5 research outputs found

    Enhancing the Performance of Integrated Optical Sensor by Slow-light: Theoretical Study on Ring-Resonator Based Structures

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    In this work, the performance of three kinds of integrated optical ring-resonator based slow-light structures for sensing applications is theoretically studied using the transfer matrix method and the complex transmission coefficient approach. Enhancement of sensing performance due to the slowlight phenomenon is quantitatively formulated. The modeling results show that using realistic structure parameters, a refractive index detection limit of one order better than the state of the art Mach-Zehnder interferometer sensing structure is possible by the inclusion of such a slow-light structure. The role of ring(s) attenuation constant in limiting the usable light slowness and the achievable sensor resolution is also discussed. For a sufficiently small ring attenuation constant, the optimal sensing performance of a single resonator circuit can be better than that of multiple resonator circuits, while offering less fabrication complexities, cleaner spectra, shorter device length, and higher figure of merit


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    Penelitian ini melaporkan fabrikasi dan karakterisasi solar cell yang dibuat dengan teknologi sederhana dan bahan dasar yang mudah diperoleh di Indonesia. Penelitian ditujukan untuk membuat solar cell dari oksida tembaga dan mencari kombinasi parameter proses dan komposisi material yang memberikan kinerja yang optimal. Perangkat uji sederhana dibangun dengan komponen yang mudah diperoleh di Indonesia. Karakterisasi dilakukan untuk berbagai konsentrasi larutan elektrolit dan lamanya waktu pembentukan oksida tembaga. Larutan elektrolit yang digunakan terbuat dari NaCl dan air, sedangkan lapisan oksida tembaga dibentuk melalui proses oksidasi termal. Eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa solar cell yang dihasilkan yang memiliki efisiensi optimal adalah proses oksidasi tembaga dilakukan pada suhu 550˚C, selama 80-120 menit, dan konsentrasi larutan elektrolit sebesar 2-3 mol/l. Kata kunci: Solar cell, oksida tembaga, larutan elektrolit, karakterisasi, kurva V-I

    Organic psychosis.

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    Using a vectorial finite element mode solver developed earlier, we studied a hole-assisted multi-ring fiber. We report the role of the holes in tuning the waveguide dispersion and the single/multi-modeness of the particular fiber. By correctly selecting the hole’s size and position, a single-mode fiber with a relatively flat and low dispersion in the S-band of the third telecom window was obtained. We also report the observation of a mode-type which has never been reported before for ordinary fibers, which we label as a “ring” mode. This mode exists as a consequence of structural symmetry breaking due to the inclusion of the microstructural holes