160 research outputs found

    Caracterizacion antropometrica, habitos de actividad fisica y nutricion en alumnos con sobrepeso y obesidad del primer ano de ensenanza media del Liceo Abate Molina de Talca, Region del Maule

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    97 p.La obesidad y el sobrepeso se definen como una acumulación anormal o excesiva de grasa que puede ser perjudicial para la salud www.who.int/topics/obesity/es/), no escapando a esta situación los adolescentes de Chile. El índice de masa corporal (IMC), el peso en kilogramos dividido por el cuadrado de la talla en metros (Kg./m2), es una indicación simple de la relación entre el peso y la talla que se utiliza frecuentemente para identificar la desnutrición, el sobrepeso y la obesidad, tanto a nivel individual como poblacional (www.who.int/topics/obesity/es/). El IMC constituye la medida poblacional más útil de la obesidad, pues la forma de calcularlo no varía en función del sexo ni de la edad en la población adulta. No obstante, debe considerarse como una guía aproximativa, pues puede no corresponder al mismo grado de gordura en diferentes individuos. Evaluamos el IMC de 483 sujetos adolescentes de ambos sexos del curso primero medio del Liceo Abate Molina (LAM), liceo publico de la ciudad de Talca, con edades comprendidas entre 14 y 15 años. La evaluación se realizo en el mismo liceo en una sala habilitada para la privacidad de los jóvenes. De este total se tomaron los alumnos con un índice de masa corporal superior a 22 Kg./mt2 (Pizarro et al., 2003), de los cuales estuvieron sobre este valor 137 alumnos que corresponde a sobrepeso y obesidad, de los cuales se realizo una evaluación antropométrica de 5 compartimentos a solo 87 alumnos (33 hombres y 54 mujeres) ya que el resto de los jóvenes no pudo o simplemente no quiso ser participe del estudio. A estos alumnos del LAM a parte de la evaluación antropométrica, se aplicaron encuestas para conocer el nivel de actividad física, encuesta internacional de actividad física (IPAQ) y la encuesta alimentaria por recordatorio de 24 horas. Para el análisis de resultados se utilizo estadística descriptiva, el programa Microsoft Excel office 2003 y el programa Quattro pro 12. Los resultados obtenidos refleja que son adolescentes con alto contenido graso según la evaluación antropométrica realizada, y según los datos de las encuestas se esperaba encontrar un alto consumo calórico y un nivel bajo de actividad física, lo cual se relacionaría con el resultado antropométrico, lo cual resulto totalmente contrario. Las encuestas entregaron resultado de actividad física de moderada a elevada intensidad y un consumo de calorías bajo el requerimiento necesario para un adolescente. En relación a los resultados de nivel de actividad física, hay evidencias disponible en la literatura que informa que los jóvenes, cuando son evaluados por cuestionarios, tienden a presentar una predisposición mas alta en cuanto a niveles de practica física elevada que lo que en realidad realizan, lo cual nos explicaría el haber obtenido en la encuesta IPAQ valores de actividad física de moderada a elevada intensidad en jóvenes sedentarios. También creemos que una falta en la compresión de la encuesta o falta de adherencia en el estudio llevo a que respondieran con poco compromiso. En cuanto a la aplicación de las encuestas por recordatorio de 24 horas, un 50% se realizaron en forma personalizada y el resto por disponibilidad de tiempo de los alumnos las realizaron durante el día anotando lo ingerido, lo cual no se pudo objetivar la veracidad de la información por lo cual pudieron omitir información de lo que realmente consumen a diario, o simplemente por falta de interés en el presente estudio. Lo que llevo a que se obtuviera como resultado que consumían bajísimos niveles de calorías. El estimar el porcentaje de adolescentes que presenta sobrepeso u obesidad, nos lleva estimar la cantidad de obesos que podríamos encontrar a futuro en edad adulta, ya que la mayoría de los adolescentes obesos lo son en una etapa adulta. Para disminuir estos valores realizamos charlar educativas sobre alimentación saludable y actividad física a todos los alumnos de primero medio

