179 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Pyrogenic Potential of Ethanolic Extract of Gnetum Africanum Leaves in Albino Rats

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    Owing to the belief  held in this part of the world that the consumption of leaves of Gnetum africanum induces body heat, pyrogenic potential of extract of Gnetum africanum (afang) leaves in rats was evaluated to accept or reject this belief. Fresh leaves of Gnetum africanum were extracted by maceration. Potent and safe doses of the extract resolved from lethality studies were 250mg/kg, 500mg/kg, 750mg/kg, 1,000mg/kg, 1,250mg/kg, 1,500mg/kg, 1,750mg/kg and 2,000mg/kg.15 rats were used for the test. They were randomly divided into 3 groups of 5 animals each. Group I, the Control Group (CG) was treated orally with 10ml/kg of distilled water. Group 2, the Extract Group (EG) was administered orally with 1,000mg/kg (mid-dose) of extract. Group 3, the Yeast Group (YG) was treated intraperitoneally with 0.135mg/kg (pyrogenic dose) of baker’s yeast. Rectal temperatures (TR) were recorded every hour up to the 4th hour. TR values at 0 hour were the basal TR. The TR values (in oC) for the EG were 37.54 ± 0.13, 37.64 ± 0.13, 37.72 ± 0.16, 37.94 ± 0.08 and 38.04 ± 0.05 for 0,1,2,3 and 4 hour(s) respectively. For CG, the values were 37.64 ± 0.04, 37.6 ± 0.05, 37.62 ± 0.05, 37.64 ± 0.02 and 37.62 ± 0.03 for 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 hour(s) respectively. Comparing the TR of the EG with those of CG, there were significant increases (p<0.05 and p< 0.01) at 3rd and 4th hours orderly, while the 0, 1st and 2nd hours showed no significant differences. The YG TR values which were 37.48 ± 0.12, 37.5 ± 0.08, 37.6 ± 0.08, 38.04 ± 0.11 and 37.76 ± 0.11 for 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 hour(s) accordingly, showed a significant increase (p<0.05) at 3rd hour compared with the CG while the 0, 1st, 2nd and 4th hours showed no significant differences. Keywords: Pyrogenic Potential, Ethanolic Extract, Gnetum africanum Leaves, Albino Rats

    Housing Policy as a Tool for addressing Rural Housing Challenges in Nigeria

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    Adequate housing is a fundamental human right as articulated by the United Nations, and though Nigeria is a signatory to many such international protocols coupled with the provisions under its 1999 Constitution (Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy) that ‘suitable and adequate shelter
 are provided for all citizens’, it neither has a rural housing policy nor has it instituted mechanisms to effectively ensure the realisation of this inalienable right among the majority of its population. The study sought to demonstrate the need to evolve a national instrument for addressing the problem of rural housing in Nigeria. This was achieved by highlighting the challenges of rural housing in Nigeria as well as by evaluating the extant national housing policies and their potentials for addressing rural housing. It was confirmed from the study that a colossal rural housing gap exists in the national housing agenda of Nigeria. Based on the foregoing, specific frameworks have been proposed that could strengthen the current policy and help to frontally resolve rural housing challenges in Nigeria. These will improve the capabilities of the revised national housing policy to serve as an effective tool for deciding the rural housing question pending the take-off of an all-rural policy. Keywords: Right to Housing; Rural Housing; Nigeria; Housing Policy; Rural Ga

    Surrogate Language in the African Novel: A Tool for Rural Development

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    The portrayal of drum language as a surrogate language in the African novel recaptures this ancient instrument as still a viable means of communicating the people’s thought and culture through spoken language by means other than speech.  The African novel illustrates the developmental essence of the drum in traditional African societies especially in West Africa as portrayed in some authors’ works like: Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart and Arrow of God, Camara Laye’s The African Child, Etim Akaduh’s The Ancestor, Ferdenand Oyono’s House Boy, etc. The paper subdivides the drum into its symbolic uses at varying cultural occasions in Ibibio tradition in Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria, as follows: obodom ubong: or the royal drum, obodom usuanetop: for disseminating information and obodom mbre: for entertainment.  The paper submits that language is not only an element of communication; but it is also a powerful means of enhancing grass-roots mobilization; a surrogate language which communicates actual speech by sounding out the stress and tone of syllables as well, has almost the same capability as language.  The drum language therefore remains a viable means for: interpersonal and group communion, cultural transmission, and basically for information dissemination within the rural communities which characterize the folks’ existence, organization and development.  For any scientific change in the transmission of information to be effective within the rural areas, the planners, policy makers and administrators must take into cognizance the drum as a surrogate language for the dissemination of such information.  Also since the drum language is a direct transfer of the stress and tonal features of most African vernaculars, the drum should be modernized and its language patterning encouraged as a field of study along with other contemporary scientific technologies for information propagation and for societal development. Keywords: obodom ubong, obodom usuanetop, obodom mbre, tonal language, communication, call and answer device

