173 research outputs found

    Survey of mathematical foundations of QFT and perturbative string theory

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    Recent years have seen noteworthy progress in the mathematical formulation of quantum field theory and perturbative string theory. We give a brief survey of these developments. It serves as an introduction to the more detailed collection "Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Field Theory and Perturbative String Theory".Comment: This is the introduction to the upcoming volume "Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Field Theory and Perturbative String Theory", edited by the authors and published by the American Mathematical Societ

    Lie n-algebras of BPS charges

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    We uncover higher algebraic structures on Noether currents and BPS charges. It is known that equivalence classes of conserved currents form a Lie algebra. We show that at least for target space symmetries of higher parameterized WZW-type sigma-models this naturally lifts to a Lie (p+1)-algebra structure on the Noether currents themselves. Applied to the Green-Schwarz-type action functionals for super p-brane sigma-models this yields super Lie (p+1)-algebra refinements of the traditional BPS brane charge extensions of supersymmetry algebras. We discuss this in the generality of higher differential geometry, where it applies also to branes with (higher) gauge fields on their worldvolume. Applied to the M5-brane sigma-model we recover and properly globalize the M-theory super Lie algebra extension of 11-dimensional superisometries by 2-brane and 5-brane charges. Passing beyond the infinitesimal Lie theory we find cohomological corrections to these charges in higher analogy to the familiar corrections for D-brane charges as they are lifted from ordinary cohomology to twisted K-theory. This supports the proposal that M-brane charges live in a twisted cohomology theory.Comment: 19 pages, v2: references added, details of the main computation spelled ou

    Connections on non-abelian Gerbes and their Holonomy

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    We introduce an axiomatic framework for the parallel transport of connections on gerbes. It incorporates parallel transport along curves and along surfaces, and is formulated in terms of gluing axioms and smoothness conditions. The smoothness conditions are imposed with respect to a strict Lie 2-group, which plays the role of a band, or structure 2-group. Upon choosing certain examples of Lie 2-groups, our axiomatic framework reproduces in a systematical way several known concepts of gerbes with connection: non-abelian differential cocycles, Breen-Messing gerbes, abelian and non-abelian bundle gerbes. These relationships convey a well-defined notion of surface holonomy from our axiomatic framework to each of these concrete models. Till now, holonomy was only known for abelian gerbes; our approach reproduces that known concept and extends it to non-abelian gerbes. Several new features of surface holonomy are exposed under its extension to non-abelian gerbes; for example, it carries an action of the mapping class group of the surface.Comment: 57 pages. v1 is preliminary. v2 is completely rewritten, former Sections 1 and 2 have been moved into a separate paper (arxiv:1303.4663), and the discussion of non-abelian surface holonomy has been improved and extended. v3 is the final and published version with a few minor correction

    The inner automorphism 3-group of a strict 2-group

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    Any group GG gives rise to a 2-group of inner automorphisms, INN(G)\mathrm{INN}(G). It is an old result by Segal that the nerve of this is the universal GG-bundle. We discuss that, similarly, for every 2-group G(2)G_{(2)} there is a 3-group INN(G(2))\mathrm{INN}(G_{(2)}) and a slightly smaller 3-group INN0(G(2))\mathrm{INN}_0(G_{(2)}) of inner automorphisms. We describe these for G(2)G_{(2)} any strict 2-group, discuss how INN0(G(2))\mathrm{INN}_0(G_{(2)}) can be understood as arising from the mapping cone of the identity on G(2)G_{(2)} and show that its underlying 2-groupoid structure fits into a short exact sequence G(2)β†’INN0(G(2))β†’Ξ£G(2)G_{(2)} \to \mathrm{INN}_0(G_{(2)}) \to \Sigma G_{(2)}. As a consequence, INN0(G(2))\mathrm{INN}_0(G_{(2)}) encodes the properties of the universal G(2)G_{(2)} 2-bundle.Comment: references added, relation to simplicial constructions expanded, version to appear in JHR
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