85 research outputs found

    Nuclear spin physics in quantum dots: an optical investigation

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    The mesoscopic spin system formed by the 10E4-10E6 nuclear spins in a semiconductor quantum dot offers a unique setting for the study of many-body spin physics in the condensed matter. The dynamics of this system and its coupling to electron spins is fundamentally different from its bulk counter-part as well as that of atoms due to increased fluctuations that result from reduced dimensions. In recent years, the interest in studying quantum dot nuclear spin systems and their coupling to confined electron spins has been fueled by its direct implication for possible applications of such systems in quantum information processing as well as by the fascinating nonlinear (quantum-)dynamics of the coupled electron-nuclear spin system. In this article, we review experimental work performed over the last decades in studying this mesoscopic,coupled electron-nuclear spin system and discuss how optical addressing of electron spins can be exploited to manipulate and read-out quantum dot nuclei. We discuss how such techniques have been applied in quantum dots to efficiently establish a non-zero mean nuclear spin polarization and, most recently, were used to reduce fluctuations of the average quantum dot nuclear spin orientation. Both results in turn have important implications for the preservation of electron spin coherence in quantum dots, which we discuss. We conclude by speculating how this recently gained understanding of the quantum dot nuclear spin system could in the future enable experimental observation of quantum-mechanical signatures or possible collective behavior of mesoscopic nuclear spin ensembles.Comment: 61 pages, 45 figures, updated reference list, corrected typographical error

    Discrete quantum dot like emitters in monolayer MoSe2: Spatial mapping, Magneto-optics and Charge tuning

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    Transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers such as MoSe2,MoS2 and WSe2 are direct bandgap semiconductors with original optoelectronic and spin-valley properties. Here we report spectrally sharp, spatially localized emission in monolayer MoSe2. We find this quantum dot like emission in samples exfoliated onto gold substrates and also suspended flakes. Spatial mapping shows a correlation between the location of emitters and the existence of wrinkles (strained regions) in the flake. We tune the emission properties in magnetic and electric fields applied perpendicular to the monolayer plane. We extract an exciton g-factor of the discrete emitters close to -4, as for 2D excitons in this material. In a charge tunable sample we record discrete jumps on the meV scale as charges are added to the emitter when changing the applied voltage. The control of the emission properties of these quantum dot like emitters paves the way for further engineering of the light matter interaction in these atomically thin materials.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamic nuclear polarization of a single charge-tunable InAs/GaAs quantum dot

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    We report on the dynamic nuclear polarization of a single charge-tunable self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dot in a longitudinal magnetic field of ∌\sim0.2T. The hyperfine interaction between the optically oriented electron and nuclei spins leads to the polarization of the quantum dot nuclei measured by the Overhauser-shift of the singly-charged excitons (X+X^{+} and X−X^{-}). When going from X+X^{+} to X−X^{-}, we observe a reversal of this shift which reflects the average electron spin optically written down in the quantum dot either in the X+X^{+} state or in the final state of X−X^{-} recombination. We discuss a theoretical model which indicates an efficient depolarization mechanism for the nuclei limiting their polarization to ~10%.Comment: 4+ pages, 3 figure

    Phonon-assisted Photoluminescence from Dark Excitons in Monolayers of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides

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    The photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) shows a multitude of emission peaks below the bright exciton line and not all of them have been explained yet. Here, we study the emission traces of phonon-assisted recombinations of momentum-dark excitons. To this end, we develop a microscopic theory describing simultaneous exciton, phonon and photon interaction and including consistent many-particle dephasing. We explain the drastically different PL below the bright exciton in tungsten- and molybdenum-based materials as result of different configurations of bright and dark states. In good agreement with experiments, we show that WSe2_2 exhibits clearly visible low-temperature PL signals stemming from the phonon-assisted recombination of momentum-dark excitons

    Hyperfine interaction in InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dots : dynamical nuclear polarization versus spin relaxation

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    We report on the influence of hyperfine interaction on the optical orientation of singly charged excitons X+ and X- in self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots. All measurements were carried out on individual quantum dots studied by micro-photoluminescence at low temperature. We show that the hyperfine interaction leads to an effective partial spin relaxation, under 50kHz modulated excitation polarization, which becomes however strongly inhibited under steady optical pumping conditions because of dynamical nuclear polarization. This optically created magnetic-like nuclear field can become very strong (up to ~4 T) when it is generated in the direction opposite to a longitudinally applied field, and exhibits then a bistability regime. This effect is very well described by a theoretical model derived in a perturbative approach, which reveals the key role played by the energy cost of an electron spin flip in the total magnetic field. Eventually, we emphasize the similarities and differences between X+ and X- trions with respect to the hyperfine interaction, which turn out to be in perfect agreement with the theoretical description.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Optically monitored nuclear spin dynamics in individual GaAs quantum dots grown by droplet epitaxy

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    We report optical orientation experiments in individual, strain free GaAs quantum dots in AlGaAs grown by droplet epitaxy. Circularly polarized optical excitation yields strong circular polarization of the resulting photoluminescence at 4K. Optical injection of spin polarized electrons into a dot gives rise to dynamical nuclear polarization that considerably changes the exciton Zeeman splitting (Overhauser shift). We show that the created nuclear polarization is bistable and present a direct measurement of the build-up time of the nuclear polarization in a single GaAs dot in the order of one second.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    A model structure for the Goldman-Millson theorem

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    By a result of Vallette, we put a sensible model structure on the category of conilpotent Lie coalgebras. This gives us a powerful tool to study the subcategory of Lie algebras obtained by linear dualization, also known as the category of pronilpotent Lie algebras. This way, we recover weaker versions of the celebrated Goldman-Millson theorem and Dolgushev-Rogers theorem by purely homotopical methods. We explore the relations of this procedure with the existent literature, namely the works of Lazarev-Markl and Buijs-F\'elix-Murillo-Tanr\'e.Comment: 20 pages. (v2) fixed formatting of abstract on arXiv, the core text was not touche

    De-Confinement in high multiplicity proton-proton collisions at LHC energies

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    Recently, the CMS Collaboration has published identified particle transverse momentum spectra in high multiplicity events at LHC energies s\sqrt s = 0.9-13 TeV. In the present work the transverse momentum spectra have been analyzed in the framework of the color fields inside the clusters of overlapping strings, which are produced in high energy hadronic collisions. The non-Abelian nature is reflected in the coherence sum of the color fields which as a consequence gives rise to an enhancement of the transverse momentum and a suppression of the multiplicities relative to the non overlapping strings. The initial temperature and shear viscosity to entropy density ratio η/s\eta/s are obtained. For the higher multiplicity events at s\sqrt s =7 and 13 TeV the initial temperature is above the universal hadronization temperature and is consistent with the creation of de-confined matter. In these small systems it can be argued that the thermalization is a consequence of the quantum tunneling through the event horizon introduced by the confining color fields, in analogy to the Hawking-Unruh effect. The small shear viscosity to entropy density ratio η/s\eta/s near the critical temperature suggests that the matter is a strongly coupled Quark Gluon Plasma.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
