4 research outputs found

    Perancangan Prototipe Kendaraan Listrik Beroda Tiga

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    Pollution levels over time has been increased. One of the causes of the pollution are Internal combustion engine vehicle. In Indonesia, the air pollution produced by motor vehicles approximately 55 micrograms per cubic meter CO2. One of the solution to overcome the pollution problem is to create environmentally friendly vehicles using electric motor. In this paper will discuss about the design of a concept of environmentally friendly personal vehicle, which is used 3 wheel and can carry a single passenger. The process is design using the CAD software in three dimensional design, then static analysis was conducted using FEA to produce the maximum stress and the critical location due to the load from the design of the vehicle

    Sistem Kontrol Pada Kendaraan Roda Dua Berpenggerak Hibrida

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    This hybrid motorcycle design is to combine 5.65kW gasoline engine and 48V DC 0.5kW electrical brushless motor in serial-parallel type. Master control unit use a microcontroller ATMega16 to control gasoline engine and electrical motor alternately. Speed sensor is placed on the rear wheel to detect the motorcycle\u27s speed. When the motorcycle\u27s speed reaches the top threshold at 30km/h, it driven with gasoline engine and when the motorcycle\u27s speed getting lower to the bottom threshold at 5km/h, it changes with electrical motor. Battery charged with plug-in system to power supply

    Optimasi Massa Rangka Kendaraan Elektrik Pengangkut Sampah Dengan Simulasi Metode Elemen Hingga

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    Residential waste contributes up to 55% of the total volume of urban waste such as in Jakarta. It makes the transport process of residential waste to temprorary landfill site (TPS) that has been existed, less efficient. Transporting waste process with garbage cart is depended on the manpower, while with the garbage truck, the vehicle's width and the use of fossil fuels are the weaknesses. Thus, the design concept of a waste transport vehicle using electric motor as driving source is made which has the same payload capacity as a garbage cart in general. Garbage payload along with the main components must be strongly supported by the vehicle frame, which incidentally serves as the support vehicle. In this study, discussed the optimization of electric waste transport vehicle with the help of 3-dimensional CAD modelling, then simulated with static loading to obtain the results of the stress, displacement with the maximum value and location, and can assign the payload distribution position. With variable of the beam profile shape and its thickness, then obtained the optimal order forms, which frame weighs as light as possible but still robust in supporting given loads, which is frame with a cylindrical hollow profile with diameter of 60.3 mm and thickness of 4 mm

    Peranan Pendidikan Technopreneurship Untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan: Studi Konseptual

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    This paper describes a technological business incubation model, developing integrated curriculum with technopreneurship education, as well as the involvement of Industrial Engineering of Tarumanagara University to create technology startup ecosystem. University holds the important role for enhancing technopreneurs in Indonesia. Academics or researchers as technology transfer agents, are responsible to disseminate technology entrepreneurship education broadly. Eventually, technological business incubator will able to accelerate commercialization of innovations or inventions from university researchs