11 research outputs found
The sources of information of the genealogical tourist: the influence of social networks and genealogical associations
The increased demand for genealogical travel to places of family origin in recent years and its consequent economic and social repercussions have justified the aim of this research to obtain the sources of information used by genealogical tourists to prepare for their trip, and the influence that genealogical associations and groups operating on the Internet have on them. For this purpose, a survey was carried out among 223 genealogy enthusiasts who participate in or consult these groups and associations. Through a descriptive statistical analysis of the data obtained, using frequencies and percentages for qualitative variables and means with standard deviations for quantitative variables, this work confirms the outstanding influence that social networks and genealogical associations and groups have on general family history research information, and on specific questions of tourist interest that genealogists receive, and the lesser influence of travel agencies and traditional media. On the other hand, their results support the idea that the main reasons for these tourists to travel are to visit places where their ancestors lived and to research their family history in public archives. All these issues have implications for public cultural and tourism administrations and private sector companies in promoting the provision of historical documentary resources and materials on the internet, as well as the activity of genealogical associations and groups.This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for profit sectors. // Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA
Effects of a collaborative and gamified online learning methodology on class and test emotions
This study examines the influence of students’ individual attitude and social interactions on participation in collaborative and gamified online learning activities, as well as the influence of participating in those activities on students’ online classand test-related emotions. Based on a sample of 301 first year Economics and Law university students and using the Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling approach, all the relationships among first-order and second-order constructs
included in the model are validated. The results support all the hypotheses studied, confirming the positive relationship that both students’ individual attitude and social interactions have on participation in collaborative and gamified online learning
activities. The results also show that participating in those activities is positively related with class- and test-related emotions. The main contribution of the study is the validation of the effect of collaborative and gamified online learning on university students’ emotional well-being through the analysis of their attitude and social interactions. Moreover, this is the first time in the specialised learning literature that students’ attitude is considered as a second-order construct operationalised by three factors: the perceived usefulness that this digital resource brings to the students, the entertainment that this digital resource brings to the students, and the predisposition to use this digital resource among all those available in online training. Our findings aim to shed light for educators when preparing and designing computer mediated and online teaching programs that seek to generate positive emotions as a motivation for students.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad Málaga/CBU
The influence of the real estate investment trust in the real estate sector on the Costa del Sol
The presence of the real estate investment trust in the Spanish real estate market since 2013 has led a
significant number of the housing stock being offered for rent in the most popular cities around the country. In the specific case of the Costa del Sol, it is necessary to evaluate the participation of these companies in the establishment of a stable business fabric of housing for rent as well as in the development sector for home sales. In addition, its membership of international financial circuits means that the effect of financing the economy on urban environments has to be taken into account.
In order to assess the weight of the real estate investment trust in the development of the Costa del Sol, we turned to data on housing developments for sale provided by the main Internet real estate portals are used, comparing their market share with that of other national and local players The main conclusion is that this type of company has not opted for professional marketing of housing offered for residential rental in the province, but nevertheless, they have become the leading companies in the real estate development sector in the province by number of homes offered.
