274 research outputs found

    Compactifications of topological groups

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    Every topological group GG has some natural compactifications which can be a useful tool of studying GG. We discuss the following constructions: (1) the greatest ambit S(G)S(G) is the compactification corresponding to the algebra of all right uniformly continuous bounded functions on GG; (2) the Roelcke compactification R(G)R(G) corresponds to the algebra of functions which are both left and right uniformly continuous; (3) the weakly almost periodic compactification W(G)W(G) is the envelopping compact semitopological semigroup of GG (`semitopological' means that the multiplication is separately continuous). The universal minimal compact GG-space X=MGX=M_G is characterized by the following properties: (1) XX has no proper closed GG-invariant subsets; (2) for every compact GG-space YY there exists a GG-map XYX\to Y. A group GG is extremely amenable, or has the fixed point on compacta property, if MGM_G is a singleton. We discuss some results and questions by V. Pestov and E. Glasner on extremely amenable groups. The Roelcke compactifications were used by M. Megrelishvili to prove that W(G)W(G) can be a singleton. They can be used to prove that certain groups are minimal. A topological group is minimal if it does not admit a strictly coarser Hausdorff group topology.Comment: 17 page

    On subgroups of minimal topological groups

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    A topological group is minimal if it does not admit a strictly coarser Hausdorff group topology. The Roelcke uniformity (or lower uniformity) on a topological group is the greatest lower bound of the left and right uniformities. A group is Roelcke-precompact if it is precompact with respect to the Roelcke uniformity. Many naturally arising non-Abelian topological groups are Roelcke-precompact and hence have a natural compactification. We use such compactifications to prove that some groups of isometries are minimal. In particular, if U_1 is the Urysohn universal metric space of diameter 1, the group Iso(U_1) of all self-isometries of U_1 is Roelcke-precompact, topologically simple and minimal. We also show that every topological group is a subgroup of a minimal topologically simple Roelcke-precompact group of the form Iso(M), where M is an appropriate non-separable version of the Urysohn space.Comment: To appear in Topology and its Applications. 39 page

    The Roelcke compactification of groups of homeomorphisms

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    Let X be a zero-dimensional compact space such that all non-empty clopen subsets of X are homeomorphic to each other, and let H(X) be the group of all self-homeomorphisms of X with the compact-open topology. We prove that the Roelcke compactification of H(X) can be identified with the semigroup of all closed relations on X whose domain and range are equal to X. We use this to prove that the group H(X) is topologically simple and minimal, in the sense that it does not admit a strictly coarser Hausdorff group topology.Comment: 9 pages. To appear in Topology App

    A note on a question of R. Pol concerning light maps

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    Let f:X -> Y be an onto map between compact spaces such that all point-inverses of f are zero-dimensional. Let A be the set of all functions u:X -> I=[0,1] such that u[f(y)]u[f^\leftarrow(y)] is zero-dimensional for all y in Y. Do almost all maps u:X -> I, in the sense of Baire category, belong to A? H. Toru\'nczyk proved that the answer is yes if Y is countable-dimensional. We extend this result to the case when Y has property C.Comment: 4 pages. Topology Appl. (to appear