40 research outputs found


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    Subject of Research.We present research results for the signal uncertainty problem that naturally arises for the developers of servomechanisms, including analytical design of serial compensators, delivering the required quality indexes for servomechanisms. Method. The problem was solved with the use of Besekerskiy engineering approach, formulated in 1958. This gave the possibility to reduce requirements for input signal composition of servomechanisms by using only two of their quantitative characteristics, such as maximum speed and acceleration. Information about input signal maximum speed and acceleration allows entering into consideration the equivalent harmonic input signal with calculated amplitude and frequency. In combination with requirements for maximum tracking error, the amplitude and frequency of the equivalent harmonic effects make it possible to estimate analytically the value of the amplitude characteristics of the system by error and then convert it to amplitude characteristic of open-loop system transfer function. While previously Besekerskiy approach was mainly used in relation to the apparatus of logarithmic characteristics, we use this approach for analytical synthesis of consecutive compensators. Main Results. Proposed technique is used to create analytical representation of "input–output" and "error–output" polynomial dynamic models of the designed system. In turn, the desired model of the designed system in the "error–output" form of analytical representation of transfer functions is the basis for the design of consecutive compensator, that delivers the desired placement of state matrix eigenvalues and, consequently, the necessary set of dynamic indexes for the designed system. The given procedure of consecutive compensator analytical design on the basis of Besekerskiy engineering approach under conditions of signal uncertainty is illustrated by an example. Practical Relevance. The obtained theoretical results are used in the task of developing precise positioning systems with piezoelectric actuation mechanism. Proposed procedure for analytical synthesis of consecutive compensator is also believed to be usable for design of servo mechanisms of arbitrary application

    Светодиодный светильник для закрытого грунта

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    В работе рассмотрены конструкция и характеристики светодиодного светильника для выращивания агрокультур в условиях закрытого грунта. Выбраны марки и количество светодиодов в фитосветильнике. Выданы рекомендации по применению фитосветильника

    The active volcanoes of Kamchatka and Paramushir Island, North Kurils in 2007

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    Eight strong eruptions of four Kamchatka volcanoes (Bezymyannyi, Klyuchevskoi, Shiveluch, and Karymskii) and Chikurachki Volcano on Paramushir Island, North Kurils took place in 2007. In addition, an explosive event occurred on Mutnovskii Volcano and increased fumarole activity was recorded on Avacha and Gorelyi volcanoes in Kamchatka and Ebeko Volcano on Paramushir Island, North Kurils. Thanks to close cooperation with colleagues involved in the Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT) project from the Elizovo Airport Meteorological Center and volcanic ash advisory centers in Tokyo, Anchorage, and Washington (Tokyo VAAC, Anchorage VAAC, and Washington VAAC), all necessary precautions were taken for flight safety near Kamchatka

    Итоги научно-методического семинара «Состояние и перспективы развития селекции и семеноводства гороха овощного для переработки»

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    Practical and scientific section on «Present status and prospects in garden pea breeding program and seed management» was held at All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Breeding and Seed Production. The problems concerning of home pea production and processing were discussed. The leading experts in pea breeding from different institutions of Russian Academy of Agricultural Science (Research institute of Plant Growing, Vavilove Institute of Plant Industry, Lomonosov State University, Research Institute of Canning Industry, etc.) joined together to share experience and prospects.4-6 августа 2009 года во Всероссийском НИИ селекции и семеноводства овощных культур прошёл научно-практический семинар «Состояние и перспективы развития селекции и семеноводства гороха овощного для переработки», на котором обсуждались проблемы отечественного производства и переработки продукции гороха овощного и других овощных бобовых культур. В работе приняли участие ведущие специалисты по овощным бобовым культурам, представители Россельхозакадемии, Министерства сельского хозяйства РФ, ГНЦ ВНИИР им. Н.И. Вавилова, ВНИИССОК, ВНИИО, ВНИИКОП, МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова и других научно-исследовательских учреждений и аграрных учебных заведений РФ и стран СНГ