    Workplace interventions for cardiovascular diseases: protocol of a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the number one cause of death globally, impacting on public and private sectors. Current traditional interventions to prevent CVDs are mainly provided in healthcare centres and even when they are effective, they are not enough to reduce the rising prevalence; therefore, additional strategies are needed. Evidence suggests that health interventions in the workplace supply numerous benefits improving cardiovascular risk factor profiles in individuals. Hence, the aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to collate the evidence from randomised controlled trials, cluster randomised trials and quasi-experimental studies of workplace interventions to determine their effectiveness in terms of improving cardiovascular risk factors and preventing CVDs. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: EMBASE, PsycINFO, PubMed, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, LILACS, Scopus, Web of Science, WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform, ClinicalTrials.gov and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global will be searched to include articles on workplace interventions in adults for CVDs events, cardiometabolic risk factors or behavioural risk factors. The study selection, data extraction, risk of bias and the assessment of the quality of the body of evidence will be conducted by two reviewers working in parallel and disagreements will be resolved by consensus or consultations with a third reviewer. Data synthesis will be done by meta-analysis using random-effects models when possible, otherwise the vote counting method will be applied. Statistical heterogeneity will be assessed by a χ(2) test and I(2) statistics. The quality of the body of evidence for each outcome will be assessed by applying the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation approach. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethical approval is not required for this systematic review protocol. The results of the systematic review will be published in a peer-reviewed journal and will be publicly available. PROSPERO REGISTRATION NUMBER: CRD42021276161

    Robust metabolic transcriptional components in 34,494 patient-derived cancer-related samples and cell lines

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    BACKGROUND: Patient-derived bulk expression profiles of cancers can provide insight into the transcriptional changes that underlie reprogrammed metabolism in cancer. These profiles represent the average expression pattern of all heterogeneous tumor and non-tumor cells present in biopsies of tumor lesions. Hence, subtle transcriptional footprints of metabolic processes can be concealed by other biological processes and experimental artifacts. However, consensus independent component analyses (c-ICA) can capture statistically independent transcriptional footprints of both subtle and more pronounced metabolic processes. METHODS: We performed c-ICA with 34,494 bulk expression profiles of patient-derived tumor biopsies, non-cancer tissues, and cell lines. Gene set enrichment analysis with 608 gene sets that describe metabolic processes was performed to identify the transcriptional components enriched for metabolic processes (mTCs). The activity of these mTCs was determined in all samples to create a metabolic transcriptional landscape. RESULTS: A set of 555 mTCs was identified of which many were robust across different datasets, platforms, and patient-derived tissues and cell lines. We demonstrate how the metabolic transcriptional landscape defined by the activity of these mTCs in samples can be used to explore the associations between the metabolic transcriptome and drug sensitivities, patient outcomes, and the composition of the immune tumor microenvironment. CONCLUSIONS: To facilitate the use of our transcriptional metabolic landscape, we have provided access to all data via a web portal (www.themetaboliclandscapeofcancer.com). We believe this resource will contribute to the formulation of new hypotheses on how to metabolically engage the tumor or its (immune) microenvironment. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s40170-021-00272-7

    Structural aspects of polyanion and hydrophobically modified polycation multilayers on hydrophilic or hydrophobic surfaces

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    Multilayer films of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), a polyanion, and bromide salts of poly(4-vinylpyridine) quaternized with linear aliphatic chains of 2 (ethyl) and 5 (pentyl) carbon atoms, coded as QPVP-C2 and QPVP-C5, respectively, were fabricated by layer-by-layer (LbL) self-assembly onto Si/SiO2 wafers (hydrophilic substrate) or polystyrene, PS, films (hydrophobic substrate). The films were characterized by means of ex situ and in situ ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy (AFM), contact angle measurements and sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy (SFG). Antimicrobial tests were used to assess the exposure of pyridinium moieties to the aqueous medium. In situ ellipsometry indicated that for Si/SiO2 the chains were more expanded than the PS films and both substrates systems composed of QPVP-C5 were thicker than those with QPVP-C2. For dried layers, the alkyl side group size had a small effect on the thickness evolution, regardless of the substrate. At pH 2 the multilayers showed high resistance, evidencing that the build-up is driven not only by cooperative polymer-polymer ion pairing, but also by hydrophobic interactions between the alkyl side chains. The LbL films became irregular as the number of depositions increased. After the last deposition, the wettability of QPVP-C2 or QPVP-C5 terminated systems on the Si/SiO2 wafers and PS films were similar, except for QPVP-C2 on Si/SiO2 wafers. Unlike the morphology observed for LbL films on Si/SiO2 wafers, PS induced the formation of porous structures. SFG showed that in air the molecular orientation of pyridinium groups in multilayers with QPVP-C5 was stronger than in those containing QPVP-C2. The exposure of pyridinium moieties to the aqueous medium was more pronounced when the LbL were assembled on Si/SiO2 wafers.Proyecto Fondecyt (Chile) [1100240]Proyecto Fondecyt (Chile)FAPESP (Brazil) [2010/51219-4, 2007/07263-6]FAPESP (Brazil)CNPq (Brazil)CNPq (Brazil)Rede Nanobiotecnologia CAPESRede Nanobiotecnologia CAPE