Taking advantage of the dynamics of the growth of the tourism sector, REITs have been the pioneers of the growth of the real estate sector in Malaga in the last four years, becoming the companies with the greatest market power and the greatest number of homes built in the sector, above those built by national and local housing developers. However, the goal set by the public sector for REITs to offer a professional rental housing stock has not been achieved
Social Perception of the Influence of Public Policies on the Residential Rental and Holiday Tourism Rental Markets
This work assesses the influence of generic public housing policies in Spain and specific public policies relating
to vacation rental housing on residential rental costs in recent years from the perspective of people linked to
residential housing rental and vacation rental housing. We used partial least squares structural equation modelling
on the data obtained in a survey of 413 individuals with direct links to the fields of tourism and real estate. The
results obtained by the model confirm the influence of the growth in holiday tourist housing and the
implementation of public housing policies on rises in residential rent. These conclusions can inform public policy
measures in the general area of housing and, specifically, in the area of holiday homes, toward reducing the
impacts of certain factors on access to housing in the province of Málaga. The main contribution of this work is
the direct collection of the opinions of people related to residential and tourist housing on the Costa del So
Una aproximación a la influencia del sector turistico sobre el derecho a la vivienda
En los últimos años se ha producido un aumento del parque de viviendas en alquiler en España. El incremento en la demanda de alquiler residencial y el carácter inelástico de su oferta han producido una subida de sus precios que atrae y mejora la rentabilidad de los inversores. Esta situación es simultánea a la expansión de la vivienda turística vacacional, que ayudada por las plataformas de comercialización por internet, está siendo receptora de buena parte del parque de alquiler del país. Todos estos factores producen una competición de los recursos inmobiliarios que encarece y dificulta el acceso a la vivienda, que se encuentra a su vez muy determinada por unos menores niveles de renta disponible de individuos y familias, que dificulta el ahorro inicial necesario para adquirir una vivienda en propiedad mediante financiación bancaria. Para poder evaluar este fenómeno, este artículo ha optado por emplear como metodología la llamada "revisión de la literatura", entendiendo por esta artículos de revistas científicas y estudios y estadísticas realizados en el sector por agencias públicas como el Ministerio de Fomento, Ayuntamiento de Málaga y el Instituto Nacional de Estadística; entidades sociales como Insideairbnb o el Sindicato de Inquilinas; empresas del sector inmobiliario y turístico como Fotocasa, Servihabitat o Exceltur; y finalmente aportaciones de científicos sociales en España y en todo el mundo que han estudiado el fenómeno con detalle
El sector promotor inmobiliario de la provincia de Málaga en la actualidad. Características y figuras principales.
Desde 2014 hasta 2019, el sector inmobiliario en Málaga ha experimentado un crecimiento en todas sus magnitudes económicas, incluyendo el volumen de viviendas construidas y viviendas vendidas. Este crecimiento ha convertido a Málaga en la segunda provincia española en tasa de crecimiento de dichas magnitudes. Este artículo pretende identificar qué tipo de promotores inmobiliarios está liderando este proceso, pudiéndose confirmar, con los datos proporcionados por las principales plataformas de venta de viviendas por Internet del país, que este liderazgo lo están protagonizando las grandes empresas constructoras del país, así como las Sociedades de Inversión del Mercado Inmobiliario (SOCIMIs), vinculadas a fondos de inversión de carácter internacional. Por el contrario, las empresas promotoras locales han quedado reducidas a un papel secundario, consolidándose un mercado promotor inmobiliario muy homogéneo en todo el país, con una actividad promotora de obra nueva centrada en pocas provincia
Los factores determinantes de la oferta y precio de la vivienda en alquiler: Una visión desde el turismo
Fecha de lectura de Tesis Doctoral: 14 de junio 2019La importancia económica y social del sector turístico e inmobiliario, ha sido una de las cuestiones más discutidas en los últimos años, como consecuencia de su influencia en la marcha de la economía en general, y en su aportación al bienestar social. En el caso de esta investigación se ha estudiado la formación y desarrollo de los factores que desde el sector turístico están influyendo en el acceso a la vivienda para la ciudadanía.
Desde el año 2014 se está observando un progresivo incremento del nivel de precios de compraventa y alquiler de viviendas, así como en la construcción de nuevos inmuebles en los principales centros urbanos y turísticos del país.
Coincide en el tiempo con un incremento de la actividad turística, destacando especialmente la aparición de las viviendas turísticas vacacionales, que ha revolucionado la forma de alojarse del turista. Esta forma de negocio, y sus perspectivas de beneficio han atraído a inversores de todo tipo, que han acabado obteniendo mejores rendimientos económicos que otras formas de inversión alternativas, como las propias viviendas en alquiler residencial de larga duración.
Esta tesis pretende exponer, cuestionar y plantear con datos, las consecuencias sociales para la ciudadanía de un elemento que forma parte de una serie de factores que pueden influir en la carestía en el acceso de la vivienda.
Concretamente, conocer los motivos que han producido la subida del precio del alquiler residencial y las dificultades de encontrar una vivienda de este régimen, es un punto de partida imprescindible para lograr mejorar su accesibilidad.
