8 research outputs found

    ACCOUNT JUAH'S CONTRIBUTION FOR THE COMMUNITY OF WEST KALIMANTAN: Kontribusi Tampun Juah Untuk Masyarakat Kalimantan Barat

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    This study aims to This research aims to: (1) Dayak tribe in West Kalimantan and the origin of Tampun Juah; (2) Tampun Juah for the people of West Kalimantan. The research method used in this study is a historical method written in a descriptive-analytic manner with cultural and social integration. The series of research is described in several stages, namely heuristics. Second, verification. Third, interpretation. Fourth, historiography. The results of this study note that: (1) The diversity of the Dayak tribe. (2) Tampun Juah is a place of origin for the identity of the Dayak tribe, language, culture, and the creation of Malian customary law, namely customary law, customs for the benefit of the people of West Kalimantan.


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    Nasionalisme pemerasatu Konflik sosial di Indonesia. Penelitian ini mengunakan deskriptif naratif. Metode sejarah yaitu heuristik, ialah kegiatan menghimpun sumber-sumber sejarah, kritik (verifikasi) meneliti apakah sumber-sumber itu sejati, baik bentuk maupun isinya, interpretasi, untuk menetapkan makna dan saling hubungan dari fakta-fakta yang diverifikasi, historiografi, penyajian hasil sintesis yang diperoleh dalam bentuk suatu kisah sejarah. Hasil penelitian ini adalah pada titik simpang kritis ketiga yang neyertai akhir rezim Orde Baru, sebagian kelompok tersebut adalah para peserta korban dari kekerasan etnis. Suku Dayak yang terpinggirkan berperang melawan para pendatang suku Madura di pulau Kalimantan pada tahun 1996-1999. Mereka yang terpinggirkan meliputi sejumlah besar kelompok yang dianggap komunitas-komunitas suku atau terpencil, kekuasaan otoriter di bawah demokrasi terpimpin dan Orde Baru mempersempit paksaan intitusional terhadap Aceh dan mempromosikan integrasi yang lebih besar ke dalam model nasional Indonesia. Status khusus Aceh dengan cepat pudar akibat sentarlisasi kekuasaan politik, ekonomi  dan milite


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    The process of Islamization and the development of Islam in Indonesia has brought influence to the minds of the people. The influence is always developing not only limited to the mental spiritual field, but also in the form of the mindset and creativity carried out by the community. One form of this influence is the emergence of Islamic building art. First of all there was a mosque building which was one of the manifestations of Islamic culture. Then buildings that are non-religious appear as facilities that accommodate human needs. Palaces, palaces, castles, fortress buildings, and cemeteries. The Pontianak Mujahidin College, preceded by the Mujahidin Foundation in 1953, was also established by the Pontianak Great Mujahidin Mosque. Masjid Raya Mujahidin is an institution of Da'wah, BMT, Cooperatives, and educational institutions, namely the Pontianak Mujahidin College. This college was officially founded in 1980. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative research method in which data collection is human instrument, ie researchers act as data collectors. The analysis used uses intractive analysis. The results of this study are the first educational institutions established in junior high, high school, then kindergarten, elementary school, Madrasah Aliyah and Tsanwiyah. This college is growing rapidly along with the changing times. In addition, this college is one of the favorite Islamic educational institutions in the city of Pontianak. In addition to the good quality of education, it is also due to its strategic location on Jalan Ahmad Yani or a complex with the Pontianak Great Mujahidin Mosque