    Teachers’ Utilization of School Facilities and Academic Achievement of Student Nurses in Human Biology in Schools of Nursing in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

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    The study examined the relationship between teachers’ utilization of school facilities and academic achievement of student nurses in Human Biology in schools of Nursing in Akwa Ibom State. Four (4) specific objectives, four (4) research questions and four (4) null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Ex-post facto survey design was adopted for the study. The research population was One Hundred and Seventy Three (173) student nurses in Preliminary Training Session (PTS) in the three (3) accredited Schools of Nursing in Akwa Ibom State.. The sample size of One Hundred (100) students was selected for the study using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The researcher developed two (2) instruments tagged ‘Teachers’ Utilization of School Facilities Questionnaire (TUSFQ)’ and ‘Students’ Achievement Test on Human Biology (SATHB)’ used in collecting data for the study. The TUSFQ and SATHB were validated through face validity by three (3) experts in the Test and Measurement unit of Faculty of Education, University of Uyo, Uyo and three (3) other experts in Directorate of Nursing Services, Ministry of Health, Uyo respectively. The reliability coefficients of 0.82 and 0.74 for TUSFQ and SATHB respectively were established using Spearman Brown Reliability Analysis. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) was used for data treatment. The findings of the research revealed that there exists significant positive relationship between teachers’ utilization of school facilities (library, laboratory, information and communication technology (ICT) center and recreation center) and academic achievement of student nurses in Human Biology. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended amongst others that teachers should make good effort in incorporating the available school facilities in their pedagogical practices to develop themselves, and thereby promoting the academic growth of learners. Keywords: Utilization, School Facilities, Academic Achievemen

    Marine ecosystems and the role of marine protected areas as sustainable development strategies

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    The Management Accountant in Budgetary Process, Employees’ Motivation and Productivity: The Nigerian Case

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    The management accountants’ view of human nature and his preferred style of leadership (autocratic or participatory) will determine to a great extent the nature of the budget.  It should be stressed that the employees of business organizations will react negatively to the authoritarian (autocratic) accountant’s budget but the participatory budget prepared by the democratic accountant will boost organizational effectiveness.  While conceding the fact that certain settings may require a certain degree of autocratic method of budget preparation, the writer submits that empirical evidence are in support of the fact that in a majority of cases, the participatory method of budget preparation produces better results as far as the effectiveness and efficiency of organizations are concerned.             In total, the unconcerned attitude of management accountants towards current research in budgetary theory and practice, the falling standard of  employees’ morale and motivation, the declining productivity in Nigerian firms, the magnitude of corruption in the country and the economic depression that Nigeria  is facing today have raised concern.  Participatory budgetary process is a panacea.  The paper hereby submits that employees’ motivation will be enhanced and productivity in Nigerian firms will increase and the organizations will be more effective and efficient if participatory budgetary process is adopted. Keywords: Budgetary Process, Morale, productivity, Motivatio

    Dynamics of Housing Affordability for the Rural Population of Nigeria

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    Inclusive, safe, resilient, affordable, accessible and sustainable housing is a fundamental human right articulated by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.7, 11.a, 11.b and 11.c and Nigeria is a signatory to many such international protocols coupled with the charge under its 1999 Constitution (Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy) that ‘suitable and adequate shelter
 are provided for all citizens’. In the light of the rich context of these novel instruments, the challenge posed by available housing quantity, quality and affordability all over the world and particularly in Nigeria’s rural areas is still increasingly dire. This study examines the concept of housing affordability and relates it with the rural capacity to acquire housing. It also assesses the indisputability of government rhetorics at providing housing in relation to the current housing dilemma in the country’s rural sector. Analysis of data obtained from published works and other secondary sources confirmed that both institutional and structural factors mediate significantly in undermining Government’s goal of making housing affordable. Based on these findings, it is hoped that measures such as the adoption of improved but readily available local building materials; tailoring of designs to meet ‘necessary housing’ requirements as against ‘luxury housing’; re-orientation of the people regarding realistic accommodation targets; as well as the introduction of a National Rural Housing Policy can go a long way in reversing the housing quagmire in Nigeria’s predominantly rural settings. Keywords: Nigeria; Right to Housing; Affordability; Rural Housing; Design

