160 research outputs found

    Trained Peer Response to Develop EFL Students' Positive Attitudes toward Peer Response

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    This article reports part of a broader action-research study on training EFL students in the use of strategies for effective peer response. Surveys using questionnaires were conducted among 20 university students involved in the action research to measure the changes in attitudes toward peer response before and after the classroom-based action research. The findings suggest that significant changes were obtained in all We questionnaire items regarding attitudes toward peer response. The students indicated that classmates' oral and written comments helped them enrich the content of their writing, improve the organization of their writing, and improve the language (including grammar and vocabulary) of their writing

    Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

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    Penyajian buku teks untuk disusun dengan tujuan agar peserta didik dapat melakukan proses pencarian pengetahuan berkenaan dengan materi pelajaran melalui berbagai aktivitas para ilmuwan dalam melakukan eksperimen, dengan demikian peserta didik diarahkan untuk menemukan sendiri berbagai fakta, membangun konsep, dan nilai-nilai baru secara mandir

    Key Features of the Process Approach and Their Pedagogical Implications: Challenges for the Indonesian Context

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    Paradigm shifts have occurred in the teaching of writing in the ESL context. The process approach, the paradigm of the reinvented rhetoric, as Freedman and Pringle (in Emig, 1982: 2022) call it, emphasises the view of writing as a process of developing organisation as well as meaning. This article examines the challenges of the process approach for the Indonesian context. It begins with the description of the key features of the approach. The article also highlights what pedagogical implications the features have for writing instruction in EFL/ESL writing classrooms


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    This quasi experimental study aims to investigate how written retelling technique affects the reading comprehension of university students having different personality learning styles (introverted vs. extroverted). A reading comprehension test and a questionnaire were utilized to collect the data. Two groups of students were involved in the study, with the experimental group receiving the treatment of being taught using a written retelling technique and the control group being taught using the oral retelling technique. The results of the study revealed that the first group of students showed better performance in reading comprehension test than the latter group. Even though there was a significant difference between the extroverted and the introverted students in reading comprehension achievement, the findings suggest that written retelling technique was more effective regardless of the personality learning styles.  Permalink/DOI: dx.doi.org/10.17977/um015v45i12017p02

    Experiences of ethnic minority students in a culturally diverse school

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    Experiences of ethnic minority students in a culturally diverse schoolBeing ethnic minority students in a culturally diverse school is a challenge. This study aims to explore the experiences of students from various ethnic groups as ethnic minority students in a culturally diverse school. These experiences cover both the barriers and the success of those students in adjusting to the culturally diverse school. Five students coming from diverse ethnic groups were recruited as the participants. This study adopted a qualitative design by using a semi-structured interview as the research instrument. The interview data were transcribed and then coded into several themes based on the focus of the research. The results showed that the ethnic minority students might find difficulties adjusting to the school at first. However, they gradually adjusted to the school because of these following factors: teachers’ support, students’ cohesiveness, students’ cooperation, and teachers’ equity. The results of this study imply that the ethnic minority students once experienced some challenges in adjusting to the school environment before they were facilitated with more positive schooling experiences related to student-student relationships and student-teacher relationships.Ketwords: adjusting process, barriers, ethnic minority students, experiences, multicultural education, culturally-responsive schoolPengalaman siswa etnis minoritas di sekolah dengan beragam budayaMenjadi siswa etnis minoritas di sekolah dengan beragam budaya merupakan sebuah tantangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali pengalaman siswa dari berbagai latar belakang etnis sebagai etnis minoritas di sekolah yang beragam budaya. Pengalaman-pengalaman ini meliputi hambatan maupun keberhasilan para siswa tersebut dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan sekolah yang beragam budaya. Lima siswa yang berasal dari kelompok etnis yang berbeda direkrut sebagai responden. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kualitatif dengan menggunakan wawancara semi terstruktur sebagai instrumen penelitian. Data hasil wawancara ditranskripsikan kemudian dikategorikan menjadi beberapa tema sesuai dengan fokus penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa etnis minoritas pada awalnya kesulitan menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan sekolah. Namun, lambat laun mereka bisa menyesuaikan diri dengan sekolah karena beberapa faktor, yaitu dukungan dari guru, kekompakan siswa, kerjasama siswa, dan perlakuan yang imbang dari guru. Hasil penelitian ini mengimplikasikan bahwa siswa etnis minoritas mengalami beberapa tantangan dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan sekolah sebelum mereka difasilitasi dengan pengalaman sekolah yang lebih positif yang berkaitan dengan hubungan antara siswa-siswa dan hubungan siswa-guru.Kata kunci: proses penyesuaian, hambatan, siswa etnis minoritas, pengalaman, pendidikan multikultural, sekolah yang responsif terhadap budaya

