118 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Zat Besi dengan dan tanpa Vitamin C terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin Wanita Usia Subur

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    Anemia pada wanita pekerja masih merupakan masalah kesehatan yang dapat menurunkan produktivitas kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan zat besi dengan dan tanpa vitamin C terhadap kadar hemoglobin. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Quasy Experimental dengan Pre Test and Post Test Control Group Design. Populasi penelitian berjumlah 600 orang dan sampel berjumlah 60 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara pengamatan, wawancara, pemeriksaan hemoglobin, dan data sekunder. Pada kelompok perlakuan diberi tablet zat besi dan dVitamin C, pada kelompok kontrol hanya diberi tablet zat besi. Intervensi yang dilakukan adalah pemberian tablet zat besi dengan dan tanpa vitamin C, satu kapsul perminggu.Nilai rata-rata kadar hemoglobin pada kelompok kontrol pada sebelum intervensi yaitu 9,15 gram/dL dan setelah intervensi meningkat menjadi 10,19 gram/dL. Pada kelompok perlakuan rata-rata kadar hemoglobin sebelum intervensi sebesar 9,5 gram/dL dan meningkat menjadi 11,44 gram/dL sesudah inter- vensi. Hasil uji T berpasangan menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan pada nilai mean kadar hemoglobin pada kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan (nilai p = 0,000). Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu masukan perencanaan dan evaluasi program gizi yang dapat dilakukan dalam rangka meningkatkan pola hidup sehat wanita pekerja di PT Sarana Mandiri Mukti Kepahiang.Anemia in women workers, remains a health problem that can reduce work productivity. The study aimed to compare iron with and without vitamin C to hemoglobin levels. Quasy experimental research was conducted with pre test and post test control group design. Study population were of 600 people and 60 people as sample with random sampling technique. Data was collected through observations, interviews, examination of hemoglobin and secondary data. In the treatment group were given iron and plus Vitamin C, in the control group were given only iron. Intervention is the provision of iron with and without vitamin C, one capsule a week.Mean of hemoglobin level in control group before intervention was 9.15 gram/dL increased to 10.19 gram/dL in after intervention. Treatment group also show increasing hemoglobin level mean before and after intervention from 9.5 gram/dL to 11.44 gram/dL. Paired T test revealed significant differences between control and treatment group (p value = 0.000). It is hoped this research can be used as one input and evaluation of nutrition programs planning to do in order to improve healthy lifestyles of women workers at PT Sarana Mandiri Mukti Kapahiang

    Optimasi Massa Rangka Kendaraan Elektrik Pengangkut Sampah Dengan Simulasi Metode Elemen Hingga

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    Residential waste contributes up to 55% of the total volume of urban waste such as in Jakarta. It makes the transport process of residential waste to temprorary landfill site (TPS) that has been existed, less efficient. Transporting waste process with garbage cart is depended on the manpower, while with the garbage truck, the vehicle's width and the use of fossil fuels are the weaknesses. Thus, the design concept of a waste transport vehicle using electric motor as driving source is made which has the same payload capacity as a garbage cart in general. Garbage payload along with the main components must be strongly supported by the vehicle frame, which incidentally serves as the support vehicle. In this study, discussed the optimization of electric waste transport vehicle with the help of 3-dimensional CAD modelling, then simulated with static loading to obtain the results of the stress, displacement with the maximum value and location, and can assign the payload distribution position. With variable of the beam profile shape and its thickness, then obtained the optimal order forms, which frame weighs as light as possible but still robust in supporting given loads, which is frame with a cylindrical hollow profile with diameter of 60.3 mm and thickness of 4 mm

