179 research outputs found

    Studying the impact of intellectual capital at industrial enterprises on their market capitalization

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    © Canadian Center of Science and Education. The study sets a task of identifying the impact of intellectual capital structure components on the significance of capitalization of industrial sector enterprises of the Russian Federation. The bottom line of the predicted data by method of indicators is: • Human capital has no significant effect on qualitative characteristics of fuel and energy, metallurgic and food industry enterprises. • Customer capital, less than other factors, has an impact on the capitalization of electric power complex, machine building and construction sectors. It is in these sectors that the negative values of variables are recorded. • Least of all structural capital components impact the indicators of mining, metallurgic and electric power enterprises. Maximum value, and hence the influence, the structural capital exerts on construction sector enterprises. This study is a great asset to make up the programmes for effective resources management of non-material character for managers of the enterprises of industrial economic sector

    The Simulation of the Trend of the Time Series in the form of the Spline of Third-Order With a Random Number of Data at the Moments of Measurement

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    The possibility of simulation of trend of a time series as a spline of third-order with a random number of data at the moments of measurement is discussed. Estimations of coefficients of the spline are obtained in the explicit form. The statistical characteristics of the received estimations are studied in details

    Innovation potential management for economic systems

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    At the present stage of economic development one of the important trends of an enterprise competitive advantages development is the intangible resources along with conventional ones, which form the basis for an innovation growth and the development of an enterprise. 2. Methods: The methods of scientific research were the following ones: analysis, synthesis, indicating method, system approach, factor analysis method, economic and mathematical methods of data processing and analysis. The use of the abovementioned methods provided the logical nature of an article structure development and the possibility of an informed description of findings. 3. Results: The increase of investment volume in the i-th element of the innovative capacity by 1% will result in market value increase as it was determined that the market value increase after the investment increase by 1% in the institutional capacity of the considered enterprise PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" is projected at the level of 1.095% at ceteris paribus of a used econometric model. 4. Discussion: The subject of an innovative potential management and development at a company is an actual one and demanded. In this respect the issue of its effective management as large and medium industrial enterprises is an important one. 5. Final report: The practical significance of the innovation potential algorithm control for economic systems is explained by the possibility of a practical application by the enterprises of any industry sector and production scale

    Optimization of roll calibration for flange shape rolling. Groove space

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    The most important component of any rolling mill is the calibration of the rolls. The ability to obtain a finished product of high quality at minimal cost depends on the right calibration. According to the previous experience and practice a large number of different calibrations for the flange profiles production are known. The universal 'concept of two-stage optimization', consisting of two successively carried out optimization stages developed in the Department of Metal Forming of the Ural Federal University in relation to optimization of the roll calibration for flange shape rolling is considered in this article. Common features of these shapes classification and their variation levels are identified and justified. This developed classification structure is the basis for the formation of spaces of groove schemes, due to which the groove space is formed. In the software implementation the groove space is represented as a 'groove database'. In the future this database will be used to form the space of calibration schemes that are fundamentally suitable for these shapes rolling. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project 20-38-90246

    Additive singular spectral model of a dendrochronological signal

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    Relevance. Allocation of structural components in a dendrochronological signal of annual rings of coniferous trees expands the possibilities of the bioindication method and allows obtaining information about changes in environmental conditions in the past for extended territories. Aim. Creation of an additive singular spectral model based on the frequency trigonometric components of the dendrochronological signal; reconstruction of changes in the total ozone content in the atmosphere in the past, affecting the level of ultraviolet radiation in the B range radiation. Objects. Time series of total ozone content in the atmosphere (data from 1932), width and density of annual rings (data from 1686–2004) on the example of the territory near the observatory in Arosa, Switzerland, time series of stable oxygen isotopes δ18Oc, France. Methods. Time series analysis (decomposition of a time series, identification of model parameters, prediction of a time series), statistical analysis (F-criterion, χ2 – Pearson criterion), experimental measurements of the percentage components of the wood of annual rings, correlation analysis, spectral singular analysis. Results. Decomposition of the dendrochronological signal of individual chronologies into trigonometric components in the Caterpillar program. Correlation analysis of the sensitivity of trees to atmospheric effects. Reconstruction of the ozone level in the stratosphere using the first trigonometric component of the dendrochronological signal. In cellulose, the first low-frequency component of the signal and the structural component of wood, a reliable response of trees to long-period fluctuations in the total ozone content is recorded. This allows assessment of the impact of the stress factor on conditions of exploitation of forest resources. The use of data on the width of the annual rings allows you to expand the territorial boundaries of the method

