1,104 research outputs found

    Brevi riflessioni sullo statuto pubblicistico degli amministratori nel Testo Unico

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    In this article, by examining some regulatory profiles concerning the directors of publicly owned companies in the light of the Consolidated Law and relative jurisprudential applications, the Author picks up on a contradiction in the normative data and therefore a systematic inconsistency with respect to the possibility of configuring the by-laws applicable to them in strictly public or private terms (despite the approach in this sense, as laid out in art. 1, paragraph 3 of the TUSP, which subjects public companies to the code of law on capital companies). In this perspective, the provisions relating to the appointment and revocation of publicly appointed directors are taken into consideration, as well as the specific legal regime envisaged for in-house companies

    Multi-dimensionnalité, modalité et activité(s): le cas "simple" de l'offre à boire

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    Jérome Jacquin & Xavier Gradoux (Eds)International audienceIn this paper we deal with the activity of "offering a drink" as an exemplary case of complex activity that cannot be fully described as an expanded adjacency pair. Relying on a corpus of naturally occurring conversations among friends, we focus our attention on the sequential and multimodal organization of this activity. First, we focus on how the activity is launched through various resources. Then, we turn to subsequent trajectories of the interaction. We consider cases of negociations of the offer, and then recurrent cases in which the activity is locally suspended. This leads to discuss whether the moments of suspension should be considered as stopping the activity or as being a part of it. On the basis of a multidimensional approach, and specifically with a focus on gestural cues, we argue for the existence of a "meso-interactional whole" (cf. Psathas 1991) to which participants keep oriented

    Hiatoplasty with crura buttressing versus hiatoplasty alone during laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy

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    Introduction. In obese patients with hiatal hernia (HH), laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) with cruroplasty is an option but use of prosthetic mesh crura reinforcement is debated. The aim was to compare the results of hiatal closure with or without mesh buttressing during LSG. Methods. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) was assessed by the Health-Related Quality of Life (GERD-HRQL) questionnaire before and after surgery in two consecutive series of patients with esophageal hiatus ≤ 4 cm2. After LSG, patients in group A (12) underwent simple cruroplasty, whereas in group B patients (17), absorbable mesh crura buttressing was added. Results. At mean follow-up of 33.2 and 18.1 months for groups A and B, respectively (p = 0 006), the mean preoperative GERD-HRQL scores of 16.5 and 17.7 (p = 0 837) postoperatively became 9.5 and 2.4 (p = 0 071). In group A, there was no difference between pre- and postoperative scores (p = 0 279), whereas in group B, a highly significant difference was observed (p = 0 002). The difference (Δ) comparing pre- and postoperative mean scores between the two groups was significantly in favor of mesh placement (p = 0 0058). Conclusions. In obese patients with HH and mild-moderate GERD, reflux symptoms are significantly improved at medium term follow-up after cruroplasty with versus without crura buttressing during LSG.Introduction. In obese patients with hiatal hernia (HH), laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) with cruroplasty is an option but use of prosthetic mesh crura reinforcement is debated. The aim was to compare the results of hiatal closure with or without mesh buttressing during LSG. Methods. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) was assessed by the Health-Related Quality of Life (GERD-HRQL) questionnaire before and after surgery in two consecutive series of patients with esophageal hiatus ≤ 4 cm2. After LSG, patients in group A (12) underwent simple cruroplasty, whereas in group B patients (17), absorbable mesh crura buttressing was added. Results. At mean follow-up of 33.2 and 18.1 months for groups A and B, respectively (p = 0 006), the mean preoperative GERD-HRQL scores of 16.5 and 17.7 (p = 0 837) postoperatively became 9.5 and 2.4 (p = 0 071). In group A, there was no difference between pre- and postoperative scores (p = 0 279), whereas in group B, a highly significant difference was observed (p = 0 002). The difference (Δ) comparing pre- and postoperative mean scores between the two groups was significantly in favor of mesh placement (p = 0 0058). Conclusions. In obese patients with HH and mild-moderate GERD, reflux symptoms are significantly improved at medium term follow-up after cruroplasty with versus without crura buttressing during LSG

    Le stagioni dell'efficienza. Paradigmi giuridici della buona amministrazione

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    Il contesto normativo attuale d\ue0 per scontato - ormai \ue8 quasi un postulato di sistema \u2013 il valore giuridico del canone dell\u2019efficienza in quanto espressione, nella sua componente dinamica, della giuridicit\ue0 complessiva dell\u2019organizzazione amministrativa. In tale senso, la giuridificazione dell\u2019efficienza \ue8 quel fenomeno di emersione degli strumenti giuridicamente rilevanti in base ai quali il funzionamento della pubblica amministrazione viene fatto positivamente interagire dal diritto con le condizioni e con le esigenze contingenti e mutevoli, che sono, concretamente e dinamicamente, correlate alla realt\ue0 effettuale nella sua prevalente dimensione politica. Scopo della ricerca \ue8 dimostrare come tale fenomeno disegni, nel corso dell\u2019evoluzione del nostro ordinamento amministrativo, un andamento in cui diversi sono i paradigmi di riferimento, esponenziali, in larga misura, della dimensione sociale e politica del ruolo dell\u2019amministrazione. Pertanto, adottando una prospettiva storica, il saggio racconta come l\u2019efficienza della pubblica amministrazione, canone assiomatico di qualsiasi organizzazione, sia diventata giuridicamente rilevante nell\u2019ambito delle amministrazioni pubbliche dell\u2019Europa continentale, in generale, e nell\u2019ordinamento italiano, in particolare. Si traccia un percorso che muove dai modelli astratti dello Stato liberale e perviene, attraverso un lento e complesso sviluppo, alle recenti letture, coerenti con la lex fiscalis europea, che qualificano l\u2019efficienza, prevalentemente, in termini di Spending review. Pertanto, da una concezione in base alla quale tutto ci\uf2 che \ue8 legale per ci\uf2 stesso va ritenuto efficiente, attraverso una serie di passaggi, contrassegnati da altrettanti mutamenti di costituzione materiale, si perviene alla convinzione odierna che solo ci\uf2 che \ue8 efficiente pu\uf2 essere considerato legale e, in maniera pi\uf9 precisa, che ci\uf2 \ue8 legale solo perch\ue9 \ue8 efficient

