175 research outputs found

    Development and flight evaluation of active controls in the L-1011

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    Active controls in the Lockheed L-1011 for increased energy efficiency are discussed. Active wing load alleviation for extended span, increased aspect ratio, and active stability augmentation with a smaller tail for reduced drag and weight are among the topics considered. Flight tests of active wing load alleviation on the baseline aircraft and moving-base piloted simulation developing criteria for stability augmentation are described

    Accelerated development and flight evaluation of active controls concepts for subsonic transport aircraft. Volume 2: AFT C.G. simulation and analysis

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    Relaxed static stability and stability augmentation with active controls were investigated for subsonic transport aircraft. Analytical and simulator evaluations were done using a contemporary wide body transport as a baseline. Criteria for augmentation system performance and unaugmented flying qualities were evaluated. Augmentation control laws were defined based on selected frequency response and time history criteria. Flying qualities evaluations were conducted by pilots using a moving base simulator with a transport cab. Static margin and air turbulence intensity were varied in test with and without augmentation. Suitability of a simple pitch control law was verified at neutral static margin in cruise and landing flight tasks. Neutral stability was found to be marginally acceptable in heavy turbulence in both cruise and landing conditions

    A critical study of the evidence of Andries Stockenstrom before the Aborigines Committee in 1835, viewed in the light of his statements and policies before 1935

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    In recent years, increasing interest has been taken in the career of Andries Stockenstrom. Detailed study of his policy as Landdrost of Graaff-Reinet , as Commissioner-General of the Eastern Districts, and as Lieutenant-Governor, has brought about a realization of the soundness and value of much of his work. This appreciation of the sterling qualities of Stockenstrom's character- despite his undoubtedly difficult temperament - has led to the tacit assumption that the accusations which were levelled against him, and the odium in which he was held in Albany, after his evidence before the Aborigines Committee 1835 -1836, were largely the result of unfortunate newspaper propaganda. That evidence, it is implied - coming as it did at a time when public opinion was peculiarly sensitive to criticism - was in fact, not as black as it had been painted. Yet the events of the period between the Commissioner-Generalship and the Lieutenant- Governorship have not only coloured the judgment upon Stockenstrom of almost every writer on South African history, but so influenced contemporary public opinion as to materially impair the efficiency of his Lieutenant-Governorship. In writing this thesis, it has heen my purpose to make a detailed study of such material as is available for the period 1833-1836, and to endeavour, by an analysis of the evidence more particularly in the light of the years before 1833, to set this significant period in Stockenstrom' s career in its right perspective

    An advanced concept that promises ecological and economic viability

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    The actuality of supersonic commercial service being provided by Concorde is demonstrating to the world the advantages offered by supersonic travel for both business and recreation. Public acceptance will gradually and persistently stimulate interest to proceed with a second generation design that meets updated economic and ecological standards. It is estimated that this concept could operate profitably on world-wide routes with a revenue structure based upon economy fares. Airplanes will meet all present day ecological requirements regarding noise and emissions

    Book Reviews

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    Critical Thinking and Intelligence Analysis. By David T.Moore. At The Center Of The Storm: The CIA During America\u27s Time of Crisis. By George Tenet with Bill Harlow. Female Suicide Bombers. By Rosemarie Skaine. Information Operations: Doctrine and Practice. By Christopher Paul. The Secret Sentry: The Untold History of the National Security Agency. By Matthew M. Aid. The Blood of Lambs: A Former Terrorist\u27s Memoir of Death and Redemption. By Kamal Saleem with Lynn Vincent. Attaché Extraordinaire: Vernon A. Walters in Brazil. By Frank Márcio De Oliveira

    Book Reviews

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    Critical Thinking and Intelligence Analysis. By David T.Moore. At The Center Of The Storm: The CIA During America's Time of Crisis. By George Tenet with Bill Harlow. Female Suicide Bombers. By Rosemarie Skaine. Information Operations: Doctrine and Practice. By Christopher Paul. The Secret Sentry: The Untold History of the National Security Agency. By Matthew M. Aid. The Blood of Lambs: A Former Terrorist's Memoir of Death and Redemption. By Kamal Saleem with Lynn Vincent. Attaché Extraordinaire: Vernon A. Walters in Brazil. By Frank Márcio De Oliveira

