35 research outputs found

    Wieloletnia prognoza finansowa a zrównoważenie finansów sektora samorządowego. Przykład największych miast w Polsce

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    The aim of the article is to assess the degree of financial sustainability of the largest cit¬ies in Poland. The analyzes were carried out for the 7 cities with the highest number of inhabitants (as of 2016). Long-term budget constraints were used as the research method. They were tested in the context of the no-Ponzi condition. The first phase of the study used historical data from 2007-2015. The same calculations were then made for the data recorded in the city's multi-annual financial forecasts (MFF). The results of the ex post investigation show that all the cities were far from fiscal sustainability. The results of the ex ante data estimations are much more optimistic. On one hand the results undermine the credibility of MFF as the appropriate instrument for local government finance management; on the other hand, they show that the surveyed cities have been able to generate primary surpluses but these surpluses turn out to be insufficient to cover the existing levels public liabilities

    Wskaźnik niedoboru dochodów i samodzielność dochodowa a zrównoważenie sektora samorządu lokalnego. Przykład wybranych krajów Europy

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    The aim of the article is to assess the fiscal sustainability of local government sector (LGS) in the EU economies belonging to the OECD. The study was conducted using the so-called Fiscal Gap Indicator. The results were compared with the level of financial autonomy of the LGS in the countries surveyed. The hypothesis put in the article reads as follows: countries with higher levels of autonomy of LR GS are characterized by a higher degree of sustainability of public finances in this sector. The study showed that in countries with a high level of revenue autonomy of the local sector there is also the lack of fiscal sustainability of this sector. The conclusions of the analyzes tend to reject the proposed hypothesis.&nbsp

    Dodatek kwartalny

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    Aktywność organów jednostek samorządu terytorialnego a ich dochody transferowe

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    The authors present a complex definition of the local authorities activity concept in connec- tion with most common concepts of public finance: the decentralisation of public finance and the decentralisation of local tasks. The authors emphasise the complexity of relations between these concepts and the impact of this complexity of relations in the context of public finance crisis, activities aiming at reduction of discrepancies between regions, etc. The article shows also the need of detailed economic and law analysis and broad, professional discussions, taking into account, as the starting point, the analogy between Poland and Spain

    Public Finance Sustainability in Poland the Light of Fiscal Sustainability Indicators

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    The aim of the article is to assess the degree of sustainability of the public finance sector in Poland. Such a research goal is accompanied by the following research hypothesis: high values of primary deficits make it impossible to stabilize the level of public debt even in the long run. The analysis uses the concept of the so‑called fiscal sustainability indicators proposed, among others, by Buiter, Blanchard, Rudin and Smith. Reference was made to the Ponzi scheme in the context of the state solvency. The study used data from Eurostat and the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Commission. The data come from the period 2001–2017. Forecasts for 2018 and 2019 were also used. The results for Poland were compared to the values for all EU countries.Celem artykułu jest ocena stopnia zrównoważenia sektora finansów publicznych w Polsce. Tak postawionemu celowi badawczemu towarzyszy następująca hipoteza badawcza: wysokie wartości deficytów pierwotnych uniemożliwiają ustabilizowanie poziomu długu publicznego nawet w długim okresie. W analizach wykorzystano koncepcję tzw. wskaźników stabilności fiskalnej zaproponowanych między innymi przez W. H. Buitera, O. Blancharda oraz J. Rudina i G. Smitha. Odwołano się do koncepcji schematu C. Ponziego w obszarze wypłacalności państwa. W badaniach wykorzystano dane pochodzące z Eurostatu oraz Dyrektoriatu Generalnego ds. Gospodarczych i Finansowych Komisji Europejskiej. Dane dotyczą okresu 2001–2017. Wykorzystano też prognozy dla lat 2018–2019. Wyniki dla Polski porównywano z wartościami dla wszystkich krajów UE