    The sequence of the 5.8 S ribosomal RNA of the crustacean <i>Artemia salina</i>. With a proposal for a general secondary structure model for 5.8 S ribosomal RNA

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    We report the primary structure of 5.8 S rRNA from the crustacean Artemia salina. The preparation shows length heterogeneity at the 5′-terminus, but consists of uninterrupted RNA chains, in contrast to some insect 5.8 S rRNAs, which consist of two chains of unequal length separated in the gene by a short spacer. The sequence was aligned with those of 11 other 5.8 S rRNAs and a general secondary structure model derived. It has four helical regions in common with the model of Nazar et al. (J. Biol. Chem. 250, 8591–8597 (1975)), but for a fifth helix a different base pairing scheme was found preferable, and the terminal sequences are presumed to bind to 28 S rRNA instead of binding to each other. In the case of yeast, where both the 5.8 S and 26 S rRNA sequences are known, the existence of five helices in 5.8 S rRNA is shown to be compatible with a 5.8 S - 26 S rRNA interaction model

    Uso de imagens na disciplina de Ecologia do Curso de Licenciatura em Ciências da Natureza - USP

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    A imagem é uma importe ferramenta comunicativa e está presente no meio educacional \ud exercendo diversas funções pedagógicas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo geral ampliar o \ud conhecimento sobre a utilização de imagens em curso de formação de professores de ciência. \ud Especificamente, focou-se na disciplina de Ecologia do curso “Licenciatura em Ciências da \ud Natureza” (USP). Foram realizadas duas classificações: (1) morfológica - que analisa número \ud de imagens total e número de imagens por slide, tipo de imagem, tamanho, coloração e \ud presença ou não de escalas; e (2) funcional - que analisa a função de cada imagem tendo \ud como base uma classificação de Duchastel e Waller (1979). Trata-se de uma pesquisa \ud qualitativa, mais especificadamente um estudo de caso, no qual foram analisadas 472 \ud imagens. Com base nos dados obtidos, detectamos um padrão de utilização que privilegia \ud imagens do tipo fotográficas, coloridas, sem escala e com função explicativa-descritivaThe image is an important communicative tool and is present in the educational environment \ud with several pedagogic functions. This work aims to expand the knowledge about the use of \ud images at teacher’s formation courses. We analyzed the discipline of Ecology from the \ud “Licenciatura em Ciências da Natureza” course (USP). We performed two classifications: (1) \ud morphological, - total number of images and total number of images per slide, picture type, size, color and presence or absence of scales; (2) functional - function of each image, based \ud on the Duchastel and Waller classification of (1979). This is a quali-quantitative research, \ud characterized as a case study. We analyzed 472 images. Based on the collected data, we could \ud notice a pattern of utilization with absence of scale and abundance of photographs and colored \ud images. The main function observed were descriptive-explanatory

    Legge 244/2012, modello a 150.000 militari e livello di ambizione nazionale in ambito Difesa. Compatibilità o revisione

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    After twenty years from the beginning of its process of change in a professional way, the organizational model of the Armed Forces still fails to find a real efficiency. The system introduced by the Law no. 244/2012 and its implementing measures tried to provide a solution to this issue, by establishing optimal quantitative limits and budget distribution objectives that could enable a better operating capacity and an innovative development of the sector. Although the aforementioned law was motivated by the need to adapt spending review policies to the effective functions of the military administration, it revealed some relevant critical points, which helped to maintain, if not even to aggravate, same problems and imbalances generated by the first phase of the professionalization of the Armed Forces. The most critical point of Law no. 244/2012 concerns the personnel, its composition and its cost, which reflected, when financial balances are unchanged, on the functionality of the Armed Forces, including our commitments within the Atlantic Alliance. The cost of personnel, in fact, had a significant impact on the available resources, for instance on that part referred to the operating expenses. The principal weakness concerns, specifically, the distribution of staff roles and the raising of its average age, as a result of the recruitment limitation policies. The loss of military operating capacity worries because of the challenges which the Italian Armed Forces must face today, both internationally, in view of the current geopolitical conflict in Europe, and internally, with regard to the full involvement in civil protection activities and in contributing to public security functions. In addition, our Armed Forces are committed to facing the new threats deriving from cyber warfare. In this perspective, the Italian Parliament has recently approved the Law no. 119/2022. After having postponed for 10 years the deadline for the achievement of the quantitative objectives set out in Law no. 244/2012, the reform delegates to the Government for carrying out an overall revision of the previous organizational model. Moreover, it changes the discipline of the military fixed stop, provides for the establishment of a reserve Armed Force, requires the creation of professional personnel in strategic sectors, such as that of cybersecurity, and envisages the reform of military health services