11 research outputs found
Edukasi dan Pendampingan Selama 21 Hari dengan Mogigu Meningkatkan Perilaku Menggosok Gigi dengan Benar pada Anak dan Orang Tua SD Bulusan Semarang
Dental caries among school children is relative high, and one of factor which influence is wrong tooth brushing. based on Riskesdas 2018, 90% of Indonesian has incorrect way. Theory behavior to change knowledge and attitude of children is needed to improve dental behavior. Besides that a new model of media education delivered on line called MOGIGU also can be used. Aims of study to improve school children knowledge and attitude after give education about tooth brushing with MOGIGU and also parental attitude after socialization of the on line media. Research design is quasy experimental, with sample 100 school children and their parents with non random selection sample. Questionnaire about knowledge and attitude of children and parents are given before and after education and accompanied or supervised with MOGIGU. Differences among knowledge and attitude are analyzed by Wilcoxon test. Research result shown differences of knowledge and attitude of school children (p: 0.04 and 0.03) respectively. Parental attitude also improve after dental education and application of MOGIGU to their children. Conclusion: Supervised with on line media (MOGIGU) are effective to improve knowledge and attitude of children about correct tooth brushing
Maintenance of dental and oral hygiene is very important for dental and oral health. The OHIS value can be used as an indicator of dental and oral hygiene. Children with special needs are children who have limitations in one or several abilities. The need for the role of a mother is not a short period so there must be a sense of togetherness in the community to foster togetherness and care for children with special needs, PoskesGi is a forum for Peer Group activities which is a form of community empowerment where the participants are family communities who have children with special needs. The purpose of this study was the influence of the form of peer groups as a means of fostering parental involvement in the maintenance of dental and oral hygiene of children with special needs.The research is descriptive analytic by using a cross sectional study design approach and the sampling technique is the total sampling method. The data analysis method used was statistical calculations using the Wilcoxon test.The results showed that there was a significant difference (p, 0.05) between OHIS before and after the involvement of parents in the Peer Group in the family community of Children with Special Needs. The conclusion is that there is an influence of parental involvement in Peer Group activities for the Children with Special Needs community in changing the OHIS value of children with special needs.Keywords: Community Empowerment, PosKesGi, Peer Group, OHIS for children with special need
TITLEInternal and external motivation of denture wearing in elderly community “sehat bugar” of Poltekes SemarangABSTRACTTooth damage like carries, even when the carries is still on process or when it cannot be maintained and should be removed, will cause some health problems if it is ignored. Loosing teeth in long term period will lead to the changes of teeth arrangement so the contact will be imperfect. Other negative impacts that are caused by caries are the decrease of speaking function and aesthetic functions.Although most people loose their teeth, either by dental caries process or by other causes, not all of them immediately applying an artificial teeth or wear dentures. The awareness to make the denture is influenced by factors both internal and external. Internal factors include the self-perception, interests, needs and expectations. External factors consist of the support of family, environment, health care facilities, benefits and rewards received. Motivations is the factor that drives or moves a person to behave and lead towards a specific goalÂ.This research aims to observe the motivation of denture-using on Poltekkes Semarang’s elders community “Sehat Bugar" Poltekkes. This observation research was conducted in the August until the early of September 2014, whereas the data were processed in September 2014. The sample used in this research is the total samples of 67 subjects in order to get a better representative.The results of the Chi Square correlation analysis shows there is significant relationship between Internal motivation and the use of denture with 0.012 (p 0.05) of sig value and there was no relationship between external motivation and the use of denture with 0.604 (p 0.05) of sig value. Keywords     : Internal motivation,External motivation, dentur
Tooth brushing programs that have been carried out in schools have not been able to change the brushing behavior of elementary school students, shown by OHI-S value = 1.3; DMF-T=1.09, def-t=1.78. Program improvement in behavioral aspects needs to be done to improve the dental health level of elementary school students. Behavioral changes are influenced by information. Information will be stored as much as 20% if delivered through visuals, 50% of the cost is delivered through audiovisual media and 70% if implemented in real practice. Analyze the effectiveness of the audiovisual media model on tooth brushing habits of schoolchildren Method is Quasy experiment with pretest and posttest with control group design. The sample was divided into 2 groups, the audiovisual model in the intervention group, and the brushing program in the control group. The treatment was carried out for 21 days, the measurements were carried out pre-experiment, 25th and 35th days. Data were tested using the test freedman post hoc Wilcoxon, Man Whitney repeated, and Kruskal. On the 25th-day measurement of significant changes in variable ways, long brushing teeth p0.05. At the 35th day measurement, there was a significant change in the method variable, morning brushing teeth p0.05. This model is effective against the formation of the habit of brushing teeth indicated by p0.001. Mogigu model’s has the potential as an alternative to brush your teeth together in school so that it can be applied in the School Dental Health Business.