    The Effects of Vocabulary Instructions on Students’ Reading Comprehension across Cognitive Styles in ESP

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    Many scholars in language learning and teaching agree that vocabulary plays a vital role in a language learning.  However, the way the vocabulary is presented to language learners, whether explicitly or implicitly, becomes central discussion in language literature. This study investigated the effect of explicit and implicit vocabulary instructions on students’ ESP reading comprehension across cognitive styles. Quasi experimental with pretest-posttest design involving 54 Mechatronics students at the Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya was employed in the study. The students were divided into two groups, field dependence and field independence, and received different vocabulary instruction from the teacher (the present researcher). Independent samples t-test and one way ANOVA used in analyzing the data revealed that the group receiving explicit vocabulary instruction outperformed the group receiving implicit vocabulary instruction in comprehending ESP reading. This suggests that explicit vocabulary instruction is more effective in promoting ESP reading comprehension than implicit one. The language practitioners can take it into account in teaching reading, especially in ESP context, to help improve students’ comprehension in the reading. Keywords: Explicit Vocabulary Instruction, Implicit Vocabulary Instruction, Field Independent, Field Dependent, ESP Reading Comprehension


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    This qualitative study investigates students' perceptions about paraphrasing and their cognitive and meta-cognitive processes in paraphrasing. Four Indonesian advanced EFL students enrolled in Applied Linguistics course of a graduate program in English Language Teaching of a state university in Malang were voluntarily willing to participate in the study. These four subjects did a paraphrasing task requiring them to do concurrent verbal reports while paraphrasing three sentences and one paragraph. Following this, the subjects responded to a questionnaire and then participated in a retrospective interview. The data from the questionnaires were described qualitatively, whereas the verbal reports were transcribed and analyzed for identification of cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies based on the framework of learning strategies by Chamot and Kupper (1989). The subjects’ perceptions about paraphrasing appeared to be in line with the widely accepted definition and criteria of proper paraphrases. Additionally, the results of verbal reports show that the subjects used 21 cognitive and seven meta-cognitive strategies, reflecting the fact that most of the cognitive strategies used in the sentence level were applied in the paragraph level with some additions of strategies specific to paragraph development and synthesis such as finding the main idea and summarizing


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    The status of English as a foreign language (EFL) in Indonesia necessitates the use of English native speakers' utterances as models of pronunciation and as standard of understanding messages in various contexts, be they academic or social. As recently English has developed as an international language that can be used as a means of communication between people from non-English speaking countries, the role of listening activities in the teaching of English cannot be neglected. This article highlights the importance of listening and reviews some of the issues in the research and teaching of EFL listening. It firstly presents a paradigm of the listening process, followed by a theoretical framework for teaching listening, especially in the broader context of English language teaching. It then discusses the teaching of and research on EFL listening in Indonesia. Finally, this article outlines some recommendations for more effective teaching of listening in EFL classrooms


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    There has been extensive literature on the teaching of vocabulary of English as a foreign language (EFL vocabulary) in the Indonesian context. However, a comprehensive analysis on the teaching of EFL vocabulary in this country has been a rare endeavour. This article aims to underpin various issues of the teaching of EFL vocabulary and relate them to a wider context of second/foreign language vocabulary teaching and review results of research as well as current practices of EFL vocabulary teaching and learning in the Indonesian context. It is expected that this article could provide an outline of the teaching of EFL vocabulary and some recommendations for future research and practices
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