16 research outputs found

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    Teachers‘ stress coping strategies and their correlations with emotional health as well as professional burnout

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    Tyrimo tikslas – palyginti skirtingo tipo bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose dirbančių mokytojų emocinę savijautą ir profesinį pervargimą bei nustatyti mokytojų streso įveikimo strategijų sąsajas su emocine savijauta ir profesiniu pervargimu. Tyrime dalyvavo 212 mokytojų iš gimnazijų, vidurinių ir pagrindinių bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų. Tyrimo metodikos: 1) Pozityvaus ir negatyvaus afektyvumo (PANAS) klausimynas (D. Watson, L. A. Clark, 1994); 2) Profesinio pervargimo klausimynas (K. Maslach, S. Jackson, 1996); 3) Stresogeninių įvykių skalė (sudarė V. Šeduikytė); 4) Streso įveikimo strategijų klausimynas (COPE) (C.S. Carveris, M.F. Scheieris, J. K. Weintraub,1989). Šio tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad: 1. Gimnazijoje dirbantys mokytojai patiria mažiau stresogeninių įvykių negu vidurinėje ir pagrindinėje mokykloje dirbantys mokytojai. 2. Gimnazijoje dirbančių mokytojų emocinis išsekimas ir depersonalizacija yra mažesni nei vidurinėje mokykloje dirbančių mokytojų, tačiau nesiskiria nuo pagrindinėje mokykloje dirbančių mokytojų. 3. Į problemą nukreiptos ir į emocijas nukreiptos streso įveikimo strategijos siejasi su geresne mokytojų emocine savijauta. 4. Mažiau adaptyvios streso įveikimo strategijos siejasi su blogesne mokytojų emocine savijauta. 5. Į problemą nukreiptos streso įveikimo strategijos siejasi su mažesniu mokytojų savo pasiekimų nuvertinimu. 6. Mažiau adaptyvios streso įveikimo strategijos siejasi su didesniu mokytojų emociniu išsekimu, depersonalizacija bei savo pasiekimų nuvertinimu. 7. Mažiau adaptyvių streso įveikimo strategijų naudojimas yra susijęs su dažniau patiriamais mokytojų stresogeniniais įvykiais.The objective of this study is to compare the emotional health and professional burnout of teachers working in different types of secondary schools and to determine their correlations with different coping strategies. 212 teachers from different gymnasiums, secondary schools and basic schools participated in this research. The following methods were used for the research: 1) Questionnaire of Positive and Negative Affectiveness (PANAS) ( D. Watson, L. A. Clark, 1994); 2) The Scale of Professional Burnout (K. Maslach, S. Jackson, 1996); 3) The Scale of Stressful Events ( V. Šeduikytė); 4) The Questionnaire of Stress Coping Strategies (COPE) (C.S. Carveris, M.F. Scheieris, J. K. Weintraub,1989). The results of this study indicate that : 1.the teachers who work in gymnasium experience fewer stressors than the teachers from secondary and basic schools. 2.the teachers who work in gymnasium suffer from less emotional burnout and depersonalisation than the ones from secondary school. However, their level of emotional burnout and depersonalisation equals the level of the teachers working in basic school. 3.problem-focused coping strategies and emotion-focused coping strategies correlate with the better emotional health of the teachers. 4.less adaptive stress coping strategies correlate with the worse emotional health of the teachers. 5.problem-focused coping strategies correlate with less underestimation of the teachers‘ achievements. 6.less adaptive stress coping strategies employed by the teachers correlate with a higher emotional burnout, depersonalisation and underestimation of their own achievements. 7.less adaptive stress coping strategies employment is connected with the teachers‘ experience of more stressors.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Implementation of electronic democracy in Lithuania

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    The article analyses electronic democracy in the context of new public management, principles of good government, implementation opportunities of e. democracy and e. government models adaptation in various countries are highlighted. The ideas of Lithuanian and foreign authors are presented in the aspect of electronic voting and public management branches interface. The major inducement means and initiatives of citizenship are analysed, as a result of e. participation government becomes closer, open to citizens. Citizens have wider range of opportunities to participate in politics. The right of the citizen to choose the most convenient form of communication with the government are implemented. The idea, that in order to achieve a successful e. democracy implementation in Lithuania it is purposeful and even necessary to use the advanced foreign countries experience, is revealed