Edukasi dan Pendampingan Selama 21 Hari dengan Mogigu Meningkatkan Perilaku Menggosok Gigi dengan Benar pada Anak dan Orang Tua SD Bulusan Semarang
ABSTRACTDental caries among school children is relative high, and one of factor which influence is wrong tooth brushing. based on Riskesdas 2018, 90% of Indonesian has incorrect way. Theory behavior to change knowledge and attitude of children is needed to improve dental behavior. Besides that a new model of media education delivered on line called MOGIGU also can be used. Aims of study to improve school children knowledge and attitude after give education about tooth brushing with MOGIGU and also parental attitude after socialization of the on line media. Research design is quasy experimental, with sample 100 school children and their parents with non random selection sample. Questionnaire about knowledge and attitude of children and parents are given before and after education and accompanied or supervised with MOGIGU. Differences among knowledge and attitude are analyzed by Wilcoxon test. Research result shown differences of knowledge and attitude of school children (p: 0.04 and 0.03) respectively. Parental attitude also improve after dental education and application of MOGIGU to their children. Conclusion: Supervised with on line media (MOGIGU) are effective to improve knowledge and attitude of children about correct tooth brushing
Karies gigi di jumpai di berbagai kalangan usia, di Indonesia prevalensi Early Childhood Caries (ECC) mencapai 90% untuk anak usia 3-5 tahun dengan index def-t lebih dari 6. Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) tahun 2018 melaporkan prevalensi ECC untuk anak usia 5 tahun mencapai 90,2%. Salah satu faktor yang menjadi latar belakang terjadinya kejadian ECC pada anak adalah perilaku orang tua terutama ibu dalam menjaga dan memelihara kesehatan gigi anak. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan perilaku ibu terhadap kejadian ECC pada anak usia 4-6 tahun TK PGRI 66 Pandean lamper, Semarang. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah survey analitik dengan pendekatam cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling dengan jumlah 37 pasang responden ibu-anak. Alat ukur yang digunakan kuesioner perilaku dan kartu status kesehatan gigi. Hasil data penelitian di analisa uji evektivitas menggunakan aplikasi SPSS dengan jenis uji non-parametrik ring-spearman.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 9 (75%) ibu memiliki pengetahuan dan def-t anak baik, 10 (66,7%) ibu memiliki sikap sedang dengan def-t anak baik, 12 (80%) ibu memiliki tindakan dan def-t anak baik. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistic menggunakan uji ring-spearman dengan hasil masing-masing p-value adalah pengetahuan (p=0.015) sikap (p=0.000) dan tindakan (p=0.015
Background: Dental caries is a disease caused by the interaction between microorganisms, diet, and teeth (host). Streptococcus mutants is most common microorganisms which has a role in the process Microorganisms whose role is Streptococcus mutants. Kencur (Kaempferia galanga) has bactericidal properties because it contains essential oils, flavonoids, polyphenols, and saponins that can inhibit bacterial growth.
Aims: The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of kencur extracts 20% in toothpaste to inhibit the growth of Streptococcus mutants.
Methods: This was a laboratory experimental research with post-test control group design. The sample was divided into 2 groups, toothpaste without kencur extract as group A and a toothpaste group containing kencur extract. Replication is done 12 times from each group. Incubation was performed for 24 hours at 27 0 C. The results are measured with calipers and the data were analysed by Independent t-test.
Results:The results showed that the average of toothpaste A inhibitory zone was 2.95 mm and the toothpaste containing kencur extract was 18.1 mm. Independent test results obtained t-test significant value of 0.000 p<0.05 which means there are differences in the average zone of inhibition significantly between groups kencur extract toothpaste and toothpaste brands A.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that, although kencur extracts toothpaste has inhibitory zone against the bacteria Streptococcus mutants however, toothpaste A has a larger inhibition zone
INTISARIDevi, W . A., 2020. Hubungan Pengetahuan Teknik Menggosok Gigi Dengan Angka Karies Siswa Kelas 5 SDN Pudak Payung 01 Semarang. Karya Tulis Ilmiah Jurusan Keperawatan Gigi Politeknik Kesehatan Kementrian Kesehatan Semarang. Pembimbing : (I) Dr. drg. Diyah Fatmasari, MDSc (II) dr. Endra Nastiti Donasari.Pengetahuan adalah informasi yang diketahui oleh seseorang dari yang tidak tahu menjadi tahu, perilaku yang didasari dengan pengetahuan akan lebih langgeng. Ada beberapa Teknik menggosok gigi yaitu vertical, hirizontall, roll, charter, dan bass. Karies gigi adalah penyakit jaringan keras gigi yaitu email, dentin, dan sementum yang disebabkan aktivitas jasad renik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan pengetahuan teknik menggosok gigi dengan angka karies pada siswa kelas 5 SDN Pudak Payung 01 Semarang.Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode pendekatan cross sectional. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah Teknik menggosok gigi. Variabel terikat adalah angka karies. Populasi penelitian ini adalah 90 responden, untuk menentukan besar sampel apabila subjek kurang dari 100 maka diambil semua, jadi sampel pada penelitian ini adalan 90. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah Total Sampling. Data yang telah diperoleh dari responden melalui kuesioner dan lembar pemeriksaan karies kemudian dikelompokkan, disajikan dalam bentuk tabulasi dan tabulasi silang.Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya kecenderungan hubungan pengetahuan teknik menggosok gigi dengan angka karies pada siswa kelas 5 SDN Pudak Payung 01 Semarang. Sebanyak (77%) responden memiliki kriteria tingkat pengetahuan baik dengan angka karies gigi sebagian besar dalam kriteria rendah (37%). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disarankan bagi siswa untuk dapat melakukan teknik menggosok gigi dengan baik dan benar untuk menjaga kesehatan gigi dan mulut.Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan, Teknik Menggosok Gigi, Angka Karie