5 research outputs found

    Sustainable Development of Society and Russian Philosophy: Educational Aspect

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    The purpose of the article is to project the general statements of the philosophical tradition and domestic psychological schools of thought on the specific situation of teaching and education, as well as to compare the historically emerging ideas of upbringing and education with modern approaches, and to trace the genetic connection and the continuity of ideas. In this context, it is possible to draw conclusions and learn lessons for the development of the modern pedagogical situation. The research results are novel and practically significant, since the main conclusion is the choice of a methodological basis for teaching natural sciences with a view to the sustainable development of society as a whole and within the framework of subject-subject relationship in particular. According to the chosen methodology, teaching information about sustainable development involves a set of interconnected methods for the purpose of their application in the educational process so to access each student individually. A special contribution of the authors is a comparative analysis of approaches to training and education, which result in the sustainable development of society. Keywords: Man, nature, society, biosphere, co-evolution, personality-activity approach, subject-subject relationship, sustainable development, Russian philosophy, student

    New method of measuring µ-focus spots of X-ray tubes

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    The practice of non-destructive testing shows that despite the whole range of working standards that define the methods of measurement of µ-focus spot sizes, the consistency and spread of the obtained results are considered unsatisfactory. In the meantime, knowing the accurate size of µ-focus spot is the determinant factor in optimization of control parameters, which is often carried out with geometric magnification. A new design of test object is proposed, a new method of differentiated line profiles of test object digital image is developed and tested, the computing chain and allowances are described. The obtained results have formed the basis for elaboration of a Standard to measure µ-focus spot size of an X-ray tube