    SST Sample Characterization Analysis of Archive Samples 102-C, 105-C, and 106-C

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    A major effort at Hanford over the next few years will be to sample and analyze wastes contained in 149 single-shell tanks (SSTs). In preparation for this effort, selected analyses were performed on four archived samples to compare analytical methods and to determine applicability of these methods to the waste samples. The analyses, performed by the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL), used a variety of analytical methods including both PNL technical procedures and adaptations of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) technical procedures. Although data are reported for analyses of actual waste tank samples, the data do not serve to characterize any waste in Hanford tanks. Since this investigation was intended only as a comparison of analytical methods, and the samples are from an archive repository, the results are preliminary in nature. The numerical values are to be evaluated with appropriate respect for the limited usefulness of small amounts of data generated through an analytical development process using only four samples. The analysis of the archived SST waste material provides three important types of data for use in planning later phases of sample analysis. The data serve as input for 1) establishing analysis procedures and methods for waste samples, 2) evaluating the impact that using a silicon-based lubricant and normal paraffin hydrocarbon (NPH) in field sampling has on extracting inorganics or radionuclides from the SST sample, and 3) identifying trends in amounts of occupational radiation exposure expected from performing the various analysis procedures. Inorganic analysis work was undertaken to determine 1) the applicability of various analytical methods to the test samples, 2) if mercury can be determined by cold vapor atomic absorption (CVAA), 3) if the inductively-coupled plasma (ICP) spectrometer has sufficient sensitivity for the analysis of EP Toxicity metal ions (excluding mercury), and 4) which of the 22 EPA pollutant metal ions can be determined by ICP analysis. Poor reproducibility was obtained with water leach and EP Toxicity methods, but acid digestion gave good reproducibility. Some of the procedures were changed if, due to interference by other elements, the methods did not provide the levels of sensitivity, accuracy, or precision usually required for EPA work. When appropriate, other methods are suggested for trial as alternatives. Some procedural adjustments were required for mercury analysis by CVAA. Problems areas identified are ICP sensitivities and ICP spectral corrections when analyzing for minor constituents (e.g., Ag, As, Pb, Se, Tl, and V); if elements of this class are critically important, they should be determined by alternative methods. Organics analysis investigations were conducted to determine if the EPA semivolatile organic method can be employed on SST samples. Silicone·based lubricants and NPH from the sampling process impact the semivolatile analysis; however, with slight modification the procedure of EPA SOW 288 can be used. The results show that the gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GC/MS) is vulnerable to fouling and overload and that a combination of dilution and acidification is required to provide acceptable results. Work also included evaluation of 1) screening procedures for gas chromatography (GC) and total organic carbon (TOC), 2) extraction procedures and related problems, and 3) surrogate spiking to test extraction efficiencies and matrix effects. Development work was performed to gather information relevant to the potential use of radionuclide ratioing and parent-daughter relationships for the estimation of radionuclides within samples. The radionuclides expected in the SST tank waste samples were measured to determine the level of accuracy and precision that can be expected. These data reveal that some level of procedure development is needed for a large number of the radionuclides analyses. Tests were conducted to determine whether the NPH from the field sampling process extracted significant quantities of the inorganics or radionuclides from the SST samples. No such extraction was observed; however, the NPH does have a significant adverse effect on organic analysis, and alternatives to NPH should be investigated. Effects of silicon-based lubricant were not experimentally evaluated apart from sample analysis. Trends in expected occupational exposure were obtained by measuring the radiation level of samples and having the analysts record estimates of the contact time with the samples. Data revealed that the analysts received no significant exposure and that, as expected, the potential dose is directly proportional to the sample size and handling times

    Future vision for the quality assurance of oncology clinical trials

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    The National Cancer Institute clinical cooperative groups have been instrumental over the past 50 years in developing clinical trials and evidence-based process improvements for clinical oncology patient care. The cooperative groups are undergoing a transformation process as we further integrate molecular biology into personalized patient care and move to incorporate international partners in clinical trials. To support this vision, data acquisition and data management informatics tools must become both nimble and robust to support transformational research at an enterprise level. Information, including imaging, pathology, molecular biology, radiation oncology, surgery, systemic therapy, and patient outcome data needs to be integrated into the clinical trial charter using adaptive clinical trial mechanisms for design of the trial. This information needs to be made available to investigators using digital processes for real-time data analysis. Future clinical trials will need to be designed and completed in a timely manner facilitated by nimble informatics processes for data management. This paper discusses both past experience and future vision for clinical trials as we move to develop data management and quality assurance processes to meet the needs of the modern trial
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