10 research outputs found

    Economic and legal dimension of humanitarian demining of Ukraine: problem and research prospects

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    In recent years, issues related to humanitarian demining of the affected territories in Ukraine have become increasingly urgent. In this context, the economic and legal aspects of humanitarian demining are of particular importance as they affect the possibility of rapid restoration of economic and other peaceful use of de-occupied territories. The authors focused on identifying the problems and highlighting the research prospects of the economic and legal dimension of humanitarian demining. It is considered in this study as the first stage of the comprehensive restoration of the Ukrainian territories. The present paper proves the importance of forming economic and legal tools that will contribute to the development of conceptual approaches as well as scientific and practical proposals to ensure humanitarian demining in Ukrainian realities

    Assessment of emergency consequences and hazardous factors impact from the process of explosive conversion products and materials disposal

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    Purpose is development of tools for assessing the emergency hazard of facility for disposal of explosive conversion products and materials. Results have been obtained by means of the economic and mathematical modelling methods, with use of the fundamental provisions of probability theory. The main task of conversion products and materials disposal is the creation and organization of safe technological processes aimed at returning the material resources contained in the conversion products to the state’s economy after the appropriate processing, rather than at destroying these resources. As a methodological basis for assessing the emergency hazard of a facility, a provision has been accepted that an integral measure of the disposal process hazard is the economic assessment of accidents. A scheme has been constructed of successiveness of the disposal facility events and states that can lead to an accident, on the basis of which a probabilistic model of its occurrence is developed. Proposed probabilistic model of an accident initiation at the facility for disposal of explosive conversion products and materials makes it possible to predict the behaviour of facility, based on results of the equipment and service personnel state survey, as well as on the analysis of the environmental conditions

    Assessment of emergency consequences and hazardous factors impact from the process of explosive conversion products and materials disposal

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    Purpose is development of tools for assessing the emergency hazard of facility for disposal of explosive conversion products and materials. Results have been obtained by means of the economic and mathematical modelling methods, with use of the fundamental provisions of probability theory. The main task of conversion products and materials disposal is the creation and organization of safe technological processes aimed at returning the material resources contained in the conversion products to the state’s economy after the appropriate processing, rather than at destroying these resources. As a methodological basis for assessing the emergency hazard of a facility, a provision has been accepted that an integral measure of the disposal process hazard is the economic assessment of accidents. A scheme has been constructed of successiveness of the disposal facility events and states that can lead to an accident, on the basis of which a probabilistic model of its occurrence is developed. Proposed probabilistic model of an accident initiation at the facility for disposal of explosive conversion products and materials makes it possible to predict the behaviour of facility, based on results of the equipment and service personnel state survey, as well as on the analysis of the environmental conditions

    Consumer lending vs ludomania: From resilience to social responsibility in the case of Ukraine

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    The main idea of the article lies in seeking a balance between the interests of the state, citizens - microcredit borrowers, non-banking financial institutions, and gambling entities (this is exemplified through relationships where low-income citizens use consumer credits for gambling). Unwise decisions by any of these participants regarding consumer credits and their use for gambling pose risks to both financial and social security in society. The issue of rationalizing the purpose of consumer credits, particularly in the context of military factors, when both the state and citizens are highly vulnerable, gains particular significance. In pursuit of the aim to identify an effective strategy to counter their (credits) use in citizen-risk operations, such as gambling, the article provides reasoned proposals for enhancing legal regulation of these relationships in Ukraine. Furthermore, the conceptual component of the article is reinforced by emphasizing the significant role of the concept of socially responsible business, which serves as a guarantee for achieving a positive social impact and minimizing predatory treatment of citizens in the microcredit sector. The research offers measures to prevent the misuse of microcredits and underscores the importance of achieving a balance between state and private interests in this field

    Environmental assessment for results of the local territories positioning

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    The purpose of the research is to construct positioning maps of local areas to assess the results of their positioning in terms of the environmental component of sustainable development. The article uses methods of analysis and synthesis, statistical and graphic, mapping method, comparative analysis and modelling, which made it possible to research the parameters and components of the local territories` (regions, cities and districts) positioning and to determine indicators for assessing their positions regarding economic, social and environmental components. Based on the rating estimates for the sustainable development of local areas, positioning maps have been constructed using the Ukrainian regions, districts and regional significance cities in the Luhansk region as the example. The article results proposed to expand the environmental indicators list for the positioning implementation based on the environmental assessment in the local level, which will allow the scientific and practical approach to assess the territorial units’ positions from the sustainable development point of view

    Phytoremediation of Soils by Cultivation Miscanthus x Giganteus L. and Phalaris arundinacea L.

