669 research outputs found

    Atomic frequency comb memory with spin wave storage in 153Eu3+:Y2SiO5

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    153Eu3+:Y2SiO5 is a very attractive candidate for a long lived, multimode quantum memory due to the long spin coherence time (~15 ms), the relatively large hyperfine splitting (100 MHz) and the narrow optical homogeneous linewidth (~100 Hz). Here we show an atomic frequency comb memory with spin wave storage in a promising material 153Eu3+:Y2SiO5, reaching storage times slightly beyond 10 {\mu}s. We analyze the efficiency of the storage process and discuss ways of improving it. We also measure the inhomogeneous spin linewidth of 153Eu3+:Y2SiO5, which we find to be 69 \pm 3 kHz. These results represent a further step towards realising a long lived multi mode solid state quantum memory.Comment: 7 pages and 7 figure

    Phenomenological Lambda-Nuclear Interactions

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    Variational Monte Carlo calculations for Λ4H{_{\Lambda}^4}H (ground and excited states) and Λ5He{_{\Lambda}^5}He are performed to decipher information on Λ{\Lambda}-nuclear interactions. Appropriate operatorial nuclear and Λ{\Lambda}-nuclear correlations have been incorporated to minimize the expectation values of the energies. We use the Argonne υ18\upsilon_{18} two-body NN along with the Urbana IX three-body NNN interactions. The study demonstrates that a large part of the splitting energy in Λ4H{_{\Lambda}^4}H (0+−1+0^+-1^+) is due to the three-body Λ{\Lambda} NN forces. Λ17O_{\Lambda}^{17}O hypernucleus is analyzed using the {\it s}-shell results. Λ\Lambda binding to nuclear matter is calculated within the variational framework using the Fermi-Hypernetted-Chain technique. There is a need to correctly incorporate the three-body Λ{\Lambda} NN correlations for Λ\Lambda binding to nuclear matter.Comment: 18 pages (TeX), 2 figure

    Therapy-Related Myeloid Malignancies in Myeloma

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    Therapy related myeloid malignancies are an increasingly recognized treatment complication in patients undergoing therapy for multiple myeloma. The main predisposing factors are the alkylating agents, topoisomerase II inhibitors and radiotherapy, but recently questions have been raised regarding the immunomodulatory agent lenalidomide. Little is known about the new antimyeloma agents in the context of therapy related myeloid malignancies. The duration of treatment and the time from diagnosis are the main contributing factors in alkylating induced myeloid malignancies which occur 5–10 years after treatment, chromosome 5 and 7 abnormalities being the characteristic finding. High dose therapy (HDT) does not seem to be a major contributing factor per se in multiple myeloma. In a number of large published series, all the factors related with therapy-induced myelodysplasia were defined prior to HDT. Topoisomerase II inhibitors induce mainly acute leukemias which invariably correlate with dysregulation of the MLL gene. Radiotherapy causes therapy related myelodysplasia if applied in bone marrow producing areas, especially if combined with chemotherapy. Therapy related myeloid malignancies generally herald a poor prognosis. Karyotypic abnormalities seem to be the main prognostic factor. In all cases the risk for therapy related myeloid malignancies drops sharply by 10 years after the treatment

    Variational calculations of the Λ\Lambda-seperation energy of the Λ17_{\Lambda}^{17}O hypernucleus

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    Variational Monte Carlo calculations have been made for the Λ17_{ \Lambda}^{17}O hypernucleus using realistic two- and three-baryon interactions. A two pion exchange potential with spin- and space-exchange components is used for the Λ\LambdaN potential. Three-body two-pion exchange and strongly repulsive dispersive Λ\LambdaNN interactions are also included. The trial wave function is constructed from pair- and triplet-correlation operators acting on a single particle determinant. These operators consist of central, spin, isospin, tensor and three- baryon potential components. A cluster Monte Carlo method is developed for noncentral correlations and is used with up to four-baryon clusters in our calculations. The three-baryon Λ\LambdaNN force is discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figs available by fax., for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Effects of Phosphorus Fertilizer Application on Verano Stylo (\u3cem\u3eStylosanthes Hamata\u3c/em\u3e) for Fodder Production in Semi-Arid Nigeria

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    Profitable ruminant livestock production in Nigeria is often constrained by an inadequate. Although natural grazing lands provide most forage for most animals, these pastures like those throughout most of the tropical world, are grossly deficient in energy, crude protein and minerals, particularly during the dry season, and so cannot meet the requirements for meat and milk production (Akinolai et al. 2010). Sown pastures have proved to a valuable technology to improve livestock nutrition. However, a major limitation to the use of sown tropical species is infertile soil. This is certainly the case in the north western region of Nigeria where soils are very low in the phosphorus (P) content available to plants (Ezekiel and Gabriel 2006). Sakaba (2011) also reported very low available phosphorus content (\u3c 5 ppm) in the soil of the study area in Sokoto. Possible reasons for the low P status include: low pH value, excessive degradation caused by overgrazing and the effects of desertification. This study was conducted to evaluate the performance of Verano under different P fertilizer levels in the semi-arid ecosystem of northwestern Nigeria

    MyAirCoach: The use of home-monitoring and mHealth systems to predict deterioration in asthma control and the occurrence of asthma exacerbations; Study protocol of an observational study

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    © Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. Introduction Asthma is a variable lung condition whereby patients experience periods of controlled and uncontrolled asthma symptoms. Patients who experience prolonged periods of uncontrolled asthma have a higher incidence of exacerbations and increased morbidity and mortality rates. The ability to determine and to predict levels of asthma control and the occurrence of exacerbations is crucial in asthma management. Therefore, we aimed to determine to what extent physiological, behavioural and environmental data, obtained by mobile healthcare (mHealth) and home-monitoring sensors, as well as patient characteristics, can be used to predict episodes of uncontrolled asthma and the onset of asthma exacerbations. Methods and analysis In an 1-year observational study, patients will be provided with mHealth and home-monitoring systems to record daily measurements for the first-month (phase I) and weekly measurements during a follow-up period of 11 months (phase II). Our study population consists of 150 patients, aged ≄18 years, with a clinician's diagnosis of asthma, currently on controller medication, with uncontrolled asthma and/or minimally one exacerbation in the past 12 months. They will be enrolled over three participating centres, including Leiden, London and Manchester. Our main outcomes are the association between physiological, behavioural and environmental data and (1) the loss of asthma control and (2) the occurrence of asthma exacerbations. Ethics This study was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of the Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands and by the NHS ethics service in the UK. Trial registration number NCT02774772