    Toward Improvement of Resistance Testing Reliability

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    Periodically conducting a benchmark test with estimated uncertainty is important to improve the quality of resistance predictions and understand the influence of instrumentation, testing procedures and analysis techniques. The LHI-007 Ro-Ro Ferry ship model, made available by the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN), was used for benchmark testing from 2010 to 2018 at the Indonesian Hydrodynamic Laboratory. Comparisons were made between filtering the resistance data with a low-pass filter and with a Kalman filter. This work shows how benchmark tests can be used to track test performance over a longer period and proposes techniques to improve the uncertainty in the resistance results

    Multi Objectives Fuzzy Ant Colony Optimization Design of Supply Path Searching

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    One of problem faced in supply chain management is path searching. The best path depend not only on distance, but also other variables, such as: the quality of involved companies, quality of delivered product, and other value resulted by quality measurement. Commonly, the ant colony optimization could search the best path that has only one objective path. But it would be difficult to be adopted, because in the real case, the supply path has multi path and objectives (especially in palm oil based bioenergy supply). The objective of this paper is to improve the ant colony optimization for solving multi objectives based supply path problem by using fuzzy ant colony optimization. The developed multi objectives fuzzy ant colony optimization design was explained here, that it was used to search the best supply path. Salah satu masalah yang dihadapi dalam Supply Chain Management adalah pencarian jalur. Jalur terbaik tidak hanya tergantung pada jarak, tetapi juga variabel lain, seperti: kualitas Perusahaan yang terlibat, kualitas produk yang dikirimkan, dan nilai lain yang dipengaruhi oleh pengukuran kualitas. Umumnya, Ant Colony Optimization bisa mencari jalur terbaik yang hanya memiliki satu jalur objektif. Tapi akan sulit untuk diadopsi, karena dalam kasus nyata, jalur supply memiliki banyak jalur dan tujuan (khususnya pasokan minyak kelapa sawit berbasis bioenergi). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan Ant Colony Optimization dalam menyelesaikan masalah jalur supply dengan menggunakan Fuzzy Ant Colony Optimization. Tujuan pengembangan Fuzzy Ant Colony Optimization dijelaskan disini, yaitu digunakan untuk mencari jalur supply terbaik

    Sense of presence and learning satisfaction among students of different age groups in a 3-d virtual world

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    Virtual worlds are growing in popularity very quickly. This growing popularity of 3-dimensional (3-D) virtual worlds has drawn attention from educationists. Today, 3-dimensional (3-D) virtual worlds are exploited for online and virtual learning. Unlike the common online learning platforms, a virtual world environment closely resembles a 3-D video games environment. Thus the age of students might affect their sense of presence, interaction, and satisfaction in the said environment. Hence this study was conducted to investigate whether there are differences between students of different age groups on their sense of presence (place presence, social presence, and co-presence) and their learning satisfaction. The study was carried out for six weeks and involved 33 part-time diploma students with the use of interview and questionnaires as instruments. In this study, the researcher developed our own 3-D virtual world, known as ViEW, by using the Open Wonderland open source virtual world program. A nonparametric Mann-Whitney U analysis was applied to explore the differences between young and senior participants in terms of their sense of place presence, social presence, co-presence, and learning satisfaction. The results indicated significant differences between young and senior students in terms of place presence, co-presence, and learning satisfaction, but no differences were identified for social presence. These results might be in regard with the means of conducted the learning, which were in the forms of cooperative and synchronous learning by utilizing audio communication most of the time. Several recommendations for future research related to the study were also provided

    Sosialisasi Es Krim Daun Kelor Kaya Antioksidan untuk Peningkatan Imunitas Tubuh dan Rintisan UMKM dalam Rangka Pencapaian SDG’s bidang Kesehatan dan Ekonomi pada Ibu-Ibu Rumah Tangga di Desa Kadipaten, Kecamatan Selomerto, Kabupaten Wonosobo