    The Special Plan Preparation In Kaunas Ditrict

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    Šiandieninė Kauno rajono savivaldybės teritorijų planavimo situacija, neleidžia detaliaisiais planais keisti žemės sklypų pagrindinės tikslinės žemės naudojimo paskirties. Rajono savivaldybės teritorijos bendrasis planas yra rengimo stadijoje. Siekiant nestabdyti rajono plėtros, per pastaruosius du metus specialiųjų planų rengimo poreikis savivaldybės teritorijoje išaugo septynis kartus. Daugiausia yra rengiami kraštovaizdžio tvarkymo specialieji planai, kuriais nustatomos prioritetinės gyvenamosios, komercinės paskirties teritorijos, teritorijos aprūpinimas susisiekimo ir inžinerinių komunikacijų sistemomis. Parengus specialiuosius planus, atsiranda galimybė detaliaisiais planais keisti pagrindinę tikslinę žemės sklypų naudojimo paskirtį. Specialiųjų planų sprendiniai turi atitikti bendrojo plano sprendinius.Current situation in Kaunas region makes it impossible to change land usage purpose developing detailed plan because General plan of Kaunas district is still not certified. As a result, to avoid suspension of region development, the demand of special plans in Kaunas district increased seven times. Majority of special plans prepared are Landscape management special plans, which defines underlying house property and commercial territories, their provision by communications. When special plan is ready, it makes legal to change Land usage purpose developing detailed plan. Solutions in special plan must correspond to solutions in General plan.Žemės ūkio akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    A Rapid Method for the Selection of Amidohydrolases from Metagenomic Libraries by Applying Synthetic Nucleosides and a Uridine Auxotrophic Host

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    In this study, the development of a rapid, high-throughput method for the selection of amide-hydrolysing enzymes from the metagenome is described. This method is based on uridine auxotrophic Escherichia coli strain DH10B ∆pyrFEC and the use of N4-benzoyl-2’-deoxycytidine as a sole source of uridine in the minimal microbial M9 medium. The approach described here permits the selection of unique biocatalysts, e.g., a novel amidohydrolase from the activating signal cointegrator homology (ASCH) family and a polyethylene terephthalate hydrolase (PETase)-related enzyme

    Methods for the selection of hydrolases by applying E. coli uridine auxotrophic strain and synthetic nucleosides

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    The diversity of living conditions of microorganisms predict that the microbiota is a huge source of new biocatalysts. Metagenomic libraries are used for the screening and selection of metagenomics enzymes. In this study, selection methods for the screening of esterases, amidohydrolases and glycosidases from metagenomic libraries were developed. To develop the selection methods for hydrolases, synthetic nucleosides were chosen as the sole source of uridine, supporting the growth only of those recombinant clones, which encode hydrolases that complement the uridine auxotrophy of the E. coli DH10B ΔpyrFEC strain by hydrolysis of uridine analogues. The analysis of selected hydrolases showed, that the developed methods are suitable for the selection of metagenomic enzymes with unknown function and selected biocatalysts are very diverse in their sequences and catalytic properties

    Hidrolazių atrankos metodai, panaudojant E. coli uracilo auksotrofo kamieną ir sintetinius nukleozidų darinius

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    The diversity of living conditions of microorganisms predict that the microbiota is a huge source of new biocatalysts. Metagenomic libraries are used for the screening and selection of metagenomics enzymes. In this study, selection methods for the screening of esterases, amidohydrolases and glycosidases from metagenomic libraries were developed. To develop the selection methods for hydrolases, synthetic nucleosides were chosen as the sole source of uridine, supporting the growth only of those recombinant clones, which encode hydrolases that complement the uridine auxotrophy of the E. coli DH10B ΔpyrFEC strain by hydrolysis of uridine analogues. The analysis of selected hydrolases showed, that the developed methods are suitable for the selection of metagenomic enzymes with unknown function and selected biocatalysts are very diverse in their sequences and catalytic propertie

    Peculiarities and implementation opportunities of electronic voting in Lithuania

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    Research paper deals with problems of public administration human resources selection and management. It analyses researches into public administration human resources management and public servants selection conducted by various Lithuanian and foreign authors. The paper presents a new model for the development of Lithuanian public servants selection system, based on the code system and the new procedures' analysis. This paper expresses idea that it is necessary to increase the transparency of procedures of public servants selection and it is expedient to use the experience of developed foreign countries for developing the selection system

    Electronic elections in the context of contemporary democracy

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    This research paper deals with prerequisites for the electronic elections origins, under which the democracy is being implemented and developing in the contemporary world. The ideas, concerning the relationship of the electronic elections and contemporary democracy's implementation, preferred by various Lithuanian and foreign authors, are presented in this article. The models of electronic elections are analyzed; positive and negative outcomes of the implementation of the system are presented: menaces of e-voting are identified in this research. This paper represents idea that elections, as the essential condition for the contemporary democracy, can be run electronically, but only after the identification of advantages and disadvantages in election systems, determining their possibilities and moderating or evd eliminating their threats