4 research outputs found

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penyeleksian Colour Guard Pada Marching Band Ginada Dengan Menggunakan Metode Vikor Dan Borda

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    Decision support system for selecting color guard with VIKOR and Borda methods. It has been made as a tool to select color guard at the Sei Rampah High School. The criteria used in the decision support system for color guard selection are: height, weight, agility, stamina, and body language. Color guard selection activities are a routine activity every year, so GINADA marching band coach Sei Rampah hereby selects to select permanent members in the marching band. Decision Support System in an organization can be seen as important in supporting the smooth running of activities and achieving an organizational goal. SPK can come in various forms, ranging from simple forms of data processing to complex application forms, and can also be used to accelerate and improve the quality of the decision-making process in the organization

    Penerapan Metode VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) dalam Pemilihan Air Conditioner Terbaik

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    Indonesia is a tropical country which consists of summer and rainy season. During the summer the room temperature will be high, so that will cause people who are in the room will feel uncomfortable or hot. To create comfortable conditions, air conditioning is needed. SPK is part of a computer-based information system. There are several stages in the decision support system, namely defining the problem, collecting relevant and appropriate data, processing data into information, and determining alternative solutions. The number of AC products on the market makes people feel difficult in choosing the right AC so that a decision support system is made. The VIKOR method focuses on ranking and choosing from a set of samples with conflicting criteria, which can help decision-makers to get a decision


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    This e-module was developed based on problems that occur during the learning process, the teaching materials used are still not optimal and some materials are not following the characteristics of students and learning objectives. Students are also less active in participating in the learning process and cannot collaborate in solving a problem, so it is necessary to develop relevant and innovative Project-Based Learning-Based Interactive E-Modules to help students more easily understand learning materials, be active in the learning process, and improve independence in learning. The method used in this research is research and development (R&D) by adopting the 4D (Four-D) development model which includes 4 steps, namely: define, design, develop, and disseminate. By definition five activities must be carried out, namely: 1) Initial analysis, 2) Student analysis, 3) Task analysis, 4) Concept analysis and 5) Formulation of learning objectives. In the design four activities must be carried out, namely: 1) Preparation of test standards, 2) Selection of media, 3) Selection of formats, and 4) Initial design. In development two steps must be done, namely: 1) Expert assessment, and 2) Development trial. And the last is dissemination, this stage is the dissemination stage to promote the product developed so that it is accepted by users, individuals, groups, and systems. The results of the research and development of project-based learning-based interactive e-modules can be seen from the validity tests of both media and materials that have been carried out with an average media validity value of 0.86 (valid), and an average material validity value of 0.78 (valid)