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    The ongoing Covid-19 case has caused concern for the community. Since the beginning, the appeal to wear a mask, wash hands regularly and maintain immunity has been emphasized. Good body immunity can keep you from being exposed to the Covid-19 virus. Moringa leaves contain antioxidants that can protect the body from free radicals. The antioxidant compounds in Moringa leaves are flavonoids, ascorbic acid, carotenoids and phenolics. This empowerment program is about making Moringa leaf ice cream for housewives in the Kadipaten Village, Wonosobo,  which is expected to increase the body's immunity of local residents and can help improve the economy of local residents as well as in the context of achieving SDG's in the health and economic field

    Gentrifying the Peri-urban: Land use Conflicts and institutional dynamics at the Frontier of an Indonesian Metropolis

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    This paper aims to specify the meaning of gentrification in rapidly peri-urbanising metropolitan regions in the context of Indonesia’s rapid transition to decentralisation and democracy. It discusses a case study of conflict over an environmental revitalisation project in a peri-urban area of Bandung City. The analysis focuses on the political processes, tactics and strategies supporting and opposing peri-urban gentrification and their consequences. The analysis illustrates how these political dynamics mediate the interaction between the movement of capital and the spatial reorganisation of social classes. It is argued that in the context of a peri-urbanising metropolis, gentrification needs to be narrated less in terms of class-based neighbourhood succession and more in terms of competing cross-class coalitions emerging at local and regional levels

    Atomic scale strain relaxation in axial semiconductor III-V nanowire heterostructures

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    Combination of mismatched materials in semiconductor nanowire heterostructures offers a freedom of bandstructure engineering that is impossible in standard planar epitaxy. Nevertheless, the presence of strain and structural defects directly control the optoelectronic properties of these nanomaterials. Understanding with atomic accuracy how mismatched heterostructures release or accommodate strain, therefore, is highly desirable. By using atomic resolution high angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy combined with geometrical phase analyses and computer simulations, we are able to establish the relaxation mechanisms (including both elastic and plastic deformations) to release the mismatch strain in axial nanowire heterostructures. Formation of misfit dislocations, diffusion of atomic species, polarity transfer, and induced structural transformations are studied with atomic resolution at the intermediate ternary interfaces. Two nanowire heterostructure systems with promising applications (InAs/InSb and GaAs/GaSb) have been selected as key examples

    Genetic factors associated with patient-specific warfarin dose in ethnic Indonesians

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>CYP2C9 </it>and <it>VKORC1 </it>are two major genetic factors associated with inter-individual variability in warfarin dose. Additionally, genes in the warfarin metabolism pathway have also been associated with dose variance. We analyzed Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in these genes to identify genetic factors that might confer warfarin sensitivity in Indonesian patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Direct sequencing method was used to identify SNPs in <it>CYP2C9, VKORC1, CYP4F2, EPHX1, PROC </it>and <it>GGCX </it>genes in warfarin-treated patients. Multiple linear regressions were performed to model the relationship warfarin daily dose requirement with genetic and non-genetic variables measured and used to develop a novel algorithm for warfarin dosing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From the 40 SNPs analyzed, <it>CYP2C9 </it>rs17847036 and <it>VKORC1 </it>rs9923231 showed significant association with warfarin sensitivity. In our study population, no significant correlation could be detected between <it>CYP2C9*3, CYP2C9C</it>-65 (rs9332127), <it>CYP4F2 </it>rs2108622, <it>GGCX </it>rs12714145, <it>EPHX1 </it>rs4653436 and <it>PROC </it>rs1799809 with warfarin sensitivity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p><it>VKORC1 </it>rs9923231 AA and <it>CYP2C9 </it>rs17847036 GG genotypes were associated with low dosage requirements of most patients (2.05 ± 0.77 mg/day and 2.09 ± 0.70 mg/day, respectively). <it>CYP2C9 </it>and <it>VKORC1 </it>genetic variants as well as non-genetic factors such as age, body weight and body height account for 15.4% of variance in warfarin dose among our study population. Additional analysis of this combination could allow for personalized warfarin treatment in ethnic Indonesians.</p