77 research outputs found

    FettsÀurenmuster von österreichischer Vollweide-, Alm- und Trinkmilch sowie von Milch aus Maissilage-Ration

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    Fatty acids have a major impact on nutritional and health issues in humans and can be used as a criteria to access the feeding intensity of livestock production systems. The purpose of the present study was to examine the fatty acid profile of dairy cow milk of different production systems: rations based on (1) maize silage and concentrates, (2) hay and concentrates, (3) continuous grazing on short grass and hay, (4) Alpine pasture systems, (5) milk from Austrian retail markets. About 250 milk samples were analysed. Regarding SFA und n-6 fatty acids, differences between milk origins were at about 10 % moderate. However, n-3 fatty acids and CLA were strongly influenced by production system. Milk from the continuous grazing system had at 1.4 g n-3 and 1.3 g CLA per 100 g milk fat the highest values, followed by the Alpine pasture systems. Milk from Austrian retail markets and milk from diets based on 80 % hay and 20 % concentrates had average n-3 and CLA contents of 0.9 and 0.7 g, respectively. Diets based on maize silage and concentrate markedly reduced the n-3 and CLA contents of milk fat

    Expression of oestrogen and progesterone receptors in low-grade endometrial stromal sarcomas

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    We analysed oestrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) expression in a retrospective series of 21 low-grade endometrial stromal sarcomas (LGSSs). Archival formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded material was analysed by immunohistochemistry. ER and PR were measured with monoclonal antibodies and the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method and a score was calculated as for breast carcinoma based on both the percentage of positive tumour cell nuclei and the staining intensity. ER were seen in 15 (71%) and PR in 20 (95%) of tumours respectively. ER expression was scored as high in three (14%), moderate in four (19%), and low in eight (38%) tumours. Six (29%) tumours did not stain for ER and all of these were positive for PR. PR expression was scored as high in eight (38%), moderate in ten (47%) and weak in two (10%) LGSSs. Only one (5%) LGSS did not stain for PR (this tumour was positive for ER). ER and PR expression in LGSS is heterogeneous. This may have implications for hormone therapy in the management of these tumours. These results suggest that ER and PR should be routinely quantified in LGSSs by immunohistochemical methods. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Satisfaction and compliance in hormonal contraception: the result of a multicentre clinical study on women's experience with the ethinylestradiol/norelgestromin contraceptive patch in Italy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>For many women finding the right contraceptive method can be challenging and consistent and correct use over a lifetime is difficult. Even remembering to take a birth control pill every day can be a challenge. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate women's experience with a weekly ethinylestradiol/norelgestromin contraceptive patch (EE/NGMN patch), given new technologies recently developed in hormonal contraception to increase women's options in avoiding daily dosing.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In 24 Italian sites, 207 women received the EE/NGMN patch for up to 6 cycles. At study end, overall satisfaction and preference, as well as compliance, efficacy and safety, were evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>175 women (84.5%) completed the study. The overall satisfaction rate was 88%; convenience and once-a-week frequency of the patch were especially appreciated. At baseline, 82 women (39.4%) were using a contraceptive method, mainly oral contraceptives and barrier methods, but only 45.1% were very satisfied/satisfied; after 6 months with the patch, 86.3% of this subset was very satisfied/satisfied. Considering the method used in the 3 months before the study entry, 78.1% strongly preferred/preferred the patch, for convenience (53.9%), ease of use/simplicity (28.9%), fewer (9.2%) and less severe (2.6%) side effects. Compliance was very high: 1034/1110 cycles (93.2%) were completed with perfect compliance and the mean subject's compliance score was 90%. One on-therapy pregnancy occurred. The patch was safe and well tolerated: adverse events frequency was low, with predominantly single reports of each event. Most of them started and subsided during cycle 1.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study demonstrated that the EE/NGMN patch is associated with high satisfaction levels and excellent compliance. At study end, the majority of women indicated that they would continue using the patch.</p

    The sociolegal regulation of reproductive medicine in Austria

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    Unternehmensbewertung : Bedeutung, Methoden und deren Vergleich

