57 research outputs found

    Participation of Wind Power in Electricity Markets

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    This work shows the preliminary conclusions of an study about the possibility of arbitraging in intraday electricity markets, taking into account the uncertainty of short term wind power prediction programs and price prediction tools. The rules of the Spanish market have been loosely followed.This work has been undertook within the research projects Anemos Plus (6th FP European Project. Reference 38692) and IEMEL, Research Project of the Spanish Ministry of Education (Reference ENE2006-05192/ALT). Most of this work has been made during a sabbatical leave from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in Supélec, France. The stay has been also financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education within the program “Estancias de profesores e investigadores españoles en centros de enseñanza superior e investigación extranjeros” (Reference PR2007-0032)

    Probabilistic load flow in systems with high wind power penetration

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    This paper proposes a method for solving a probabilistic load flows that takes into account the uncertainties of wind generation, but also of load and conventional systems. The method uses a combination of methods including cumulant, point estimate and convolution. Cornish Fisher expansion series are also used to find the CDF. The method is of especial application to estimate active power flows through lines

    A transaction-based method for allocation of transmission grid cost and losses

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    The problem of grid cost and losses allocation may be divided into independent subproblems: allocation of branch flow and losses to transactions, definition of these transactions and cost allocation to transactions. From this final allocation, the charges to participants in transactions may be made straightforwardly. A differential, slack-invariant method for the allocation of flow and losses to transactions that makes use of the AC load flow equation is presented here. The definition of transactions must be addressed using a non-discriminatory rule in pool systems. There are many possible options for this definition, and the choice made has great influence on the results. Cost allocation, on the other hand, may be made in different ways, as well. The paper presents an allocation process that addresses all these issues. Results for the IEEE-RTS96 test system are obtained and discussed.Publicad

    Probabilistic load flow with wind production uncertainty using cumulants and Cornish–Fisher expansion

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    This paper proposes a method for probabilistic load flow in networks with wind generation, where the uncertainty of the production is non-Gaussian. The method is based on the properties of the cumulants of the probability density functions (PDF) and the Cornish–Fisher expansion, which is more suitable for non-Gaussian PDF than other approaches, such as Gram–Charlier series. The paper includes examples and comparisons between different methods proposed in literature.Publicad

    Renewables and Advanced Storage in Power Systems: The Iberian Case

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    Storage has many benefits for power systems with a high share of renewable energy. It reduces renewable curtailment, can participate in ancillary services and contributes to system adequacy. However, its business model is far from clear since most of its revenues come from arbitrage in energy markets, and this is usually not enough to recover the investment. Advanced storage can facilitate the profitability of storage and ease the integration of renewables in power systems by reducing costs and allowing an enhanced performance. The profitability requirements of future advanced storage systems (batteries) are assessed in this paper by means of an optimization method and an uncertainty analysis for an optimal Iberian (Spain and Portugal) power system that meets the targets of their National Energy and Climate Plans. Results show that needed storage capacity is only a small part of the demanded energy, but technical advances are required for optimal performance. High prospective storage cost leads to a wind-dominated renewable mix, while low storage cost favours photovoltaics. Arbitrage with storage may cover its investment costs under carbon prices close to the actual Social Cost of Carbon.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, InnovaciĂłn y Universidades under Project PID2019-104449RB-I00, Optimal and secure operation of the power system with a high share of renewable energy (SECOP)

    Probabilistic load flow in systems with wind generation

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    A method for solving a probabilistic power flow that deals with the uncertainties of (i) wind generation, (ii) load and (iii) generation availability in power systems is proposed. Dependence between random variables has been considered. The method is based on the properties of cumulants of random variables. Cornish-Fisher expansion series are used to obtain the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the output variables. Multimodal CDF are obtained by convolutions, whose number has been minimised in order to decrease the computation requirements.Publicad

    Research in power systems: power quality and electricity market

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    The research group REDES from UC3M has experience on electricity market, grid integration of wind energy and power quality. The group may offer consulting activities with a high component of research. We are looking for the collaboration of companies devoted to the consulting related to electricity markets, the integration of wind power in the electricity network, and with power quality.Contrato Programa de ComercializaciĂłn e InternacionalizaciĂłn. Sistema Regional de InvestigaciĂłn CientĂ­fica e InnovaciĂłn TecnolĂłgica. (Comunidad de Madrid; Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

    Combining hydro-generation and wind energy biddings and operation on electricity spot markets

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    Wind generation is growing rapidly in all the world, especially in Europe. The power produced by this kind of generation is difficult to predict and the predictions are not very accurate. In most systems these imbalances are costly. These penalties reduce the revenue for the wind generation company (WGENCOs). An option to solve this problem would be to work together with another agent. In this paper, a combined strategy for bidding and operating in a power exchange is presented. It considers the combination of a WGENCO and a hydro-generation company (HGENCO). The mathematical formulation for the optimal bids and for the optimal operation is presented, as well as results from realistic cases.Publicad

    Bidding wind energy under uncertainty

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    The integration of wind energy into electricity markets implies that the wind energy must commit their production for a given time period. This requires the use of short term wind power prediction tools to prepare the bids for the spot market. The output of these tools have a limited accuracy, and, therefore, these predictions are uncertain. Optimal bids must take into account this uncertainty in order to get the maximum revenue from the sell of energy, minimizing losses due to imbalance costs. The consequence is that the optimal bids sent to the market do not coincide with the best predictions. Regulatory authorities must consider if this situation is good for the system operation, and encourage TSOs to have their own prediction tools and have results independent of bidding strategies.International Conference on Clean Electrical Power, ICCEP '07 (Capri, 21-23 May 2007). P. 754-759Publicad

    Optimal security-constrained power scheduling by Benders decomposition

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    This paper presents a Benders decomposition approach to determine the optimal day-ahead power scheduling in a pool-organized power system, taking into account dispatch, network and security constraints. The study model considers the daily market and the technical constraints resolution as two different and consecutive processes. The daily market is solved in a first stage subject to economical criteria exclusively and then, the constraints solution algorithm is applied to this initial dispatch through the redispatching method. The Benders partitioning algorithm is applied to this constraints solution process to obtain an optimal secure power scheduling. The constraints solution includes a full AC network and security model to incorporate voltages magnitudes as they are a critical factor in some real power systems. The algorithm determines the active power committed to each generator so as to minimize the energy redispatch cost subject to dispatch, network and security constraints. The solution also provides the reactive power output of the generators, the value of the transformers taps and the committed voltage control devices. The model has been tested in the IEEE 24-bus Reliability Test System and in an adapted IEEE 118-bus Test System. It is programmed in GAMS mathematical modeling language. Some relevant results are reported.Publicad
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