211 research outputs found

    Tradisi Masyarakat Muslim Dalam Membagi Harta Warisan Secara Kekeluargaan (Studi Di Kecamatan Jekan Raya Kota Palangka Raya)

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    The background of the tradition of the muslim community in dividing the inheritance amicably was due to advice from one or more of the heirs which the most dominant in the division of inheritance, because inheritance heir of inadequate if distributed with the way faraid, in addition there are also which based on the message of inheritor before died to the heirs to share of inheritance the amicably. The purpose of this research was the tradition of the muslim community in dividing. This research uses descriptive qualitative approximation is collect and describe the data and facts matching in with situation which to exist at field and that obtained from the result of observation, interview and documentation. The result of this research demonstrate that The practice of implementation of the division of inheritance traditions amicably, there are two i.e. ways the division which done with the way agreement the family and the based to testament of the inheritor in moment still living, whereas the impact of the division of inheritance with the way amicably which done based on the message of inheritor before died to the heirs to divide of inheritance with the way amicably it is the positively impact

    Analisis Kajian Implementasi Pendekatan Sains, Teknologi dan Masyarakat (Stm) pada Bahan Ajar Redoks dan Elektrokimia

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    The purpose of this research is to study possibility of applying of Science, Technology and Society (STS) approach based on laboratory experiment in Second Basic Chemistry Experimental on subject matter of the redox reactions and electrochemical. The Laboratory experiment that was studied in this research is decreasing of cationic dye Basic Fuchsin concentration with electrodecoloritation method.This research uses literature review supported by laboratory experimental data. The parameter of this research are the experimental procedures, the availability of experimental materials, the time of experiment, the data analysis and the availability of analytical instruments. Contribute a better translation The conclution of this research is the experimental of decreasing of cationic dye Basic Fuchsin concentration with electrodecolorisation method can be applied for Second Basic Chemistry Experimental on subject matter of the redox reactions and electrochemical because it was a simple experimental procedure, the experimental materials are cheap and easily obtained, experiment time is shorter, easy data analysis and the adequacy of availability of instruments in the laboratory analysis in the laboratory of Chemical Education Department, Teacher Training And Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University

    Tema Metafora Galaksi pada PErancangan Sekolah Tinggi Astronomi di Kabupaten Bandung Barat

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    West Bandung Regency is a growing area and the construction of various aspects. To advance this area of ​​West Bandung regency required adequate educational facilities, one with established College of Astronomy. By The High School Astronomy can provide educational facilities for the community and contribute to realizing the vision and mission of West Bandung regency with improving the quality of human resources in the field of Astronomy. Galaxy theme as a metaphor of architecture design design High School Astronomy in accordance with the science of astronomy. The selection of the theme used to combine the characteristics of galaxy shapes and patterns into architectural design to produce a design that gives the value of the specific and unique architecture. The problem is, how to apply the theme within the contoured tread. The method is used in designing qualitative methods and field observations. Results of design architectural design High School Astronomy can be seen from the pattern of mass order and adopted the philosophy that building character galaxies with centralized patterns of galaxies with masses of supporters around them

    Kontekstual Iconik pada Pengembangan Kampus Institut Teknologi Nasional 2030

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    With the growing importance of higher education in the present, the more are those who follow high education levels. With the increasing population who are interested to participate in a college education, it is also the means needed to accommodate the population. With the existence of these facilities that can accomodate the population who want to follow a college education, then the learning process will go well. However, due to the limitations of the existing facilities and the increasing interest in the population who wants to enroll in higher education ITENAS we perform the revitalization and development of new building. Contextual iconik chosen as a theme in the design of the. The design concept of the development of the National Institute of Technology campus in 2030 refers to the theme of "Contextual Iconik". Kontekstul itself has meaning everything to do with the condition of the relationship. In other words could be interpreted contextual link between something with something else. In the field of architecture, in a process of planning and designing, to consider matters relating to the planned new works. The things that have such linkages include environmental, cultural, regional style, the character of society, history, etc.. While the term Iconik designed buildings here are expected to be the icon of the National Institute of Technology campus that can be the pride of the entire community of National Institute of Technology campus

    Analisis Sektor Keuangan terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Regional di Wilayah Jawa: Pendekatan Model Levine

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    The objectives of this study are to analyze the influence of financial development to economic regional growth on Jawa region, using panel of province-level data on Jawa region for the period 2005-2010. The analysis method that used on this paper is panel data regression. The empirical results shown that financial asset and financial credit had a positive influence to economic regional growth on Jawa region, meanwhile third party fund had negative influence to economic regional growth on Jawa region. The other result shown that individual effect from fixed effect model showed that DKI Jakarta, Banten and East Jawa have potential as the centre of economic growthDOI: 10.15408/etk.v11i2.189