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    Kerajaaan Mempawah pada masa Opu Daeng Manambon tahun 1737 – 1761 di Kabupaten Pontianak”. Dari judul ini dapat diambil rumusan masalah sebagai berikut : 1. Bagaimanakah awal kedatangan Opu Daeng Manambon di kerajaan Mempawah ? 2. Bagaimanakah suasana kerajaan Mempawah pada masa Opu Daeng Manambon tahun 1737 – 1761 ? 3. Bagaimanakah perkembangan Islam pada masa Opu Daeng Manambon di kerjaan Mempawah?. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian sejarah. Metode penelitian Sejarah terbagi atas empat langkah yaitu Heuristik ( pengumpulan sumber), Verifikasi ( kritik sumber), Interpertasi ( penafsiran fakta Sejarah) dan histografi ( penelitian sejarah ). Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan maka dapat ditark kesimpulan sebagai berikut:Opu Daeng Manambon di kenal sebagai Raja di kerajaan Mempawah yang berasal dari kerajaaan Luwu. Beliau lahir pada tahun 1695 Masehi /1106 Hijriah dan wafat tahun 1763 Masehi / 1174 Hijriah, yang dimakamkan di Sebukit Rama. Opu Daeng Manambon menjadi raja di Mepawah setelah mangkatnya panambahan Senggaok, yang pada waktu itu mereka berada di Matan, lalu berangkatlah Opu Daeng Manambon dengan istrinya Ratu Agung Sinihun dan Ibunda mertuanya Ratu Mas Indrawati serta para pengikutnya, kurang lebih empat puluh sampan atau perahu besar dan ekcil dari berbagai suku, kurang berlayar meninggalkan negeri Matan dengan perasaan haru. Perjalanan yang dilalui tiga hari dalam pelayaran, sampailah rombongan Opu Daeng Manambon di Kuala Sungai Mempawah tepatnya pada tahun 1737.Masa pemerintahan Opu Daeng Manambon merupakan masa dimana kerajaan  Mempawah Islam mulai dan kemudian berkembang. Dalam mengatur pemerintahannya telah menggunakan hukum Syara agama Islam yaitu hukum – hukumn yang mengenai masalah terdiri dari Ibadat, Mu’amalat, Munakahat dan Kinayah. Selain hukum syara dan siri yang digunakan pangeran Mas Surya Negara berusaha dengan sekuat tenaga mencari guru – guru dan alim ulama supaya datang ke pusat pemerintahannya. Yang pertama kali diajak pindah  ke Mempawah ialah Syayid Habib Husein Al Qadry, seorang bangsa arab yang berasal dari negeri Trim Hadral maut di Jazirah Arab . Kata kunci : Kerajaan Mempawah pada masa Opu Daeng Manambon tahun 1737 – 1761


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    Learning that is carried out by students is using the cooperative learning model by making creative media to support the percentage of students in the classroom. Some students do not understand in making Audio Visual learning media, by using audio visual media it is expected that student learning motivation will arise. Quantitative descriptive method is used when it aims to describe or explain events or an incident that is happening at the present time in the form of meaningful numbers. With a number of subjects of 26 students. Interlationsship studies. Testing for normality uses the Kolmogorov-Smirnov analysis technique and for calculations using the SPSS 16.0 for Windows program. The data is said to be normally distributed if the significance value is greater than 0.05 at the significance level α = 0.05. The linearity results above indicate that the significance level is 0.588> 0.05; so that the two variables can be said to be linear. Based on the results of the hypothesis is the hypothesis in this study is "There is a positive and significant relationship between learning motivation and the making of audio-visual media by students in the subject of educational psychology. 4.243> 0.555) and a significance value of 0.000, which means less than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05). Based on these results, the first hypothesis in this study was not rejected. The results of the product moment correlation analysis showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between learning motivation and the making of audio-visual media by students in educational psychology subjects. there is a relationship between the making of Audio Visual media in the educational psychology course with student learning motivation in the educational psychology course


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    ABSTRACTThis study aims to describe the process of planting and distributing rubber products inSintang, and the process of rubber trading in Sintang in the early 20th century. Researchconducted by the historical method, the data obtained using oral history in the form ofinterviews and analyzing documents. The results showed that rubber plantations inSintang were scattered in several regions, one of which was located in Nanga JetakVillage. The preparation of the sap seeds has been prepared by the Dutch Indiesbusinessman, then distributed to various regions in Sintang. Cultivation of rubber plantswas carried out by indigenous people and assisted by Javanese people who werecontacted by Dutch Indies businessmen as rubber farmers. Rubber plantations aremanaged by Dutch Indies businessmen and some Chinese. Rubber that has beenprocessed into sap is sent to the kingdom of Sintang through the Melawi River and theDutch East Indies Government in Pontianak via the Kapuas RiverKeyword: rubber plantation, Sintang, social-economic history

    Dayak Iban Sebaruk Weanıng Ikat As Local Wısdom In Implementıng Character Educatıon In Students Of SMP Negerı 2 Sekayam

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    The research aims to determine Dayak Iban Sebaruk ikat weaving as local wisdom in cultivating character education for students at SMP Negeri 2 Sekayam. Qualitative descriptive research with a single case study strategy, with data collection through direct observation, interviews and document study. Testing data validation through method triangulation techniques and source triangulation. Interactive data analysis starting from data collection, data reduction, data presentation and data verification. The results of the research show that the existence of the Dayak Iban Sebaruk people is not only based on agriculture but they are able to express their cultural arts in the form of weaving. Dayak ikat weaving has aesthetic, philosophical and economic value. The inheritance of weaving has been passed down from generation to generation by women until now. Local wisdom becomes a force to shape national identity. Cultural inheritance and local wisdom give rise to norms, ethics and customs which are used as capital to form students with character