    Comissioning of the linear accelerator-injector at the TNK facility

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    The industrial storage facility has been developed and manufactured at the Budker INP SB RAS. It contains an 80 MeV electron linear accelerator-injector and two electron storage rings: the lesser 450 MeV booster ring and the main 2.5 GeV storage ring. In 2002, the work on the accelerator assembling was begun. On December, 25 this year the accelerator was started up, and the current at the linear accelerator output was obtained. The linear accelerator schematic together with a description of the 6 meter long accelerating DAW structure which operates at 2.8 GHz, are presented in the paper. The first results of the accelerator start-up are as follows: the accelerated electron current of ~50 mA with the energy of ~55...60 MeV.Технологічний накопичувальний комплекс був спроектований і виготовлений у ІЯФ ім. Г.І. Будкера СВ РАН. Він містить у собі інжектор–лінійний прискорювач електронів з енергією до 80 МеВ і два накопичувачі електронів: малий накопичувач–бустер на енергію 450 МеВ і основний накопичувач на енергію 2.5 ГеВ. Приводяться функціональна схема лінійного прискорювача й опис конструкції прискорюючої структури із шайбами і діафрагмами довжиною 6 м, що працює на частоті 2.8 ГГц.Представлено перші результати запуску прискорювача: отриманий прискорений струм електронів ~50 мА з енергією ~(55...60) МеВ.Технологический накопительный комплекс был спроектирован и изготовлен в ИЯФ им. Г.И. Будкера СО РАН. Он включает в себя инжектор–линейный ускоритель электронов с энергией до 80 МэВ и два накопителя электронов: малый накопитель–бустер на энергию 450 МэВ и основной накопитель на энергию 2.5 ГэВ. Приводятся функциональная схема линейного ускорителя и описание конструкции ускоряющей структуры с шайбами и диафрагмами длиной 6 метров, работающей на частоте 2.8 ГГц. Представлены первые результаты запуска ускорителя: получен ускоренный ток электронов ~50 мA с энергией ~(55...60) МэВ

    «Казарма» в Портовом районе города: основные итоги исследования (взгляд из Херсонеса) / “Barracks” in the Port area of the city: the main results of the study (a view from Chersoneses)

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    The article presents the results of an archaeological research of the complex of buildings known in historiography as the “Barracks” in the Port area of the Tauric Chersonesos by a joint expedition of the Kharkov State University and the National reserve “Tauric Chersonese” in 1993—1998. During this time, the study of all the main components of this architectural and archaeological complex was performed, namely, the “Barracks”, the “Gallery”, the rooms 35, 36 (А, Б, В, К), 38, 61, 63, and others. Its graphical fixation has been carried out. The stratigraphy of the strata of the cultural layer has been traced. An important amount of the so-called mass archaeological material has been obtained. These data allow us to trace the main stages of the construction history and reconstruct the appearance of the “Barracks”

    Базилика «Крузе» в Херсонесе: новые исследования. Основные итоги / Kruze basilica in Chersonesos: new study. Main outcomes

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    Раскопки последних лет храмового комплекса базилики «Крузе» в Северо-восточном районе Херсонеса позволяют (на основе археологических и нумизматических материалов) обоснованно утверждать, что его возведение произошло в эпоху Юстиниана Великого. Планировочная схема храма (с пристроенными с востока помещениями) выглядит еще более оригинально, чем это представлялось ранее. / Excavations of recent years the temple complex of the Kruze basilica in the North-east area of Chersonesos allow (based on archaeological and numismatic materials) reasonably argue that its construction took place in the era of Justinian the Great. Schematic layout of the temple (with attached rooms to the east) is even more original than previously imagined

    Estimation of the sulfur dioxide emission by Kamchatka volcanoes using differential optical absorption spectroscopy

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    During the 2012-2013 we have measured SO2 on Kamchatka volcanoes (Gorely, Mutnovsky, Kizimen, Tolbachik, Karymsky, Avachinsky) using DOAS (differential optical absorption spectroscopy). Mobile-DOAS, on a base of USB2000+, has been used as an instrument. The goal of this work was to estimate SO2 emission by Kamchatka volcanoes with the different types of activity. Mutnovsky and Avachinsky during the measurements period passively degassed with SO2 emission ~ 480 t/d and 210 t/d, respectively. Gorely volcano was very active, with intensive vapor-gas activity with gas discharge rate 800-1200 t/d. During the measurements at Karymsky volcano there were relatively weak explosive events (ash plum rose up to 0.5 km above the crater) with 5-10 minutes periodicity. For this time, SO2 discharge rate was ~350-400 t/d. Due to the remoteness and difficulties for accessibility of Kizimen volcano, the measurements were done only once – on October 15th, 2012. 5 traverses have been done above the gas plume. SO2 emission was ~ 700 t/d. On Tolbachik fissure eruption we have measured SO2 emission repeatedly from January until August 2013. The intensive effusion of the lava flows (basaltic andesite by composition) and frequent explosions in the crater of the cinder cone were characteristic features of this eruption. The measured gas emission was from ~1500-2200 t/d in January until 600-800 t/d in August 2013. All measurements were made not permanently, but to the extent possible. Therefore, it is difficult to make detailed conclusions on the SO2 emission on these volcanoes. Nevertheless, this research may become a starting point for the development of the system of the constant monitoring of volcanic gases emission by the active volcanoes of Kamchatka. Estimation of the sulfur dioxide emission by Kamchatka volcanoes using differential optical absorption spectroscopy