2 research outputs found
Web application for personal growth
The thesis presents the process of designing and producing a web application for personal growth. We live in an era where it is well taken care of our physical comfort, but our mind is in danger. People often feel worthless and do not understand their feelings so we have developed a web application that helps strenghten confidence and encourages understanding of emotions. We started development with the use of some newer technologies. On the server side, we used Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB technologies while we used AngularJS, HTML, CSS and JavaScript on the client side. Over the years we have accumulated a lot of ideas from psychological fields that inspire positive revelations. We included these ideas in the application and we also presented them in this work. They provide the basis for a positive environment that grows together with it's users. We also added conclusions, opinions of test users and objectives for future work into the thesis
Web application for personal growth
V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen postopek zasnove in izdelave spletne aplikacije za osebnostno rast. Živimo v dobi, ko je za naše fizično udobje dobro poskrbljeno, v nevarnosti pa je naš um. Ljudje se pogosto počutijo manjvredne in ne razumejo svojih čustev, zato smo razvili spletno aplikacijo, ki pomaga krepiti samozavest in vzpodbuja razumevanje čustev. Razvijanja smo se lotili z uporabo nekaterih novejših tehnologij. Na strani strežnika smo uporabili tehnologije Node.js, Express.js, in MongoDB, na strani odjemalca pa AngularJS, HTML, CSS in JavaScript. Skozi leta smo nabrali veliko idej s psiholoških področij, ki v človeku vzbudijo pozitivna razkritja. Te ideje smo vključili v aplikacijo in jih predstavili v pričujočem delu. Predstavljajo osnovo za pozitivno okolje, ki raste skupaj s svojimi uporabniki. V diplomo smo dodali tudi sklepne ugotovitve, mnenja testnih uporabnikov in cilje za nadaljnje delo.The thesis presents the process of designing and producing a web application for personal growth. We live in an era where it is well taken care of our physical comfort, but our mind is in danger. People often feel worthless and do not understand their feelings so we have developed a web application that helps strenghten confidence and encourages understanding of emotions. We started development with the use of some newer technologies. On the server side, we used Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB technologies while we used AngularJS, HTML, CSS and JavaScript on the client side. Over the years we have accumulated a lot of ideas from psychological fields that inspire positive revelations. We included these ideas in the application and we also presented them in this work. They provide the basis for a positive environment that grows together with it\u27s users. We also added conclusions, opinions of test users and objectives for future work into the thesis