6 research outputs found

    5-Aminolevulinic acid in intraoperative photodynamic therapy of bladder cancer (results of multicenter trial)

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    The results of multicenter prospective trial for efficacy of combined modality treatment: transurethral resection (TUR) + photodynamic therapy (PDT) with alasens for bladder cancer are represented in the article. Trials were organized by Research Institute of Organic Intermediates and Dyes and conducted according to clinical protocol approved by Ministry of Health of Russia, at the sites of leading Russian cancer clinical centers. The trial included 45 subjects with verified diagnosis of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Patients underwent TUR of bladder with simultaneous PDT as anti-relapse treatment. Alasens was administered to patients as intravesicular instillation of 3% solution in volume of 50 ml with 1.5–2 h exposure (prior to TUR). TUR was performed after instillation. PDT session was conducted immediately after the completion of TUR on a single occasion by means of combined local irradiation on tumor bed with diffuse irradiation on whole urinary bladder mucosa (light dose of local irradiation – 100 J/cm2, diffuse irradiation – 20 J/cm2). Good tolerance of the treatment was noticed, there were no complications. Among 45 patients included in the trial, 35 (78%) completed 12 month protocol follow-up without relapse. In our study PDT with alasens after TUR reported a recurrence rate of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer for 1st year after treatment of 22%. TUR with intraoperative PDT with 5-aminolevulinic acid may offer an alternative in the treatment of non-muscle-invasive intermediate and high-risk bladder cancer. © 2016 Elsevier B.V

    Fluorescence diagnosis of bladder cancer with agent hexasens - The results of multicenter trial

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    The results of multicenter trial for efficacy of fluorescence diagnosis for bladder cancer with agent hexasens (SSC Scientific Research Institute Organic Intermediates and Dyes, Russia) based on hexyl ester of 5-aminolevulinic acid compared with routine cystoscopy are represented in the article. The study included 124 patients. All patients had intravesical instillation of 50 ml of 0,2% hexasens. The exposure time accounted for 1-2 h. After removal of the drug from bladder standard cystoscopy followed by fluorescence diagnosis was performed in every patient. During the local fluorescence spectroscopy the intravesical instillation of the agent hexasens was shown to induce selective accumulation of photoactive protoporphyrin IX in tumor cells comparing with intact bladder mucosa. During 1 h after intravesical instillation of hexasens solution the level of fluorescence of hexasens-induced protoporphyrin IX in the tumor was higher than that in surrounding intact mucosa at average in 5.8 fold. As compared with results of standard cystoscopy, fluorescence diagnosis improved the sensitivity of the method by 24.4% (from 75.6% to 100%), the accuracy - by 15.2% (from 83.3% to 98.5%) and negative predictive value - by 33.5% (from 66.5% to 100%). Fluorescence diagnosis gave an opportunity to detect additional tumor foci, which were invisible in white light, in 27.4% of patients. For fluorescence diagnosis in 4.0% of patients false-positive fluorescence of bladder mucosa was detected that was probably due to inflammation. None of patients received active dose of the drug hexasens had adverse reactions, changes in general well-being and blood and urine parameters. According to the results of the study fluorescence diagnosis with hexasens for bladder cancer is recommended for use in clinical practice

    Fluorescence diagnosis of bladder cancer with agent hexasens - The results of multicenter trial