    Dental Caries Prevalence and Tooth Loss in Chilean Adult Population: First National Dental Examination Survey

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of dental caries, tooth loss, and risk factors among adult population of Chile. Furthermore, age, gender, and behavioural specific differences in caries prevalence and tooth loss were examined. A national stratified multistage probabilistic sample design in two-age cohorts was applied to the Chilean population. A sample of 1553 adults, comprising 1088 individuals aged 35–44 and 465 senior individuals aged 65–74, were examined. The DMFT was evaluated following WHO recommendations using diagnostic criteria of caries lesions into dentin. The data were analyzed by univariate and multivariate models using logistic regression analyses. Results showed a mean DMFT of 15.06 in the 35–44-year-old group and of 21.57 in the 65–74 group. Factors related to tooth loss in the 35–44 group through univariate logistic regression were depression (OR 1.9 CI 95% 1.26–2.85), education level <12 years (OR 2.24 CI 95% 1.31–3.73), personal income (OR 1.51 CI 95% 1.04–2.19), and familiar income (OR 2.05 CI 95% 1.34–3.13), and through multivariate logistic regression in the same age group were depression (OR 1.93 CI 95% 1.24–3.0), education level <12 years (OR 1.94 CI 95% 1.2–3.14), and familiar income (OR 1.71 CI 95% 1.09–2.68). Factors related to tooth loss in the 65–74-year-old group through univariate logistic regression were education level <12 years (OR 2.54 CI 95% 1.3–4.96) and personal income (OR 1.66 CI 95% 1.05–2.63), and for multivariate logistic regression in the same age group, it was education level <12 years (OR 2.51 CI 95% 1.21–5.18). In conclusion, adult population in Chile showed a high prevalence of dental caries and tooth loss, as age, education level, personal and familiar incomes, and depression are being the main risk factors

    Erratum to: Multiplex immunoassay characterization and species comparison of inflammation in acute and non-acute ischemic infarcts in human and mouse brain tissue

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    This study provides a parallel characterization of the cytokine and chemokine response to stroke in the human and mouse brain at different stages of infarct resolution. The study goal was to address the hypothesis that chronic inflammation may contribute to stroke-related dementia. We used C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice to control for strain related differences in the mouse immune response. Our data indicate that in both mouse strains, and humans, there is increased granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-12 p70 (IL-12p70), interferon gamma-induced protein-10 (IP-10), keratinocyte chemoattractant/interleukin-8 (KC/IL-8), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha (MIP-1 alpha), macrophage inflammatory protein-1 beta (MIP-1 beta), regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES), and Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) in the infarct core during the acute time period. Nevertheless, correlation and two-way ANOVA analyses reveal that despite this substantial overlap between species, there are still significant differences, particularly in the regulation of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), which is increased in mice but not in humans. In the weeks after stroke, during the stage of liquefactive necrosis, there is significant resolution of the inflammatory response to stroke within the infarct. However, CD68+ macrophages remain present, and levels of IL-6 and MCP-1 remain chronically elevated in infarcts from both mice and humans. Furthermore, there is a chronic T cell response within the infarct in both species. This response is differentially polarized towards a T helper 1 (Th1) response in C57BL/6 mice, and a T helper 2 (Th2) response in BALB/c mice, suggesting that the chronic inflammatory response to stroke may follow a different trajectory in different patients. To control for the fact that the average age of the patients used in this study was 80 years, they were of both sexes, and many had suffered from multiple strokes, we also present findings that reveal how the chronic inflammatory response to stroke is impacted by age, sex, and multiple strokes in mice. Our data indicate that the chronic cytokine and chemokine response to stroke is not substantially altered in 18-month old compared to 3-month old C57BL/6 mice, although T cell infiltration is attenuated. We found a significant correlation in the chronic cytokine response to stroke in males and females. However, the chronic cytokine response to stroke was mildly exacerbated by a recurrent stroke in both C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice.NIA NIH HHS [P30 AG019610]; NINDS NIH HHS [U24 NS072026]; NINR NIH HHS [K99 NR013593]This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]