    Characteristics of autonomic status and school anxiety in schoolchildren with increased body mass index

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    BACKGROUND: In the Russian Federation, the incidence of obesity continues to grow among the child population. Vegetative imbalance and chronic stress play an important role in the pathogenesis of obesity and related health disorders. Timely identification of disorders of psycho-vegetative disorders and their correction in overweight children require an integrated approach of medical and pedagogical workers.AIM: To reveal the features of the vegetative status, the level of school anxiety in students with an increased body mass index.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Children with different body mass index (BMI) underwent a comparative analysis of the mean values and structure of revealed violations of cardiointervalography (heart rate variability, HRV) parameters, laboratory test parameters (plasma antioxidant activity, plasma malondialdehyde, triglycerides, total cholesterol, cortisol, magnesium and serotonin) and test parameters School Anxiety Scale of Phillips.RESULTS: The prevalence of overweight was 23.1%. The observation group consisted of 47 schoolchildren with a body mass index (BMI) +1–2 SD the comparison group consisted of 156 children with a normal BMI at the age of 10–15 years. The groups were comparable in terms of sex and age (p=0.629–0.771). Analysis of background HVR indices revealed a decrease in the values of parameters characterizing the activity of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), with a simultaneous increase in the indicators of the sympathetic division of the ANS in the observation group relative to the comparison group (p=0.001–0.023); similar results were obtained during the orthostatic test. The cumulative assessment of CIG indicates a lower activity of the parasympathetic division in the regulation of the state of rest and a greater activity of the sympathetic division of the ANS in response to a stress factor in children with an increased BMI value. The children of the observation group showed higher levels of malondialdehyde (p = 0.041), triglycerides (p<0.001) and cortisol (p=0.093) with lower values of magnesium and serotonin (p=0.074–0.076). The analysis of the level of school anxiety showed that in children of the observation group the average level and frequency of the prevalence of high values of the indicator of general anxiety are higher in 1.3 and 2.5 (p=0.005), fear of self-expression — in 1.3 and 1.8 (p=0.080–0.086), fear of the situation of knowledge testing — by 1.5 (р=0.002) and 2.1 (p<0.001), the level of general anxiety — by 1.2 (р=0.090) and 2.3 times (p=0.036) relative to the comparison group. In the course of the mathematical analysis, the results were obtained indicating the relationship between the parameters of the vegetative and psychological status.CONCLUSION: The problem of excess nutrition remains an urgent issue of modern health care. Excess body weight is accompanied by the activation of the sympathoadrenal system with an increase in the level of school anxiety and all together forms a vicious circle. Excessive nutrition in school-age children requires an integrated approach of specialists in the medical and psychological-pedagogical sphere

    Surgical tactics of treatment of the wounded persons with the gun-shot injuries of the hip on all levels of medical support