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    The results of multicenter trial for efficacy of fluorescence diagnosis for bladder cancer with agent hexasens (SSC Scientific Research Institute Organic Intermediates and Dyes, Russia) based on hexyl ester of 5-aminolevulinic acid compared with routine cystoscopy are represented in the article. The study included 124 patients. All patients had intravesical instillation of 50 ml of 0,2% hexasens. The exposure time accounted for 1-2 h. After removal of the drug from bladder standard cystoscopy followed by fluorescence diagnosis was performed in every patient. During the local fluorescence spectroscopy the intravesical instillation of the agent hexasens was shown to induce selective accumulation of photoactive protoporphyrin IX in tumor cells comparing with intact bladder mucosa. During 1 h after intravesical instillation of hexasens solution the level of fluorescence of hexasens-induced protoporphyrin IX in the tumor was higher than that in surrounding intact mucosa at average in 5.8 fold. As compared with results of standard cystoscopy, fluorescence diagnosis improved the sensitivity of the method by 24.4% (from 75.6% to 100%), the accuracy - by 15.2% (from 83.3% to 98.5%) and negative predictive value - by 33.5% (from 66.5% to 100%). Fluorescence diagnosis gave an opportunity to detect additional tumor foci, which were invisible in white light, in 27.4% of patients. For fluorescence diagnosis in 4.0% of patients false-positive fluorescence of bladder mucosa was detected that was probably due to inflammation. None of patients received active dose of the drug hexasens had adverse reactions, changes in general well-being and blood and urine parameters. According to the results of the study fluorescence diagnosis with hexasens for bladder cancer is recommended for use in clinical practice

    5-Aminolevulinic acid in intraoperative photodynamic therapy of bladder cancer (results of multicenter trial)

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    The results of multicenter prospective trial for efficacy of combined modality treatment: transurethral resection (TUR) + photodynamic therapy (PDT) with alasens for bladder cancer are represented in the article. Trials were organized by Research Institute of Organic Intermediates and Dyes and conducted according to clinical protocol approved by Ministry of Health of Russia, at the sites of leading Russian cancer clinical centers. The trial included 45 subjects with verified diagnosis of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Patients underwent TUR of bladder with simultaneous PDT as anti-relapse treatment. Alasens was administered to patients as intravesicular instillation of 3% solution in volume of 50 ml with 1.5–2 h exposure (prior to TUR). TUR was performed after instillation. PDT session was conducted immediately after the completion of TUR on a single occasion by means of combined local irradiation on tumor bed with diffuse irradiation on whole urinary bladder mucosa (light dose of local irradiation – 100 J/cm2, diffuse irradiation – 20 J/cm2). Good tolerance of the treatment was noticed, there were no complications. Among 45 patients included in the trial, 35 (78%) completed 12 month protocol follow-up without relapse. In our study PDT with alasens after TUR reported a recurrence rate of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer for 1st year after treatment of 22%. TUR with intraoperative PDT with 5-aminolevulinic acid may offer an alternative in the treatment of non-muscle-invasive intermediate and high-risk bladder cancer. © 2016 Elsevier B.V

    Photodynamic therapy opportunities for the treatment of erythroplasia of Queyrat

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    The review is dedicated to the analysis of the effectiveness of the treatment of erythroplasia of Queyrat (EQ) using photodynamic therapy (PDT). Particular attention is paid to the relationship between EQ and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The data of various researchers are presented, confirming the correlation between the development of the EQ and the HPV infection, however, it is noted that due to the small number of studies it is difficult to draw reliable conclusions on the presence and strength of this connection. The mechanisms of PDT involved in the implementation of both the antitumor effect in the treatment of EQ and the antiviral effect against HPV are considered. The data of 12 clinical studies and observations of the results of PDT of the EQ conducted in recent years are analyzed. An analysis of literature data showed that in the treatment of EQ, one of the two photosensitizers is usually used locally: 5-Aminolevulinic acid or 5-Aminolevulinic acid methyl ester. The treatment parameters in all the analyzed studies were similar: exposure to the ointment for 3-5 hours followed by irradiation with a light dose of 37-105 J/cm2. The number of PDT courses in different studies varied from 1 to 19. The effectiveness of treatment varied widely in different studies and clinical observations. Most studies have demonstrated high efficacy of PDT with complete regression in 36-83% (100% in one study) and a relapse-free follow-up period of up to 51 months. However, there were also individual clinical observations of patients in whom the treatment with the method of PDT was ineffective. It is possible that the described results were associated with improperly selected regimes of PDT or a large lesion area. Most authors especially note a very good cosmetic effect and a complete absence of scars after the treatment. Thus, PDT is an effective and promising method for the treatment of EQ that requires, however, a more thorough development of the application regimen and a deeper study of the antitumor and antiviral components of the mechanism of action. © 2020 Russian Photodynamic Association. All rights reserved