233 research outputs found
Formation water resistivity (Rw)determination: The SP method
Formation water resistivity represents the resistivity value of the water (uncontaminated by drilling mud) that saturates the porous formation. It is also referred to as connate water or interstitial water. Its resistivity can bedetermined by a number of methods, one of which is by the SP curve discussed in this work. Analysis of wire-line log data depends on the assumption that the only conductive medium in a formation is the pure water which supplies the energy and drive in reservoirs. So, physical properties of this formation water can be determined, one of which is its electrical resistivity and this eventually leads to water saturation determination – an important aspect of reservoir evaluation. Thispaper presents a review and comparative assessment of the graphical, vis-à -vis the calculative means of Rw determination by the SP metho
Owing to post treatment challenges of managing Fe(OH)3 sludge associated with classical Fenton catalysis, this research applies a heterogeneous Fenton-like catalysis for the treatment of produced water from oil mining. The catalyst is a surface functionalized fibrous heterogeneous polyacrylonitrile (PAN) catalyst developed at De Montfort University. This catalyst has been used in the decontamination of simulated produced water (PW) for the oxidative degradation of alkylphenols and oils. In addition to being endocrinal disruptors, alkylphenols (AP) constitute the most toxic component of PW. They are primarily of petroleum origin and are thought to partition into the water phase during petroleum mining. Out of about 116 million m3 of PW discharged into the Norwegian sector of the North Sea, APs account for 323 tons of which 90% are C1 to C3 short chain alkylphenols (SCAPs). These SCAPs are amongst the most stable constituents of PW and are responsible for PW toxicity. Batch and continuous flow experiments using the PAN catalyst in a hydrogen peroxide system, PAN catalyst assisted by ultraviolet (UV) radiation, PAN catalyst assisted by microwave (MW) and PAN catalyst assisted by both UV and MW in a Fenton-like system was used for the oxidative decomposition of synthetic PW. Parameters monitored were; loss of 3,5-dimethyl phenol (DMP) which is a model alkylated phenolic compound, COD removal, and oil-in-water removal. A catalytic oxidative reaction of 200 mL simulated PW was carried out in batch mode, while 900 mL was used in a rotating disc flow reactor for the continuous flow experiments, where the influence of initial H2O2 concentration, catalyst concentration, bubbling air flow rate, variation in UV flux density, effect of competing inorganic anions, etc. were investigated. Results for the unassisted Fenton-like catalysis of PW in batch mode at optimum conditions showed 94% AP removal and up to 30% COD removal after 4 h, while oil- in- water concentration was reduced by 85.8%, although 50.3% of the lost oil was absorbed onto the catalyst. The UV- assisted catalytic oxidation (irradiance of 2.66 mW/cm2) resulted in > 99% AP degradation after 40 min, and 59% COD removal after 4 h, while the oil- in- water concentration was reduced down to non-detectable levels, with 8.78 mg/L oil (which constitutes 5.67% of initial concentration) adsorbed on the catalyst. The results of the unassisted Fenton-like continuous flow experiments at optimum conditions showed ~ 10% COD removal, ~ 90% average DMP degradation, and about 50% average OIW removal in 4 h retention time. The UV/MW/Fenton-like assisted continuous flow process at optimum experimental conditions, recorded an average of 31% COD removal, >99% OIW removal and >99% DMP degradation. Thus, assisting the reaction with UV/MW resulted in a more extensive as well as a quicker decontamination of produced water. Intermediate oxidation products tentatively determined from the catalytic oxidation of DMP include benzoquinones, hydroquinones, benzaldehydes, formic and acetic acids. The cause of catalyst deactivation after about 30 days of reaction was suspected to be due to loss of Fe through leaching and catalyst poisoning. The reaction is thought to be 87% heterogeneous route (including adsorbed component), as leached Fe contributed about 13% to the loss of DMP through a homogeneous route
The Peculiar English Pronoun ‘I’
The personal pronoun ‘I’ exhibits some uniqueness in English syntax, morphology and to some extent semantics in sociolinguistic usage. Interestingly, in many languages of the world, there is a near universality of its morphological form or its variants in occurrence. This paper explores this peculiarity as evident in morphological variation and syntactic deviation and shows that it poses pedagogical implications in the teaching and learning of this personal pronoun. It accounts for concord problems in constructions involving this pronoun. Suggestions are made for its handling in the classroom. Key words.The first person pronoun, morphological variation, syntactic deviation, sociolinguistic usage, universality of orthographic shape and pedagogical implicatio
Dialectical Re-Lexicalization in Festus Iyayi’s Literary Idiolect: Componential Analysis Approach
A conflation of factors such as the social situation that provides the universe of discourse in Festus Iyayi’s novels, the ideological leaning of the writer and the paradigms of the characters of the literary works condition the literary idiom of the three novels under study- Violence, The contract and Heroes. The dialectics of defining and redefining of concepts from opposing paradigms with the privileged comprador class, on the one side of language use, and the underprivileged class, on the other, produce the conflicts in the novel, linguistically speaking. The audience is then left to appreciate how the members of the two classes either use the key terms in the novels from the conventional meaning paradigm or from the subversive perspective. This study then, using the componential analysis approach, explores this creative relexicalization and reaches the conclusion that the social situation or reality in the fiction the metaphor for language and language is the metaphor for the social reality. And this accounts part for Iyayi’s literary idiolect in the novels.LWATI: A Journal of Contemporary Research, 8(2), 92-100, 201
Influence of poverty on forest / forest management policies of Cross River National Park, Akamkpa