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    Objective. To substantiate the introduction of differentiated surgical tactics, taking into account the trauma severity for improvement of the treatment results in the wounded persons, suffering the gun-shot injuries of the hip (GSIH). Маterials and methods. Differentiated surgical tactics was substantiated by the authors, using as a measure for trauma severity estimation the AdTS (Admission trauma Scare) on different levels of medical support, and introduced in 57 wounded persons, suffering the GSIH. Medical efficacy of the tactics and treatment elaborated for the wounded persons was compared in accordance to conventional methods without application of the AdTS scale. Results. There was reduced the mortality from 7.3 tо 1.8%, the extremities amputation performance rate - from 24.4 tо 8.8%, the local complications quantity, calculated for one wounded person, - from 1.07 tо 0.58 (рα < 0.05), relative quantity of poor functional results - from 34.1 tо 19.3% (рα < 0.05), while the specific weight of good functional results increased - from 29.3 to 47.4 due to introduction of differentiated surgical tactics, taking into account the trauma severity on various levels of medical support. Conclusions. In the wounded persons, suffering nonsevere trauma (lesser, than 5 points) it is necessary to perform a complete volume of surgical aid; while in severe one (5 - 9 points) and in extremely high (more than 9 points) trauma the help must be delivered in a shortened volume, using the damage control principle

    Pathophysiological substantiation of medical evacuation of the wounded persons, suffering injuries of the extremities on the levels of medical support

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    Onbjective. To determine the optimal scheme of medical evacuation for the wounded persons, suffering the combat trauma of the extremities, bаsing on clinic-statistical analysis of changes in the homeostasis indices. Маterials and methods. Complex pathophysiologic investigation, concerning 378 wounded persons, suffering a combat traumas of the extremities in accordance to 26 indices of homeostasis, was conducted. Dynamic physician’s control with determination of the trauma severity in accordance to the AdTS (Admission trauma Scale) on all levels of medical support was accomplished. Results. There was established, that in a case of organization of a consequent delivery of traumatological help to the wounded persons, suffering severe and extremely severe combat trauma of the extremities, estimated by the AdTS as 5 points and more, on levels of medical support due to timely conducted antishock measures and the operative interventions performed a severe respiratory-circulatory disorders - (5.2 ± 0.6) standard units - have had changed steadily towards moderate - (7.7 ± 0.2) standard units. Меdical evacuation of a wounded persons through one or two levels leads to development of definite respiratory-circulatory disorders - (2.8 ± 0.9) standard units, significant lowering of a one-time and a minute productivity of the heart with tendency for cardio-vascular and respiratory insufficiency occurrence: a power іndex - (19.0 ± 4.1) ml/m2, the heart іndex - (2.1 ± 0.3) l/min/m2. In a wounded persons, suffering nonsevere trauma, estimated using a AdTS lesser than 5 points, the shortening of quantity of the medical support levels do not influence the patients’ general state, аnd a respiratory-circulatory disorders owes a moderate character - (8.16 ± 1.37) standard units. Conclusion. Меdical evacuation of wounded persons, suffering nonsevere trauma (lesser than 5 points in accordance to AdTS) must be conducted in accordance to a shortened scheme; while in a severe one (5-9 points in accordance to AdTS) and in extremely severe trauma (more than 9 points in accordance to AdTS) - after conduction of the antishock measures and stabilization of state on every level of medical support

    Valuation of the motor activity and motivation of high school students for physical education

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    The article analyzes the motor activity of high school students in the city Yekaterinburg and their motivation for physical education at school. The daily motor activity of high school students who took part in the study is insufficient relative to the accepted age norms (both in terms of the number of locomotion and time). The survey showed a neutral attitude of pupils to physical education lessons (physical education classes do not affect their general condition and performance and the main goal is only to obtain grades). Preventive measures have been developed and aimed at increasing the motor activity of modern pupils and preventing deviations in their health.В статье анализируется двигательная активность старшеклассников города Екатеринбурга и их мотивация к занятиям физической культурой в школе. Суточная двигательная активность старшеклассников, принявших участие в исследование, недостаточна относительно принятых возрастных норм (как по количеству локомоций, так и по времени). Опрос показал нейтральное отношение школьников к урокам физкультуры (занятия физкультурой на их общее состояние и работоспособность никак не влияют и основной целью является только получение оценок). Разработаны профилактические меры, направленные на повышение двигательной активности современных школьников и предупреждение отклонений в состоянии их здоровья