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    „Solange Kaufleute wissen wollten, wie groß das in ihrem Wirtschaftsbetrieb gebundene eigene Vermögen war, und solange Unternehmungen oder deren Anteile verkauft, vererbt, verschenkt, besteuert oder enteignet worden sind, solange sind schon die bei diesen Vor-gĂ€ngen in Frage stehenden Gesamtwerte festgestellt worden. Die ersten Unternehmensbe-wertungen dĂŒrften schon um das Jahr 2000 v. Chr. im alten Sumer vorgekommen sein.“ Diese Aussage verdeutlicht, wie wichtig eine aussagekrĂ€ftige Unternehmensbewertung ist. Im Laufe der Zeit hat es auf diesem Gebiet einige VerĂ€nderungen und Neuerungen gege-ben. Mittlerweile gibt es unzĂ€hlige Arten und Methoden, den Wert eines Unternehmens festzustellen. Eine bekannte und gĂ€ngige Methode stellt ist die Discounted-Cash-flow Me-thode (DCF-Methode). Die vorliegende Arbeit wird die unzĂ€hligen Arten und Methoden in der Theorie erlĂ€utern und miteinander vergleichen. Der erste Teil der Arbeit geht nĂ€her auf die theoretischen Grundlagen ein. Dieser Teil be-schĂ€ftigt sich zu Beginn kurz mit den allgemeinen Grundlagen, den AnlĂ€ssen, den Funkti-onen und Zwecken sowie den GrundsĂ€tzen. Der zweite Teil stellt die unterschiedlichen Methoden der Unternehmensbewertung vor. Diese werden in drei Gruppen gegliedert. Die Gruppe der Gesamtbewertungsverfahren umfasst das Ertragswertverfahren, das DCF-Verfahren und das Vergleichsverfahren. Die zweite Gruppe wird durch die Einzelbewertungsverfahren gebildet. Hierzu gehören die beiden Substanzwertverfahren mit Reproduktionswerten und Liquidationswerten. In der dritten Gruppe werden die Mischverfahren zusammengefasst. Darunter fallen das Mittel-wert- und das Übergewinnverfahren. Es werden die einzelnen Vor- und Nachteile hervor-gehoben.Der dritte Teil der Arbeit stellt den Praxisteil dar. Hier kommt die in der Praxis gĂ€ngige Discounted-Cash-flow-Methode zum Einsatz. Es wird ein fiktives Unternehmen anhand dieser Methode bewertet."As long as merchants wanted to know the size of their own assets tied up in their business, and as long as companies or their shares were sold, inherited, given away, taxed or expropriated, the total values involved in these transactions were already established. The first company valuations are expected to be around 2000 B.C. in ancient Sumer. "This statement shows, how important a meaningful company evaluation is. Over time there where several innovations and changes on the field of company evaluation. Nowadays there are existing many different kinds and methods to evaluate the asset of a company. A common and often used method is the so called Discounted-Cash-flow method (DCF-Method). The following thesis will describe the different ways and methods theoretical and compare them to each other.The first part of the thesis is focused on the general theoretical basics like causes, functions and principles. Further on there is a description of the different methods to do a company evaluation. These methods can be divided into three groups. The group total assessment procedure includes the earnings value method, the DCF-method as well the comparative method. The second group is formed by the individual evaluation procedures which includes the two net asset value methods, reproduction- and liquidation values. The third group summarizes the mixing methods like the averaging- and the over profit method. Afterwards the individual advantages and disadvantages of each method should be highlighted. The third part of the thesis is the practical part. Here, the commonly used discounted cash flow method is used. A fictitious company is evaluated by using this method.Verena Urdl-LedineggZusammenfassungen in Deutsch und EnglischAbweichender Titel laut Übersetzung des Verfassers/der VerfasserinKarl-Franzens-UniversitĂ€t Graz, Masterarbeit, 2019(VLID)361535


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    Polyzystisches Ovar-Syndrom: Interaktionen zwischen Insulin und Insulin like Growth Faktor I

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    Psychopharmaka und Hyperprolaktinïżœmie

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