59 research outputs found

    Penerapan Fungsi MSDM Dalam Meningkatkan Tugas Polisi Khusus Pemasyarakatan Di Lapas Kelas I Kota Makassar

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    This study aimed to find out how the application of the HRM function in improving the special police duties in Class 1 Prison Makassar City. This study used qualitative descriptive research. The number of informants in this study was 5 people. Data analysis techniques were carried out qualitatively. The results of the study showed that the application of the HRM function in improving the special police officers'  in Class 1 Prison in Makassar City had been oriented to improve the tasks or competence of the National Police Station in developing the inmates who were already competent and in line with the tasks and training that had been received by the police station staff, then applied it directly in his task of fostering prisoners, with the aimed was prisoners could be useful in the community and no longer commit crime. But in the case of oversight carried out by the police station  was not optimal, because there were still violations, namely the smuggling of cell phones that recently occurred in the last few months. Supervision should be carried out more stringently and monitored every 2 times 24 hours so that  no more suppliers broughtbelectronic for prisoners


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the ultra-micro financing program at the state treasury service office in Sinjai district. The method used in this study is a qualitative method which explains how the implementation of the ultra-micro financing program at the state treasury service office in Sinjai district is used. The research informants were 10 people. Research information was collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of the ultra-micro financing program at the state treasury service office in Sinjai district, seen from the resources, had distributed optimally and evenly for business actors who had not been touched by banks with good capital assistance. in terms of human as well as financial and time. Furthermore, judging from the attitude (disposition) of the implementers are good, but in the economic, social and political environment there are supporting factors and several obstacles in the distribution of ultra micro

    Manajemen Konflik Sengketa Tanah Di Desa Karueng Kecamatan Enrekang Kabupaten Enrekang

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    The purpose of this study was to find out the Conflict Management which focused on Land Dispute Conflict Management in Karueng Village, Enrekang District, Enrekang Regency. This study used  qualitative research with descriptive research type. The results showed that the Land Dispute Conflict Management in Karueng Village, Enrekang District, in the process of solving problems that occurred using the negotiation method and the mediation method. Apart from the Karueng Village Head who participated in the mediation process, the Head of Karueng Village  and the Enrekang Sector Police also participated in the mediation process. The results of the mediation process carried out in the form of peace between the two parties and there were also cases of disputes that had  not found a solution, so the problem was under the law. Conciliation and arbitration methods had never used in resolving land disputes in Karueng Village.Keywords: Conflict Management, Land Disput


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    ABSTRACTThe purpose of the study was to find out the implementation of the policy for developing coastal tourism objects at the cultural and tourism service in Makassar City. This study used qualitative research. The results showed that the implementation of the policy for the development of coastal tourism objects at the Department of Culture and Tourism in Makassar City, viewed from the aspects: 1. Communication, the Makassar City Culture and Tourism Office was very good because the service office always prioritized communication in every divisions. in each office to run according to the SOP in each office in realizing good service. 2. Resources, the  Culture and Tourism Office were good at providing natural resources in each tourist attraction so that each tourist attraction had good natural resources in attracting people who came to take a vacation, 3. Disposition of the Office of Culture and the Makassar City Tourism Office had been said to be good because each employee's office had been given training on tourism development policies in the city of Makassar, 4. The bureaucratic structure of the official was good because the bureaucratic structure in each office had implemented a bureaucratic structure that had been determined directly from the head office.Keywords: Policy implementation, tourism objec

    Manajemen Birokrasi Profesional Dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Publik