    Sexual Orientation Identity in Select African and African American Novels

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    This paper set out to interrogate Sexual Orientation Identity in select African and African American novels, using the Queer theory. Some heterosexual writers inadvertently dwell on queer relationships in their works. Toni Morrison in both The Bluest Eye and Beloved portrayed bestiality/zoophillia, phytophilliac or dendraphilliac, Spectorphilli, incest, rape/molestation, masturbation, polyamorous relationships, homoerotic, homosocial, and heterosexuality. Whereas, Damon Gulet’s In a Strange Room and Sello Duiker’s Thirteen Cents depicted lesbianism, homosexuality and bisexuality. With the likes of Geraldine in Morrison’s The Bluest Eye and Mr Lebowitz in Duiker’s Thirteen Cents, I agree with Tyson on biological essentialism, that the rest of the population is naturally heterosexual. I also agree with other critics that all human beings have the potential for sexual activity that does not fit into heterosexual framework. I share the opinion of social constructionism; that LGBTQ sexuality and heterosexuality are products of social, not biological forces; our societies are fast losing their mores, hence these evil practices. Since patriarchy is the law, no stiff penalty is effected on their wide spread jeopardizing habits. Queerness is a generational destroyer of both moral and humanity. This paper is emphatic that stiff penalties be brought on the practitioners of psychology of peadophile

    Housing Conditions and Health in Rural Nigeria: A Study of Akwa Ibom State

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    The study examined the relationship between housing conditions and ill health among households in Nigeria’s neglected rural areas with specific focus on rural Akwa Ibom State. The study design was based on household cross- sectional survey. Housing and Health Questionnaire (HHQ) was used to obtain the required information on 540 randomly sampled households in 90 rural communities. Housing Conditions were measured using six broad variables: Safety/Security, indoor temperature controls/ventilation, hygiene/sanitation, building condition, environmental quality and crowding. While ill health was measured by the reporting of respiratory symptoms namely Asthma, Pneumonia, Cough and Bronchitis. A stepwise multiple regression model was used to analyze the relationship between ill-health and housing conditions, controlling for other covariates. Results showed that majority of households lived in “inadequate housing” lacking facilities necessary to promote occupants health and wellbeing. About 92.3% of sampled households reported the occurrence of at least one respiratory symptom. The indoor temperature controls/ventilation and building condition were found to contribute significantly to Asthma occurrence (R2 =.669); building condition and environmental quality contributed 84.8% to the total variance in Pneumonia incidence (R2 =.848). Crowding was identified as the major determinant of cough incidence (R2 =.648) while building condition and crowding was found to jointly contribute 75.6% to the total variance in the occurrence of Bronchitis (R2 = .756). These findings highlight the need for immediate action on housing intervention as they suggest that health among the rural people could be strengthened with improved housing conditions. Keywords: Housing Conditions; Respiratory symptoms; Ill Health; Rural Areas; Akwa Ibom State

    Supervisors' Leadership Frames: Implications for Implementation of Universal Basic Education (UBE) In Nigeria

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the leadership frames of supervisor of public schools in Nigeria required for effective implementation of Universal Basic Education (UBE) in Nigeria. This study draws on work of Bolman and Deals (1990) four-Frame Leadership Model. Using Three research questions and three null hypotheses, the samples of the study consisted of 600 supervisors of public schools in Nigeria. Data collection was done through a five-point Likert scale questionnaire, its internal coefficient of internal consistency was 0.85 using Cronbach alpha. The data obtained were statistically analysed using mean scores and independent t-test analysis. Result indicated that distributed leadership is essential ingredient for promoting educational excellence. It was concluded that distributed forms of leadership among the wider staff is likely to have a significant influence on the academic achievement of students/pupil outcomes than that which is likely top down. It was recommended among others that the type of leaders demanded for effective implementation of UBE are not leaders involved in money running at billion of naira in foreign bank account to the detriment of welfare of their people. That it should be an engagement of many people in leadership activity of directing and following the contour of expertise in an organization
