260 research outputs found

    A Review of Formal Methods applied to Machine Learning

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    We review state-of-the-art formal methods applied to the emerging field of the verification of machine learning systems. Formal methods can provide rigorous correctness guarantees on hardware and software systems. Thanks to the availability of mature tools, their use is well established in the industry, and in particular to check safety-critical applications as they undergo a stringent certification process. As machine learning is becoming more popular, machine-learned components are now considered for inclusion in critical systems. This raises the question of their safety and their verification. Yet, established formal methods are limited to classic, i.e. non machine-learned software. Applying formal methods to verify systems that include machine learning has only been considered recently and poses novel challenges in soundness, precision, and scalability. We first recall established formal methods and their current use in an exemplar safety-critical field, avionic software, with a focus on abstract interpretation based techniques as they provide a high level of scalability. This provides a golden standard and sets high expectations for machine learning verification. We then provide a comprehensive and detailed review of the formal methods developed so far for machine learning, highlighting their strengths and limitations. The large majority of them verify trained neural networks and employ either SMT, optimization, or abstract interpretation techniques. We also discuss methods for support vector machines and decision tree ensembles, as well as methods targeting training and data preparation, which are critical but often neglected aspects of machine learning. Finally, we offer perspectives for future research directions towards the formal verification of machine learning systems

    Static Analysis of Data Transformations in Jupyter Notebooks

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    Jupyter notebooks used to pre-process and polish raw data for data science and machine learning processes are challenging to analyze. Their data-centric code manipulates dataframes through call to library functions with complex semantics, and the properties to track over it vary widely depending on the verification task. This paper presents a novel abstract domain that simplifies writing analyses for such programs, by extracting a unique CFG from the notebook that contains all transformations applied to the data. Several properties can then be determined by analyzing such CFG, that is simpler than the original Python code. We present a first use case that exploits our analysis to infer the required shape of the dataframes manipulated by the notebook

    The Abstract Domain of Segmented Ranking Functions

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    International audienceWe present a parameterized abstract domain for proving program termination by abstract interpretation. The domain automatically synthesizes piecewise-defined ranking functions and infers sufficient conditions for program termination. The analysis uses over-approximations but we prove its soundness, meaning that all program executions respecting these sufficient conditions are indeed terminating. The abstract domain is parameterized by a numerical abstract domain for environments and a numerical abstract domain for functions. This parameterization allows to easily tune the trade-off between precision and cost of the analysis. We describe an instantiation of this generic do- main with intervals and affine functions. We define all abstract operators, including widening to ensure convergence. To illustrate the potential of the proposed framework, we have implemented a research prototype static analyzer, for a small imperative language, that yielded interesting preliminary results

    Conflict-Driven Conditional Termination

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    International audienceConflict-driven learning, which is essential to the performance of SAT and SMT solvers, consists of a procedure that searches for a model of a formula, and refutation procedure for proving that no model exists. This paper shows that conflict-driven learning can improve the precision of a termination analysis based on abstract interpretation. We encode non-termination as satisfiability in a monadic second-order logic and use abstract interpreters to reason about the satisfiability of this formula. Our search procedure combines decisions with reachability analysis to find potentially non-terminating executions and our refutation procedure uses a conditional termination analysis. Our implementation extends the set of conditional termination arguments discovered by an existing termination analyzer

    Abstract Interpretation as Automated Deduction

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    International audienceAlgorithmic deduction and abstract interpretation are two widely used and successful approaches to implementing program veri-fiers. A major impediment to combining these approaches is that their mathematical foundations and implementation approaches are fundamentally different. This paper presents a new, logical perspective on abstract interpreters that perform reachability analysis using non-relational domains. We encode reachability of a location in a control-flow graph as satisfiability in a monadic, second-order logic parameterized by a first-order theory. We show that three components of an abstract interpreter, the lattice, transformers and iteration algorithm, represent a first-order, substructural theory, parametric deduction and abduction in that theory, and second-order constraint propagation

    Reduced Products of Abstract Domains for Fairness Certification of Neural Networks

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    International audienceWe present Libra, an open-source abstract interpretationbased static analyzer for certifying fairness of ReLU neural network classifiers for tabular data. Libra combines a sound forward pre-analysis with an exact backward analysis that leverages the polyhedra abstract domain to provide definite fairness guarantees when possible, and to otherwise quantify and describe the biased input space regions. The analysis is configurable in terms of scalability and precision. We equipped Libra with new abstract domains to use in the pre-analysis, including a generic reduced product domain construction, as well as search heuristics to find the best analysis configuration. We additionally set up the backward analysis to allow further parallelization. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of the approach on neural networks trained on a popular dataset in the fairness literature