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    From 2004 to 2014 forty-six patients with sarcomas of the musculoskeletal system with metastatic lesions in the lungs were operated in MRRC. In 22 patients with a primary bone sarcoma metastases were detected in 27% cases, and in 29% of 24 patients with soft tissue sarcomas  metastases were identified at the time of diagnosis. Twenty women and twenty-six men aged 16 to 72 years  (mean age was 39 years) were operated. In most cases metastases were located subpleurally. Solitary metastases were observed in 8 patients (17%), single in 11 (24%) and multiple in 27 (68%) and 18 patients of them had bilateral disease. In all cases, chemotherapy was conducted at the first stage of treatment, according to histology of the tumor. In cases of large metastases or close location to the root of the lung (27 patients) preoperative distal radiotherapy was conducted in hyperfraction regimen with a daily dividing of the dose (2 times a day with an interval of 4 h every other day with single dose of 3 Gy and the total dose of 30 Gy that was isoefficiency to 42 Gy), after that the removal of pulmonary metastases was performed. A total of 73 surgical interventions performed in 46 patients. Most often precision resection of the lung using a neodymium YAG surgical laser MY 40 (wavelength 1318 nm) was performed. One patient underwent pneumonectomy. Videothoracoscopy was used in 6 cases. From 1 to 103 metastases were excised during one intervention. Pneumonia with abscesses were diagnosed in 3 patients, persistent pneumothorax in 5 patients, all complications were treated conservatively. There was no postoperative mortality. Fourteen patients underwent 2 procedures, two patients – 3 procedures, two patients – 4 procedures and one patient had 6 procedures. Follow-up ranged from 3 to 126 months. Twenty-six patients died due to progression of the disease. 3-year and 5-year survival was 46% and 41% respectively. Median survival was 32 months. Thus, the combined treatment of generalized forms of sarcomas of the musculoskeletal system can achieve long-term remission and significantly prolong life. Surgical resection should be applied in patients with solitary and with multiple metastases in the lungs and should be combined with systemic treatment (PCT) and, if indicated, with additional local treatment (distant radiotherapy) of metastases. Precision resection is adequate and well-tolerated method of surgical treatment of metastases in the lungs and does not correlate with severe postoperative complications.С 2004 по 2014 годы в МРНЦ оперировано 46 больных саркомами опорно-двигательного аппарата с метастатическими поражениями легких.  У 22 больных с саркомами костей первично метастазы  были выявлено у 27%, а у 24 больных с саркомами  мягких тканей у 29% метастазы были выявлены в момент установления  диагноза.  Оперированы  20 женщин и 26 мужчин в возрасте от 16 до 72 лет, средний возраст составил 39 лет. Метастазы располагались в большинстве случаев субплеврально. Солитарные метастазы наблюдались у 8 больных (17%), единичные у 11 (24%) и множественные у 27 (68%), из них у 18 больных было двустороннее  поражение.  Во всех случаях на первом этапе лечения проводилась полихимиотерапия согласно гистологическому варианту опухоли. В случае больших размеров  метастаза  и в случае близкого прилежания к корню лёгкого (27 больным),   проводился  предоперационный  курс ДЛТ в режиме гиперфракционирования с дневным дроблением дозы (2 раза в день с интервалом 4 часа через  день РОД 3Гр до СОД 30Гр (изоэффективно  42Гр)), после которой выполнялось удаление легочных метастазов.  Всего выполнено 73 оперативных вмешательства  у 46 больных. Чаще выполнялась прецизионная резекция легких с помощью хирургического неодимового ИАГ лазера MY 40 (длина волны 1318 нм). Одному больному выполнена пневмонэктомия. Видеоторакоскопическая техника применялась в 6 случаях. Одномоментно удалялось от 1 до 103 метастазов. пневмонии с абсцедированием – у 3 больных, стойкий пневмоторакс – у 5 больных, все осложнения купированы консервативно. Послеоперационной летальности не было. Дважды оперированы 14 больных, трижды – 2, четыре вмешательства у 2 больных, шесть раз оперирован 1 пациент. Срок наблюдения  за больными составляет  от 3 месяцев до 126 месяцев. 26 больных умерло  от прогрессирования  заболевания. Трёхлетняя и пятилетняя выживаемость после комбинированного лечения составила   46 и 41 % соответственно.  Медиана выживаемости 32 мес. Таким образом,  комбинированное лечение генерализованных форм сарком опорно-двигательного аппарата позволяет в ряде случаев добиться длительной ремиссии  и существенно  продлить жизнь. Хирургический метод показан  как при солитарных  так и при множественных метастазах в лёгких и должен сочетаться с системным воздействием (ПХТ) и, по показаниям, с дополнительным локальным воздействием (ДЛТ) на метастазы. Прецизионная резекция является адекватным и функционально щадящим методом хирургического лечения метастазов в легких и не сопровождается тяжелыми послеоперационными осложнениями

    The distribution of dust in edge-on galaxies: I. The global structure

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    In this first paper in a series we present a study of the global dust emission distribution in nearby edge-on spiral galaxies. Our sample consists of 16 angularly large and 13 less spatially resolved galaxies selected from the DustPedia sample. To explore the dust emission distribution, we exploit the Herschel photometry in the range 100-500 μ m. We employ Sérsic and 3D disc models to fit the observed 2D profiles of the galaxies. Both approaches give similar results. Our analysis unequivocally states the case for the presence of extraplanar dust in between 6 and 10 large galaxies. The results reveal that both the disc scale length and height increase as a function of wavelength between 100 and 500 μ m. The dust disc scale height positively correlates with the dust disc scale length, similar to what is observed for the stellar discs. We also find correlations between the scale lengths and scale heights in the near- and far-infrared which suggest that the stellar discs and their dust counterparts are tightly connected. Furthermore, the intrinsic flattening of the dust disc is inversely proportional to the maximum rotation velocity and the dust mass of the galaxy: more massive spiral galaxies host, on average, relatively thinner dust discs. Also, there is a tendency for the dust-to-stellar scale height ratio to decrease with the dust mass and rotation velocity. We conclude that low-mass spiral galaxies host a diffuse, puffed-up dust disc with a thickness similar to that of the stellar disc