123 research outputs found

    The Simulation of the Trend of the Time Series in the form of the Spline of Third-Order With a Random Number of Data at the Moments of Measurement

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    The possibility of simulation of trend of a time series as a spline of third-order with a random number of data at the moments of measurement is discussed. Estimations of coefficients of the spline are obtained in the explicit form. The statistical characteristics of the received estimations are studied in details

    Thermobaric synthesis, structure, and properties of Dy x Cu 3V4O12

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    The perovskite-like compound Dy x Cu3V 4O12 (x = 0.67-0.75) is synthesized under high pressure (P = 4.0-9.0 GPa) and temperature (T = 1000 C). Its crystal structure is determined (Im-3 space group, Z = 2, a = 7.29348(7) Å) by means of powder X-ray diffraction. The basic lengths and bond angles are defined. It is found that the high-pressure phase of Dy x Cu3V 4O12 is characterized by metallic conductivity and paramagnetic properties. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc

    Human capital in the innovative conditions

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    The relevance of the questions dealing with the human capital formation and functioning peculiarities in the innovative development conditions is provided by the fact that highly developed post-industrial economy, manufacturing and service sector cannot do without highly educated and skilled workers, that makes dependable the efficiency and competitiveness at the company level and the whole national economy. The goal of the article lies in certain development within specific provisions in the economic science, which explain the human capital functioning and enhancing its role in the innovative development conditions. The leading approach to study this problem is the structure-functional analysis of the human role in advanced manufacturing and the innovation development when the human capacity to work transformed into capital, increasing the level of education and the formation on this new production relations basis in a modern knowledge economy. Results: the article puts forward the theoretical and methodological concepts dealing with the decisive role of human capital in modern knowledge economy, which is defined the qualitatively new productive forces composition, the science and education transformation in the main factors of efficiency, growth, intelligence, innovation production and management. The article can be useful in a problem-solving process one of the priority tasks in the Russian society – the human capital preservation and development and our country competitiveness in the innovative development conditions. © 2016 Forrester et al

    Characteristics of autonomic status and school anxiety in schoolchildren with increased body mass index

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    BACKGROUND: In the Russian Federation, the incidence of obesity continues to grow among the child population. Vegetative imbalance and chronic stress play an important role in the pathogenesis of obesity and related health disorders. Timely identification of disorders of psycho-vegetative disorders and their correction in overweight children require an integrated approach of medical and pedagogical workers.AIM: To reveal the features of the vegetative status, the level of school anxiety in students with an increased body mass index.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Children with different body mass index (BMI) underwent a comparative analysis of the mean values and structure of revealed violations of cardiointervalography (heart rate variability, HRV) parameters, laboratory test parameters (plasma antioxidant activity, plasma malondialdehyde, triglycerides, total cholesterol, cortisol, magnesium and serotonin) and test parameters School Anxiety Scale of Phillips.RESULTS: The prevalence of overweight was 23.1%. The observation group consisted of 47 schoolchildren with a body mass index (BMI) +1–2 SD the comparison group consisted of 156 children with a normal BMI at the age of 10–15 years. The groups were comparable in terms of sex and age (p=0.629–0.771). Analysis of background HVR indices revealed a decrease in the values of parameters characterizing the activity of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), with a simultaneous increase in the indicators of the sympathetic division of the ANS in the observation group relative to the comparison group (p=0.001–0.023); similar results were obtained during the orthostatic test. The cumulative assessment of CIG indicates a lower activity of the parasympathetic division in the regulation of the state of rest and a greater activity of the sympathetic division of the ANS in response to a stress factor in children with an increased BMI value. The children of the observation group showed higher levels of malondialdehyde (p = 0.041), triglycerides (p<0.001) and cortisol (p=0.093) with lower values of magnesium and serotonin (p=0.074–0.076). The analysis of the level of school anxiety showed that in children of the observation group the average level and frequency of the prevalence of high values of the indicator of general anxiety are higher in 1.3 and 2.5 (p=0.005), fear of self-expression — in 1.3 and 1.8 (p=0.080–0.086), fear of the situation of knowledge testing — by 1.5 (р=0.002) and 2.1 (p<0.001), the level of general anxiety — by 1.2 (р=0.090) and 2.3 times (p=0.036) relative to the comparison group. In the course of the mathematical analysis, the results were obtained indicating the relationship between the parameters of the vegetative and psychological status.CONCLUSION: The problem of excess nutrition remains an urgent issue of modern health care. Excess body weight is accompanied by the activation of the sympathoadrenal system with an increase in the level of school anxiety and all together forms a vicious circle. Excessive nutrition in school-age children requires an integrated approach of specialists in the medical and psychological-pedagogical sphere