    Key Features of the Process Approach and Their Pedagogical Implications: Challenges for the Indonesian Context

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    Paradigm shifts have occurred in the teaching of writing in the ESL context. The process approach, the paradigm of the reinvented rhetoric, as Freedman and Pringle (in Emig, 1982: 2022) call it, emphasises the view of writing as a process of developing organisation as well as meaning. This article examines the challenges of the process approach for the Indonesian context. It begins with the description of the key features of the approach. The article also highlights what pedagogical implications the features have for writing instruction in EFL/ESL writing classrooms

    Pengaruh Guncangan Output Gap dan Inflasi terhadap Suku Bunga sebagai Sasaran Operasional Kebijakan Moneter di Indonesia

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    The objectives of this study are to observe interest rate response because shock/innovation of inflation and output gap. The data sample used in this study are quarterly time series data from 1983.1 – 2008.4. Those data are SBI interest rate, inflation (CPI) and output gap. A method of analysis in this study is Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The empirical results of impulse response show that the effect of inflation and output gap shock to interest rate is positifDOI: 10.15408/sjie.v1i2.260

    Indikator Makroekonomi dan Return Saham Syariah di Indonesia

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    The objectives of this study are to examine empirical test the long term equilibrium and simulteneous relationship between macroeconomics variables to stock return in Indonesia and to observe stock return response because shock/innovation of inflation, SBI discount rate and exchange rate Rupiah to US dollar. The data sample used in this study are monthly time series data from 2003.1 – 2010.6. Those data are SBI discount rate, inflation (CPI), exchange rate Rupiah to US dollar, money supply and stock return (IHSG). A method of analysis in this study are Granger Causality Test and Cointegration test. The empirical results shows that SBI discount rate, inflation (CPI), and exchange rate Rupiah to US dollar have causality relationship to stock return.. The cointegration test indicates that among research variables there is long term equilibrium and simultaneous relationshipDOI: 10.15408/sjie.v2i2.242

    Adsorpsi Zat Warna Rhodamin B Menggunakan Karbon Aktif dari Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guneensis Jacq)

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    Textile industry is one of the most dominant developed industries in Indonesia. Waste textile industries were dominated by dyes pollution from the production process. One way to pigment used in textile industry is pigment Rhodamin B. Methodt reduce dyes waste pollution is through adsorption. The adsorbent that used was activated carbon from waste palm empty fruit buncheswhich are activation physics in temperature 300oC and chemical activation is done by using H3PO4 activator. This research aims to study the activated carbon capabilities in adsorption Rhodamin B in the variation of the mass of adsorbent 1, 3 and 5 grams, sieve size 0,595-250 mm, 0,250-125 mm and 0,105 mm and a contact time of 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes.The results showed that the optimum occurs at mass 5 grams, sieve size 0,105 mm and a contact time of 45 minutes with an efficiency of 99,50%. While the lowest efficiency is 27% to mass 5 grams, particle size 0,595-0,250 mm and a contact time 15 minutes

    Beberapa Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Jumlah Kredit Konsumtif pada Bank Umum di Bali Tahun 2004-2012.

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    Perkembangan kredit di Indonesia didominasi oleh kredit konsumtif. Jumlah kredit konsumtif dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, tetapi dalam penelitian ini hanya diteliti beberapa faktor, diantaranya: dana pihak ketiga, suku bunga kredit konsumtif, indeks harga konsumen dan kurs. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder tahun 2004-2012, dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara serempak dana pihak ketiga, suku bunga kredit konsumtif, indeks harga konsumen dan kurs berpengaruh terhadap kredit konsumtif. Dana pihak ketiga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kredit konsumtif, sedangkan suku bunga kredit konsumtif, indeks harga konsumen dan kurs tidak berpengaruh terhadap jumlah kredit konsumtif. Kata kunci: kredit konsumtif Abstract Credit consumtif have a biggest growth in Indonesia. That the credit consumtif rapid growth than credits investment and work capital credits. There are many factor can impact the number of comsumif credits but in this research only use same factor, include: funding, interest rate of consumtif credits, consumer price index and exchange rate. This research objective is to understand the impact funding, interest rate of consumtif credits, consumer price index and exchange rate to the number of cumsumtif creditsof commercial banks in Bali, 2004-2012, The result analysis of this research can explained that funding, interest rate of consumtif credits, consumer price index and exchange rate simultaneously influence to the cunsumtif credits of commercial banks in Bali. Funding partially positively influence the number of comsumtif credits, but interest rate of cumsumtif, consumer price index and exchange rate not influence the number of consumtif credits. Key word: credit consumti
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