22 research outputs found

    Methodology for muscle recovery, through motor imagery techniques applying virtual reality

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    "Recovery of movement is a long and hard process for patients. One of the most common problems that occurs is the so-called ""phantom limb"", which induces the body to feel strange due to the failure to use the injured limb. This process is due to the lack of use of the leg that in most cases is fractured and the long recovery time, so the use of crutches makes the body in conjunction with the brain understand that normal movement of the body is with the leg suspended and always with the help of crutches. In the present work a technique for the retraining of the brain is presented by means of which the brain is taught through the presentation of images if it corresponds to the right and left side of the arms and legs. This retraining makes it possible for the brain to understand the coordinated movement between the arms and legs. In addition to the use of virtual reality, through the OCULUS GEST II lenses, allowing maximum concentration, the results allow to improve the recovery time of patients, the technique can be used both in rehabilitation centers and in the patient's own home patient.

    Methodology for muscle recovery, through motor imagery techniques applying virtual reality

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    Recovery of movement is a long and hard process for patients. One of the most common problems that occurs is the so-called "phantom limb", which induces the body to feel strange due to the failure to use the injured limb. This process is due to the lack of use of the leg that in most cases is fractured and the long recovery time, so the use of crutches makes the body in conjunction with the brain understand that normal movement of the body is with the leg suspended and always with the help of crutches. In the present work a technique for the retraining of the brain is presented by means of which the brain is taught through the presentation of images if it corresponds to the right and left side of the arms and legs. This retraining makes it possible for the brain to understand the coordinated movement between the arms and legs. In addition to the use of virtual reality, through the OCULUS GEST II lenses, allowing maximum concentration, the results allow to improve the recovery time of patients, the technique can be used both in rehabilitation centers and in the patient's own home patient.Campus Lima Centr

    Methodology for the multichannel recording of upper limb muscle activity

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    In the study of the functioning of the muscle, the study standard is to be able to analyze its behavior or functioning, this behavior is represented by a continuous signal where the muscle signal can be recorded and visualized, to perform this registration a designed circuit is required. For the capture of electromyography signals, there are many options of these circuits in the market, depending on the application, the part of the body that is required to be analyzed, the best option can be chosen, in this work, we present a methodology for recording in Simultaneous 8 signals, for the characteristic use of the arm muscles, due to its special shape, which allows it to be placed in the form of a bracelet, the signals that are acquired simultaneously and individually, can be used in many applications depending on the problem and challenge, recommending for use on the arm and providing a clean signal allowing Being used in the design of detection mechanisms for some pathologies related to the arm muscles and in the design of control mechanisms for the design of prostheses.Campus Lima Centr

    Smart system model for the recruitment of teachers

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    Times change, for many reasons, due to technological development, new ways of doing things and in some cases forced by a global condition, is the case of the present case, where we analyze the teacher selection processes, although many of the Academic activities are developed at a distance, the selection processes also accompany this model, in this process factors that must be presented according to the profile required by the institution are analyzed, in this work a technique is proposed to be able to classify the best candidates in a Teacher selection process, the methodology consists of analyzing three groups of characteristics that the candidates must present, such as the writing exercises, the group interview and finally a demonstration class, in each of them particular criteria are evaluated, a demonstrative example It is presented as a demonstration, where it can be conditioned according to the criteria of each ins As a result, we have a computational model based on neural networks, where the best candidates can be pre-selected or classified in a teacher selection process, the prototype can be scaled and used in different sectors.Campus At

    Methodology for information security, in the process of sending biomedical signals in telemedicine applications for rural areas

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    With the advancement of information and communication technologies, new ways of being able to transmit information from remote places where they are technologically inaccessible are being presented, these applications related to the health area, gain importance because in areas with little access to technology and much more to mobile technology, it occurs in most of the countries of South America, where due to the conditions of the Andes mountain range, this work makes it very difficult to implement large-scale solutions. But the need for health care cannot be ignored and much more when the population is at risk. This work proposes a methodology to be able to transmit medical information safely and with integrity, and with it biomedical signals, for solutions where telemedicine is applied, the methodology proposes a communication protocol based on the ordering of information based on a priority structure and XML modeling for sending and receiving, the result presented is an easy to implement and scalable protocol depending on the complexity of the information to send and is not linked to a particular telecommunication network, it can be implemented in telephone networks and wireless networks of different architecture.Campus At

    Methodology for the use of machine learning, applied in predicting the level of success in legal cases

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    ICTs have allowed the applications of artificial intelligence to grow exponentially, where different applications are being presented, based on the application of neural networks as prediction mechanisms for different processes and applications, in the present work the use of the Neural networks for the legal case prediction process, in which the analysis of approximately 200 cases was used between cases that had "positive and negative" final results, the expected results after implementing the solution in the MATLAB tool, they presented us effectiveness results in a value of 93%, as a conclusion we can indicate that the model provided allows us to be applied in other conditions as well as to be scaled, taking into account the historical data that may be available for the training process.Campus At

    Large video processing using GPU programming

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    Currently, video cameras are used in many applications, from security to recognition mechanism, all based on the analysis of images and videos, these records are made in most cases for continuous periods of recording, which is why they have large video storage weight on hard drives, in this paper, we describe a method to analyze images of high weight, using the graphic processing units known as GPUs, which can be found in desktop computers and laptops, the model uses as a test mechanism, the MATLAB tool, as a language and development environment, the method presented has the advantages of being applied and replicated, depending on the needs and applications to be programmed

    Methodology for the design of low cost medical devices for screaning use: audiometer case

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    The recent technological development results in developing new devices for different uses, such as applications of various uses, which can be used for many applications. This study demonstrated a novel methodology to conFigure a digital audiometer using generic devices such as the use of high-end headphones in video games, and mobile applications known as function generators, with which an audiometer can be configured and through mobile devices, the signal values can be generated and sent to the headphones configured by a protocol frequencies and audio levels. As a result, this study presents a configuration, using headphones of the Razer high definition video game line, with a generic application for generating functions, which allows configuring the independent output to each headphone, such as frequency and audio level. The method can be applied and scaled towards the use as a quick analysis audiometer, as an initial evaluation mechanism, to identify possible patterns related to auditory behavior; this cannot replace the medical grade equipment