    Surgical tactics of treatment of the wounded persons with the gun-shot injuries of the hip on all levels of medical support

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    Objective. To substantiate the introduction of differentiated surgical tactics, taking into account the trauma severity for improvement of the treatment results in the wounded persons, suffering the gun-shot injuries of the hip (GSIH). Маterials and methods. Differentiated surgical tactics was substantiated by the authors, using as a measure for trauma severity estimation the AdTS (Admission trauma Scare) on different levels of medical support, and introduced in 57 wounded persons, suffering the GSIH. Medical efficacy of the tactics and treatment elaborated for the wounded persons was compared in accordance to conventional methods without application of the AdTS scale. Results. There was reduced the mortality from 7.3 tо 1.8%, the extremities amputation performance rate - from 24.4 tо 8.8%, the local complications quantity, calculated for one wounded person, - from 1.07 tо 0.58 (рα < 0.05), relative quantity of poor functional results - from 34.1 tо 19.3% (рα < 0.05), while the specific weight of good functional results increased - from 29.3 to 47.4 due to introduction of differentiated surgical tactics, taking into account the trauma severity on various levels of medical support. Conclusions. In the wounded persons, suffering nonsevere trauma (lesser, than 5 points) it is necessary to perform a complete volume of surgical aid; while in severe one (5 - 9 points) and in extremely high (more than 9 points) trauma the help must be delivered in a shortened volume, using the damage control principle

    Synthesis and characterization of the new high pressure phases A Cu 3 v 4O 12 (A =Gd, Tb, Er)

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    New ACu3V4O12 (A=Gd, Tb, Er) phases have been prepared at high pressure and high-temperature conditions (P∼8-9 GPa, T∼1000°C) in a toroid-type high pressure cell. These compounds crystallize in the cubic symmetry with a perovskite-like structure. At ambient pressure, they are paramagnetic and have activation-type conductivity. The effect of high pressure (10-50 GPa) on the electrical properties of the materials was analyzed in the temperature range from 78 to 300 K. Pressure ranges of the transition from activation type to metallic conductivity have been determined. The crystal structure of ACu3V4O12 (A=Gd, Tb, Er) was found to be stable up to 50 GPa. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    Features of physical activity and school anxiety in pupils of the secondary general education school and the cadet corps