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    Professional management of public services should be more goal-oriented paradigm of governance that is based on a new management approach, both theoretically and practically. Simultaneously, a paradigm of governance goal is expected to eliminate practices that Weberian bureaucracy is negative as hierarkhikal bureaucratic structures that result in operating cost is more expensive (high cost economy) than the benefits gained, the prevalence of red tape, lack of initiative and creativity of the apparatus, the growth of culture mediokratis (as opposed to meritocratic culture) and in-efficiency. Therefore, institutions of public service can be done by government and non-governmental organizations. If the government, the organization of government bureaucracy is the forefront of the organization (street level bureaucracy) related to public service. If the non-government, then shaped the organization of political parties, religious organizations, nongovernmental organizations and civil society organizations to another. Anyone pelayanananya institutional forms, the most important thing is how to provide assistance and facilities to the community in order to meet the needs and interests.Manajemen profesional pelayanan publik harus lebih berorientasi pada tujuan paradigma pemerintahan yang didasarkan pada pendekatan manajemen baru, baik secara teori maupun praktis. Secara bersamaan, paradigma dari tujuan pemerintahan diharapkan dapat menghilangkan praktek bahwa birokrasi Weberian adalah negatif seperti struktur birokrasi hierarkhikal yang menghasilkan biaya operasional lebih mahal (ekonomi biaya tinggi) daripada manfaat yang diperoleh, prevalensi birokrasi, kurangnya inisiatif dan kreativitas aparatur, pertumbuhan mediokratis budaya (sebagai lawan dari budaya meritokratis) dan in-efisiensi. Oleh karena itu, institusi pelayanan publik dapat dilakukan oleh pemerintah dan organisasi non-pemerintah. Jika pemerintah, organisasi birokrasi pemerintah adalah garis depan organisasi (jalan birokrasi tingkat) terkait dengan pelayanan publik. Jika non-pemerintah, kemudian membentuk organisasi partai politik, organisasi keagamaan, lembaga swadaya masyarakat dan organisasi masyarakat sipil yang lain. Siapapun pelayanananya bentuk kelembagaan, hal yang paling penting adalah bagaimana memberikan bantuan dan kemudahan kepada masyarakat dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan dan kepentingan

    Optimalisasi Retribusi Pelayanan Parkir pada Dinas Perhubungan di Kabupaten Gowa

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    This study aimed to determine, Optimization of Parking Service Levies at the Transportation Department in Gowa Regency. Data collection techniques used  observation, interview and documentation. While the informants in this study were 4 people who were the head of the terminal and parking section, the head of the traffic management facility infrastructure, and the Parking Attendant. Data analysis techniques used data reduction, data presentation and verification. The results of this study indicated that the Optimization of Parking Service Retribution at the Transportation Department in Gowa Regency had been carried out optimally because the achievement of the realization of the target had been going well. One form of parking supervision in an effort to collect fees was done directly and coordinated by field officers. This purposed to fulfill whether the implementation of tasks in accordance with the plans that had been set in strengthening the process of collecting parking service fees


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    Abstrak: Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa melalui diklat bidang pelayanan publik di Desa Mandalle Kecamatan Bajeng Barat, Kabupaten Gowa. Metode yang digunakan adalah “Ceramah”, yaitu Tim Pelaksana menyampaikan materi diklat bidang pelayanan publik yang terkait dengan prinsip partisipasi, transparansi dan akuntabilitas. Sumber data dan informasi yang diperoleh dari Aparat Desa Mitra sebanyak 10 orang. Hasil pengabdian ini menegaskan bahwa efektivitas penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa dalam menerapkan prinsip-prinsip good governance, terutama prinsip partisipasi, telah mencapai tingkat optimal. Keberhasilan ini dicapai melalui berbagai kebijakan yang dirancang untuk mendorong partisipasi aktif masyarakat dalam pengambilan keputusan yang berdampak pada peningkatan kesejahteraan. Meskipun beberapa kebijakan mungkin tidak selalu mendapatkan persetujuan dari semua pihak dan kadang-kadang berpotensi merugikan, namun secara keseluruhan, kebijakan-kebijakan ini memberikan manfaat yang lebih besar untuk kepentingan publik. Prinsip transparansi dalam pelayanan publik juga ditegakkan dengan usaha pemerintah dan aparatnya untuk beroperasi secara terbuka dan sesuai dengan aspirasi masyarakat, sementara prinsip akuntabilitas menjadi patokan sejauh mana pelayanan publik sesuai dengan standar nilai yang dijunjung tinggi. Hasil persentase kegiatan Diklat Bidang Pelayanan Publik mengalami peningkatan hingga mencapai 100%.Abstract: This community service activity aims to improve the effectiveness of village governance through training in the field of public services in Mandalle Village, West Bajeng District, Gowa Regency. The method used was "Lecture", in which the Implementation Team delivered training materials in the field of public services related to the principles of participation, transparency and accountability. The source of data and information obtained from the Partner Village Officials as many as 10 people. The results of this service confirm that the effectiveness of village governance in applying the principles of good governance, especially the principle of participation, has reached an optimal level. This success is achieved through various policies designed to encourage active community participation in decision-making that has an impact on improving welfare. Although some policies may not always get approval from all parties and are sometimes potentially harmful, overall, these policies provide greater benefits for the public interest. The principle of transparency in public services is also upheld by the efforts of the government and its officials to operate openly and in accordance with the aspirations of the community, while the principle of accountability is a benchmark for the extent to which public services are in accordance with the standards of values upheld. The percentage results of Public Service Training activities have increased to 100%

