berbasis action learning dan kendala-kendala yang dihadapinya. Artikel hasil penelitian ini merupakan temuan pada tahap kegiatan analisis konteks penelitian pengembangkan materi ajar mata kuliah keahlian Program Studi Pendidikan Seni Musik, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Semarang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan penelitian pengembangan yang diadaptasi dari desain penelitian model spiral yang dikembangkan oleh Cennamo dan Kalk. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh pada kegiatan analisis konteks yang terkait dengan kebutuhan yang diperlukan dalam penelitian pengembangan materi ajar mata kuliah keahlian Program Studi Pendidikan Seni Musik dalam Konteks Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Berbasis Action Learning ini diperoleh informasi pentingnya beberapa hal seperti: (1) penguasaan konsep dan simbul-simbol musik yang diperoleh melalui berbagai pengalaman musikal (bernyanyi, bermain alat musik, berkreasi musik, dan lain-lain); (2) strategi pembelajaran seni musik yang mencakup metode, kegiatan pembelajaran, dan media pendukung; (3) kemampuan memainkan alat musik pengiring seperti keyboard, piano atau gitar; dan (4) kemampuan menciptakan lagu model yang diperlukan dalam pembelajaran seni musik.This study aims to identify and describe competencies required by students of music education in the context of action learning-based and learning constraints that their face. This article is the result of research findings in the step of context analysis of development research of subject matter expertise, Musical Arts Education Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Semarang State University. The study was conducted by the development research approache adapted of the research model design developed by Cennamo and Kalk. Based on the data obtained in the context of analytical work related to the research needs required in the course of teaching material development expertise at Music Education Program Implementation in the context of action learning-based is obtained the importance information of things such as: (1) mastery of concepts and music symbols obtained through a variety of musical experiences (singing, playing musical instruments, creating music, etc.), (2) the art of music learning strategy includes methods, learning activities, and media support, (3) the ability to play a musical instrument such as keyboards, piano or guitar , and (4) the ability to create a song model required in music learning
Faculty of Agriculture Bogor Agricultural University
Laboratory and field experiments were conducted to evaluate the potential role of two species of wild crucifers in the preservation of Diadegma eucerophaga Horstman, a parasitoid of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella Linnaeus. In the laboratory, D. eucerophaga developed quite well on P. xylostella larvae fed on leaves of two species of wild cruciferous plants, Nasturtium heterophyllum BL. and Cardamine hirsuta L. These wild crucifers may serve as food and oviposition sites for P. xylostella. In the field, N. heterophyllum and C. hirsuta planted adjacent to insecticide-treated cabbage plots provided refuge for D. eucerophaga parasitoids
The quality of the child’s translation song as an early childhood learning material
The purpose of this research is to know the quality of translation of songs from translation
books used by Early School (PAUD) teachers in Indonesia. The method is used descriptive percentage by
using musical and lingual approach. Data were analyzed by using a combination of music composition
analysis and language composition. The result shows that: One, there are still many words in the song lyrics
that include the content words and other words that not related between the accentuation of the word with the
accentuation of the rhythm of the song (39,3%), match of 47.6%. Two, there are a number of words in the
emerging translation that are not in the original song lyrics (Source Language/SL) of 13.1%. The emergence
of these words the number of syllables in English (Target Language/TL) generally fewer than the syllables in
the Indonesian language. The cause of this lace of beauty matches because of the many lyrics of the
translation whose accent is not in line with the rhythm of his music. It caused the song to be unbalanced and
not beautiful
Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian Unjuk Kerja (Performance Assessment) Kompetensi Ekspresi Dan Kreasi Musik Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP)
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian pengembangan (Research and Developmen) yang langkah-langkahnya diadaptasi dari model spiral.  Instrumen penilaian unjuk kerja (performance assessment) yang  dikembangkan terdiri atas: (1) butir tugas (task); (2) audio iringan musik; (3) rubrik penilaian; (4) lembar pengamatan; dan (5) pedoman interpretasi hasil penilaian. Pengembangan indikator instrumen penilaian unjuk kerja kompetensi ekspresi dan kreasi musik dilakukan dengan mengacu pada kurikulum pembelajaran seni musik kelas IX sekolah menengah pertama (SMP). Khususnya pada standar kompetensi (SK) mengekspresikan diri melalui karya seni musik dan kompetensi dasar (KD): (1) mengaransir lagu mancanegara di Asia; dan (2) menampilkan hasil aransemen lagu mancanegara di Asia. Untuk menilai kompetensi siswa dalam mencipta melodi lagu bertangga nada diatonik mayor digunakan penilaian unjuk kerja dengan teknik uji praktik mencipta melodi lagu yang dilakukan secara tertulis. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba yang dilakukan pada tahap penerapan model menunjukkan bahwa, secara teknis model penilaian unjuk kerja kompetensi ekspresi dan kreasi musik yang dikembangkan dapat diterapkan dengan baik. Berdasarkan hasil analisis uji reliabilitas yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis koefisien korelasi antarkelas (intraclass correlation coefficients/ ICC) tipe consistency definition dan tipe absolute agreement definition menunjukkan pula bahwa instrumen penilaian yang dikembangkan telah memenuhi kriteria yang ditetapkan. This research was conducted by using research and development approach, in which the stages were adapted out of spiral model. Performance assessment consists of (1) task; (2) audio music; (3) assessment rubric; (4) observation sheet; and (5) guidelines of assessment interpretation. Development of performance assessment indicator of expression competence and music creation was conducted by referring to music learning curriculum of junior high schools of the IX class. Especially in terms of competence standard, it means to express oneself through works of art and basic competence: (1) arrange foreign songs in Asia; and (2) perform the song’s arrangement in Asia. To evaluate students’ competence in creating song melody of major diatonic tone, they use performance assessment by field exam in a written way. Based on the trial conducted in the model application stage, it shows that technically the performance assessment model of expression competence and music creation could be applied well. Based on the analysis of reliability test by means of intraclass correlation coefficients/ICC of consistency definition and absolute agreement definition types, it shows that assessment instruments have fulfilled the required criteria
The Role of Emotion in Elimination of Contribution and Collaboration Dilemma in Citarum River Basin Problem
The purposes of the current research are to identify, analyze and simulate the dynamics of interaction and conflicts among agents using drama theory in Citarum river basin problem. To accomplish these purposes, we crate a simulation model that combine drama theory and emotional state model (PAD model). Drama theory was adopted because it able to describe dilemmas and paradox arising from rational goal seeking behavior. It also provides us with rigorous analytical and computational tools for conflict analysis. Our previous model was able to recognize and solve confrontation dilemmas, i.e., persuasion and rejection dilemma among the agents. In this paper, we propose an enhanced simulation model that is able to recognize and solve collaboration dilemmas (trust dilemma) among the agents. In order to obtain some fruitful suggestions for encouraging agent's collaboration, we product agent-based simulation using SOARS (Spot Oriented Agent Role Simulator)
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