54 research outputs found

    Cybersecurity capacity maturity model in South American countries - current tendencies : [abstract]

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    Artificial Intelligence Landscape in South America

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    South American countries have also started to develop national AI strategies. The aim of the study is to provide a comparative analysis of strategy development processes in five South American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru. For the quantitative analysis, I used data from the OECD AI Policy Observatory (Artificial Intelligence Policy Observatory) and other international databases, while for the qualitative analysis, I used document analysis on national strategies. The countries surveyed have taken different paths in preparing their national strategies, but the common point is that in all of them the strategy is part of a larger digitisation agenda. Although the AI strategies of the countries in the region are still at an early stage, the existence of national intent will allow progress in terms of both national and regional regulation, with the potential for these countries to become AI powers

    Cyber Security Master’s Degrees in the United Kingdom: A Comparative Analysis

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    A mesterséges intelligenciával kapcsolatos szakpolitikai fejlemények Latin-Amerikában

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    A latin-amerikai országok is megkezdték nemzeti szintű, mesterséges intelligenciával kapcsolatos stratégiáik kidolgozását. A tanulmány célja, hogy összehasonlító elemzést nyújtson a stratégiafejlesztési folyamatokról öt latin-amerikai országban: Argentínában, Brazíliában, Chilében, Kolumbiában és Peruban. A kvantitatív elemzéshez az OECD AI Policy Observatory (Artificial Intelligence Policy Observatory) adatait, valamint más nemzetközi adatbázisokat, míg a kvalitatív elemzéshez a nemzeti stratégiákon végzett dokumentum elemzést használtam. A vizsgált államok eltérő utakat járnak a nemzeti stratégiáik elkészítésében, közös pont, hogy mindegyik esetében a stratégia egy nagyobb digitalizációs programba illeszkedik. Bár a régió országainak mesterséges intelligencia stratégiái még kezdeti fázisban vannak, a nemzeti szándék megléte lehetővé teszi a továbblépést mind a nemzeti, mind a regionális szabályozást tekintve, mellyel lehetőség nyílik ezen országok számára, hogy mesterséges intelligencia hatalommá váljanak

    Cybersecurity Policy-Related Developments in Latin America

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    State of Public Administration Scientific Research in the Visegrad Countries – A Bibliometric Analysis

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    As a discipline in its own right, public administration has a variety of interpretations in European countries, which can be found at the intersection of three traditional disciplines: law, policy and management. The Central European region, such as the Visegrad countries (Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia), is of particular interest for the analysis of the state of public administration research, as it only came to the fore after the change of regime. The present study undertakes a bibliometric analysis of the publications in the field of public administration in these countries for the period 2011-2020. The publications studied were indexed in the Scopus citation database, and the tools used for the analysis were the Sci Val research support platform and the vosViewer bibliometric analysis software. The results show the different orientations, with Hungarian and Polish authors approaching the discipline from a legal perspective, while Czech and Slovak authors take a management perspective. Regional journals and conference publications dominate in terms of publication places. In terms of co-authorship, regional partners also stand out, while cooperation with Western European countries takes the form of fewer but better cited publications