This research attempts to investigate and examine the influence of poverty on forest/forest management in the rural areas of Mbarakpa, Igbofia, Uyanga, Oban, Nsan and Obutong in Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State. The population of this study comprised the total number of 620 household heads in the six communities. The primary objective of this study was to investigate factors responsible for high poverty rate in the rural areas that has made the application of forest management policies unworkable. Analysis of data from the 150 sampled household heads in the study area revealed that the level of poverty and general standard of living in the study area are highly deplorable, leading to high rate of forest exploitative drive. The study further indicated that majority (68.67 percent) of the sampled respondents had no gainful employment, hence the propensity for forest resource exploitation. It showed further that about 77.33 percent of the sampled respondents were ignorant of the forest bye-laws. Based on these findings, it was recommended that the rural people in the study area should be empowered to take active part in sustainable management of the forest as this would help to reduce the level of poverty. Also other sources of income and nutrition (example, fish and snail farming) apart from forest resources should be developed and encouraged. Keywords: rural poverty, forest management policiesGlobal Journal of Environmental Sciences Vol. 4(2) 2005: 177-18
The Pivotal Role of a Lawyer in Combating Official Corruption in Nigeria
The fact that Nigeria is a corrupt nation is no longer news. Nigeria is ranked internationally as one of the most corrupt nations in the world. As embarrassing as this status is, it is indeed the reality of our situation. The general public and now even the executive arm of the Federal government have continued to question how members of the legal profession discharge their role in applying the law because they have absolute belief in the law as their protection against the tendencies that are depriving them of their well being, dehumanizing them and even threatening the existence of their country, they waited for the law to respond to these tendencies by putting them in check, stop them completely or control them, they have watched helplessly the inability of law to effectively respond to these tendencies and have watched the tendencies continue unabated and escalated into the conditions we found ourselves today The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of lawyers as Judges, as Prosecutors and defence Attorneys in promoting and encouraging corruption in our body politics. It further examines in contrast the role lawyers should play in the renewed fight against corruption. Lawyers as  agents of social change should be in the vanguard for the reorientation of the mind set of Nigerian in the renewed fight against corruption and social rebirth generally. To effectively play this role members of the legal profession must purge themselves of corrupt tendencies and must be seen to be above board
Melhoria da Atenção à Saúde do Idoso na UBS N-56, Manaus/AM
ODEY, Ushie Ushie. Melhoria da Atenção à Saúde do Idoso na UBS N-56, Manaus/ AM. 2015. 80f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Curso de Especialização em Saúde da FamÃlia) - Departamento de Medicina Social, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, 2015. O presente trabalho objetivou melhorar a atenção à saúde das pessoas idosas atendidas na Unidade Básica de Saúde N-56. A intervenção com foco na saúde da pessoa idosa foi escolhida porque a análise situacional realizada revelou uma fragilidade na organização dos atendimentos, cadastramento e dos registros. Os idosos não tinham acompanhamento de saúde regular e de qualidade. A intervenção foi estruturada a partir de quatro eixos: monitoramento e avaliação, engajamento público, qualificação da prática clÃnica e organização e gestão do serviço. Foi realizada no perÃodo de março a junho de 2015. A população alvo foi de 261 idosos que residiam na área de abrangência da UBS. O cadastro foi realizado mediante o preenchimento da ficha espelho no atendimento clÃnico, utilizando o protocolo de saúde dos idosos do Ministério da Saúde. Durante as 12 semanas da intervenção foram cadastradas 122 idosos, o que representou 46.7% do total de idosos da área, dessa forma, a meta de cobertura inicial traçada de 100% não foi alcançada. A falta de transporte adequado para chegar até os idosos que moram em lugares de difÃcil acesso foi um fator importante que afetou esta meta. Por outro lado, indicadores como melhorar a qualidade da atenção ao idoso na unidade de saúde, melhorar a adesão dos idosos ao programa de saúde do idoso, melhorar o registro das informações, mapear os idosos de risco cadastrados alcançaram 100%, o qual melhorou a dinâmica e a qualidade do atendimento pelos profissionais de saúde da unidade. Por isso, ao final da intervenção continuaremos com o trabalho até alcançar 100% da cobertura. É fundamental manter os idosos saudáveis com ações que são na maioria simples e que à s vezes não são feitas por falta de conhecimento dos profissionais da unidade no que diz respeito à organização do processo de trabalho e por falta de ações de educação em saúde nas comunidades
Pattern of domestic violence among pregnant women in Jos, Nigeria
Background: Domestic violence is a global concern. Domestic violence refers to violence inflicted on a partner (mostly females) within the context of the family or an intimate relationship. It is known to be responsible for numerous hospital visits undertaken by women, although they mostly fail to complain of abuse. There is paucity of data on domestic violence mainly due to underreporting and lack of investigation.Methods: We set out to investigate the pattern of violence among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at ECWA Evangel Hospital, Jos, Nigeria. In all 215 women who were screened using the modified Abuse Assessment Screen (AAS) survey instrument (developed by McFarlane) had experienced domestic violence. Results: Results showed verbal, physical, sexual and emotional violence at prevalence rates of 38.0%, 26.5%, 10.7% and 1.4%, respectively. A total of 14.0% had experienced a combination of physical and verbal abuse while 7.0% had experienced a combination of physical and sexual violence.Fulltime housewives and self-employed women were most abused, of which 82.7% had no definite timing pattern. Conclusion: The results suggest that the major forms of domestic violence are verbal, physical, sexual and emotional, and the violence has poor timing specificity
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