    Peran Dinas Pariwisata Dalam Pengembangan Objek Wisata Pantai Di Kota Makassar

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    This study purposed to find out the role of the Department of Tourism in the Development of Coastal Tourism Objects in Makassar City. This study  used  descriptive qualitative research with the number of informants was  5 people. The data analysis technique used  data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion making. Then the data was collected through interviews, observations, and documentation studies. The results of this study showed that the role of the Tourism Office in Developing Coastal Tourism Objects in Makassar City was seen from the motivator aspect, facilitator aspect, and dynamic aspect. Judging from the motivator aspect, it was not optimal, from the facilitator aspect,  it had not run optimally because the provision of facilities and infrastructure had not been adequate, and from the dynamic aspect of all tourism development on the Tanjung Bayang  beach was  purely from the Community Empowerment Institute but it had not been realized properly. So it was not able to develop tourism objects optimally. Keywords: Role, development, tourist attractio

    Pengaruh Pengawasan Terhadap Penanggulangan Penyalahgunaan Narkoba Di Balai Rehabilitasi Badan Narkotika Nasional Baddoka Kota Makassar

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    This study purposed to determine the effect of supervision on the prevention of drug abuse in the Baddoka National Narcotics Agency Makassar City and focused on drug abuse control in the Baddoka National Narcotics Agency Rehabilitation Center Makassar City. This study used a quantitative sample of 53 people by using saturated sampling so that the total number of employees was sampled. Data were collected by using a questionnaire instrument. The data was analyzed quantitatively using simple linear regression. The results of this study indicated that the influence of supervision of drug abuse prevention at the National Narcotics Agency Baddoka Makassar Rehabilitation Agency, there was a significant influence between control and drug control. Therefore, the hypothesis in the study was accepted because it was supported by the significance value. Furthermore supervision of the employee was also influenced by direct and indirect supervision techniques

    Fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa Di Desa Gela Kecamatan Taliabu Utara Kabupaten Pulautaliabu Provinsi Maluku Utara

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    The purpose of this study was to describe and explain the function of the VillageConsultative Agency (BPD) in Gela Village, North Taliabu District, Taliabu Island Regency, North Maluku Province. This study used  qualitative research method with the type of descriptive research. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study showed that the function (BPD) was divided into 3 (three), namely: (1.) determining the draft Village regulations that had been implemented and realized well in infrastructure performance in development, (2.) accommodating and channeling the aspirations of the village community, which was  less carried out well, this was because there were still obstacles in its implementation, where the community still did not understand the duties and functions carried out by the BPD, so that in the implementation process of accommodating and channeling the aspirations of the community they often got opposition and debate from the community, (3.) village supervision on the performance of the village head, which was not implemented properly, this was due to the lack of communication between the BPD management.Keywords: Function, Village Consultative Agency(BPD