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    Restoring soil fertility and protecting it from pollution are complex scientific tasks of our time that require a set of physical, chemical and biological measures. An important theoretical and applied aspect is the development of new remediation methods to reduce soil degradation processes under the influence of chemical pollution. The publication analyzes the ecological features of the energy crops Miscanthus giganteus L. and Phalaris arundinacea L. as phytoremediation agents of soils contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, and oil products. The content of toxicants in contaminated soils as a result of energy crops cultivation has significantly decreased, in particular, the content of mobile forms and the mass fraction of heavy metals. The greatest decrease was observed in the content of mobile forms of chromium: in the area contaminated with petroleum products by 0.55 mg/kg when growing reeds and by 1.06 mg/kg when growing miscanthus, and in the area contaminated with pesticides by 3.65 and 5.25 mg/kg, respectively. The gross stibium content decreased in the area contaminated with oil products by 60 mg/kg when growing reeds and by 69.61 mg/kg of soil when growing miscanthus, and by 65.68 and 78.35 mg/kg in the area contaminated with pesticides. The concentration of cadmium in the studied plots where energy crops were grown decreased in the range of 0.131 - 0.193 mg/kg when growing Phalaris arundinacea L. and by 0.187-0.312 mg/kg when growing Miscanthus giganteus L., respectively. The content of organic pollutants was also significantly reduced

    Stem Cell Therapy Enhances Motor Activity of Triceps Surae Muscle in Mice with Hereditary Peripheral Neuropathy

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    Impaired motor and sensory functions are the main features of Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease. Mesenchymal stem cell (MSCs) therapy is one of the possible treatments for this disease. It was assumed that MSCs therapy can improve the contractile properties of the triceps surae (TS) muscles in mice with hereditary peripheral neuropathy. Murine adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (AD-MSCs) were obtained for transplantation into TS muscles of FVB-C-Tg(GFPU)5Nagy/J mice. Three months after AD-MSCs transplantation, animals were subjected to electrophysiological investigations. Parameters of TS muscle tension after intermittent high frequency electrical sciatic nerve stimulations were analyzed. It was found that force of TS muscle tension contraction in animals after AD-MSCs treatment was two-time higher than in untreated mice. Normalized values of force muscle contraction in different phases of electrical stimulation were 0.3 ± 0.01 vs. 0.18 ± 0.01 and 0.26 ± 0.03 vs. 0.13 ± 0.03 for treated and untreated animals, respectively. It is assumed that the two-fold increase in TS muscle strength was caused by stem cell therapy. Apparently, AD-MSCs therapy can promote nerve regeneration and partial restoration of muscle function, and thus can be a potential therapeutic agent for the treatment of peripheral neuropathies

    The Comparative Assessment of Exploitational Features - Straps of Direct Current Locomotives' pantographes which are made by different builders

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    Порівняльна оцінка експлуатаційних якостей накладок пантографів електровозів постійного струму виробництва різних виробників / В. В. Коваленко, О. Л. Янгулова, А. П. Устименко, В. В. Гудимов, В. В. Скалько // Вісник сертифікації залізничного транспорту / Дніпропетровський орган з сертифікації залізничного транспорту. – 2014. – № 5.– С. 52-61.UK: У статті наводяться науково-обгрунтовані методи і підходи порівняльної оцінки експлуатаційних якостей накладок пантографів електровозів постійного струму, виготовлених різними виробниками.RU: В статье приводятся научно-обоснованные методы и подходы сравнительной оценки эксплуатационных качеств накладок пантографов электровозов постоянного тока, изготовленных разними изготовителями.EN: In article the scientific-grounded methods and comparative estimation approaches of operating qualities of direct-current electric locomotives pantograph-sprotective straps ,which made different manufacturers

    Scientific and expert opinion on the Concept of updating the Civil Code of Ukraine

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    5 січня 2021 року Перший заступник Голови Верховної Ради України Р.О. Стефанчук запросив фахівців до обговорення проєкту Концепції оновлення Цивільного кодексу України. Відповідне звернення було розміщене на сторінці у Facebook (https://m.facebook.com/stefanchuk.official/posts/420425702709269). Проєкт Концепції оновлення Цивільного кодексу України розміщено за посиланням: bit.ly/3rXx3a4. Реагуючи на це звернення, група експертів, предметом досліджень яких є питання правового регулювання економічних відносин, здійснили науковий аналіз зазначеної Концепції з урахуванням положень чинного законодавства України та сформулювали пропозиції щодо її вдосконалення. Науково-експертний висновок до Концепції оновлення Цивільного кодексу України було схвалено на розширеному засіданні Координаційного бюро з проблем правових основ підприємницької діяльності, господарського та комерційного права Відділення екологічного, господарського та аграрного права НАПрН України (протокол № 3 від 09.04.2021 р.). Для науковців, викладачів, аспірантів, студентів юридичних і економічних спеціальностей закладів вищої освіти, юристів-практиків, працівників органів державної влади і місцевого самоврядування.January 5, 2021 First Deputy Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine R.O. Stefanchuk invited experts to discuss the draft Concept of updating the Civil Code of Ukraine. The relevant appeal was posted on the Facebook page (https://m.facebook.com/stefanchuk.official/posts/420425702709269). The draft Concept of updating the Civil Code of Ukraine is posted at: bit.ly/3rXx3a4. Responding to this appeal, a group of experts, whose subject of research is the issue of legal regulation of economic relations, conducted a scientific analysis of this Concept in consideration of the provisions of current legislation of Ukraine and formulated proposals for its improvement. The scientific and expert opinion on the Concept of updating the Civil Code of Ukraine was approved at an extended meeting of the Coordination Bureau on the legal basis of business, Economic and Commercial law of the Department of Environmental, Economic and Agrarian law of NALS of Ukraine (Protocol № 3 of 09.04.2021). For scientists, teachers, graduate students, students of legal and economic specialties of higher education institutions, lawyers-practitioners, employees of public authorities and local governments