También debe considerarse la actitud del sector público, que ha facilitado el desarrollo de la actividad inmobiliaria y turística, con una orientación liberalizadora, reduciendo a un papel marginal la acción de provisión de viviendas públicas y aprobando medidas legislativas que facilitaban la actividad de los agentes inmobiliarios
Tendencias en el mercado de alquiler residencial y turístico vacacional en tiempos de pandemia: el caso de la ciudad de Málaga
En este artículo se analiza el impacto derivado de la pandemia del coronavirus COVID-19 en
el mercado de alquiler de vivienda, por las restricciones impuestas tanto por el lado de la oferta como por
el de la demanda
Percepción de los residentes de Málaga a la influencia de las políticas públicas en el mercado de alquiler residencial y turístico vacacional.
Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://www.age-geografia.es/site/publicaciones-no-periodicas/Desde el año 2015, se ha generado un amplio debate social, económico y político sobre los factores que influyen en el crecimiento del mercado inmobiliario residencial y el acceso a la vivienda. Entre estos factores, tiene especialmente el ámbito turístico, y dentro de este la presencia de la vivienda turística vacacional. Este trabajo evalúa la influencia percibida que tienen en la provincia de Málaga las políticas públicas genéricas sobre el acceso a la vivienda y las políticas públicas especificas relativas a las viviendas turísticas vacacionales, sobre el encarecimiento que se ha producido en los últimos años en el precio de las rentas de alquiler residencial, desde la percepción de personas vinculadas al ámbito turístico y el sector inmobiliario. Para ello se ha optado por una metodología, que, partiendo de una previa revisión de literatura, emplea el método estadístico Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling con los datos obtenidos en una encuesta realizada a 413 personas residentes en la provincia de Málaga con vinculación con el sector. Los resultados obtenidos indican que estas personas entienden que el crecimiento de la oferta de vivienda turística vacacional y la ejecución de políticas públicas en el ámbito de la vivienda, influyen en el importante crecimiento del precio de las rentas de alquiler residencial.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
The influence of the real estate investment trust in the real estatesector on the Costa del Sol
The presence of the real estate investment trust in the Spanish real estate market since 2013 has leda significant number of the housing stock being offered for rent in the most popular cities around thecountry. In the specific case of the Costa del Sol, it is necessary to evaluate the participation of thesecompanies in the establishment of a stable business fabric of housing for rent as well as in the developmentsector for home sales. In addition, its membership of international financial circuits means that the effectof financing the economy on urban environments has to be taken into account.In order to assess the weight of the real estate investment trust in the development of the Costa delSol, we turned to data on housing developments for sale provided by the main Internet real estate portalsare used, comparing their market share with that of other national and local players The main conclusionis that this type of company has not opted for professional marketing of housing offered for residentialrental in the province, but nevertheless, they have become the leading companies in the real estatedevelopment sector in the province by number of homes offered.To achieve this objective, this document has first opted for a study of literature review that includes thecontributions of Spanish and international social scientists on the processes of transmission of financialcapital to the real estate sector, the characteristics of financial actors and their patterns of behavior,the factors that enable and facilitate their activity; as well as the transformations that have undergonetoday and that have allowed them to expand their investments, concluding with the economic and socialconsequences of all this.Likewise, this analysis has also been deepened with the main characteristics of RETTs have, also attend-ing the main magnitudes and figures related to it, provided by Spanish public institutions.Finally, current data have been obtained on the new construction market of real estate of the Costadel Sol, using reports and statistics prepared by business study centers, and professional organizationsin the sector. This information has allowed to know the number of homes built and put up for sale inrecent years, as well as their geographical distribution or the nature of the real estate developer, whichhas allowed to show the main characteristics of this market.These contributions and the data on the number, location and origin of the real estate developer ofnew construction homes, confirm the influence that the international financial agents have on the realestate sector of the province of Malaga, with an important participation in the tourist sector, focusingits activity on the real estate development of housing sales, while it has a marginal role in the supply ofresidential rental housing.Taking advantage of the dynamics of the growth of the tourism sector, REITs have been the pioneersof the growth of the real estate sector in Malaga in the last four years, becoming the companies with thegreatest market power and the greatest number of homes built in the sector, above those built by nationaland local housing developers. However, the goal set by the public sector for REITs to offer a professionalrental housing stock has not been achieved