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    Relevance. The relevance of the study is due to the high significance of school anxiety in the formation of psychosomatic diseases and nervous disorders. Identification of risk factors for increased anxiety, one of which is low physical activity, is important for the timely organizing of preventive measures.The aim: to assess the characteristics of physical activity and school anxiety among schoolboys of secondary school and the cadet corps.Materials and methods. The observation group consisted of 47 schoolboys studying in a secondary general school at the age of 13–16; the comparison group consisted of 140 schoolboys of the cadet corps. The comparative assessment of physical activity bases on the analysis of the physical education implementation in educational organizations and the results of a survey according to the author’s questionnaire. A comparison was made of the parameters of bioimpedance analysis (BIA) of body composition, the content of cortisol and serotonin in the blood serum, and indicators of the Phillips school anxiety test.The results. Physical activity in the school system was limited to 3 hours per week, and in the additional education system there are only 14.9 % of schoolboys who devote 6–8 hours a week to sports, which is 3 times less than in the comparison group (46.4 %). Lower values of indicators of physical activity and body composition were found in secondary school boys relative to those in cadet corps (p = 0.015–0.038). The level of cortisol in the blood serum was 1.4 times higher, and the serotonin was 1.2 times less in schoolboys of the schools comparatively to cadets (p = 0.001–0.037). In secondary school schoolboys, relative to cadets, significantly 1.9–3.9 times more often increased values were recorded for the factor general anxiety at school, frustration of the need to achieve success, fear of self-expression, fear of the situation of testing knowledge, fear of not meeting the expectations of others, problems and fears in relations with teachers and general anxiety oppositely directed correlations of weak and moderate strength were established between the frequency and duration of physical education, BIA parameters, cortisol in the blood serum and factors of school anxiety.Conclusion. The values of the factors of school anxiety schoolboys of secondary general school are higher than in boys of the cadet corps and possibly they are associated with irregularity, relatively low duration of physical activity and the degree of development of metabolically active tissues

    Pathological damage of thyroidopathy and the prevalence of thyroid diseases in children of the Perm region

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    Relevance. Thyroid diseases in children and adolescents rank first in the structure of endocrine pathology. An issue related to comparability of data on prevalence obtained with different procedures is vital given the necessity to intensify activities aimed at optimizing prevention of thyroid pathology.The aim. Comparative analysis of pathological lesions of thyropathies and the prevalence of thyroid gland diseases in children and adolescents living in the territory of the Perm region.Materials and methods. Prevalence of thyroid diseases was analyzed based on data taken from Statistic Form No. 12. Pathological damage caused by thyroid diseases was calculated based on results produced by medical examinations that included laboratory tests, ultrasound scanning of the thyroid gland, and a check-up by an endocrinologist. Calculation results were then compared with data taken from statistic reports. Influence exerted by sex and age on the growth in thyrotrophic hormone contents and thyroid gland volume was assessed by analyzing values in one-factor logistic regression models.Results. Prevalence of thyroid diseases, endemic goiter and subclinical hypothyroidism tends to decrease among children living in Perm region (р = 0.003–0.015) but prevalence of thyroiditis remains stable (р = 0.794). Having assessed prevalence among teenagers, we did not reveal any dynamics in prevalence of thyroid diseases and thyroiditis (р = 0.129–0.248); prevalence of endemic goiter went down in this age group (р = 0.008) whereas prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism grew due to iodine deficiency (р = 0.012). The difference between pathological damage and prevalence of thyroid diseases reached 4.8–38.6 times. Having analyzed created logistic models, we were not able to identify sex or age as predictors of thyroid pathology occurrence.Conclusion. Prevalence of thyroid pathology was established to be by 4.8–38.6 times lower than pathological damage. Iodine deficiency on a given territory calls for developing regional medical and prevention programs aimed at diagnosing and preventing thyroid diseases caused by it

    Features of organization of medical care in a pandemic of COVID-19 on the example of hospitals in Sverdlovsk region

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    The present study considers the peculiarities of the work of the "Regional Specialized Center for Medical Rehabilitation" Lake Chusovskoye "to ensure the provision of specialized medical care in conditions of coronavirus infection. Measures implemented to repurpose the hospital and prepare for the admission of infectious patients are reflected. The analysis showed the effectiveness of a nonstandard approach in using this medical institution as a temporary buffer for recovering patients with COVID-19.В настоящем исследовании рассмотрены особенности работы ГАУЗ СО "Областной специализированный центр медицинской реабилитации "Озеро Чусовское" по обеспечению оказания специализированной медицинской помощи в условиях коронавирусной инфекции. Отражены мероприятия, реализованные для перепрофилирования больницы и готовности к принятию инфекционных больных. Проведенный анализ показал результативность нестандартного подхода в использовании данного медицинского учреждения в качестве временного буфера для выздоравливающих пациентов COVID-1