440 research outputs found

    International Regulation of the Sale and Use of Pesticides

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    This Article discusses international regulation of the sale and use of pesticides. It examines and compares national, regional, and international models as a means of achieving effective international regulation. For the national model, this article selected the United States because it was the first country to impose national restrictions on the export of pesticides. For the regional model, this article selected the European Economic Community because it has sovereign powers, and has been a market-driven entity. For the international model, this article selected the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization because it has the most far-reaching code on the regulation of pesticides. The Article then compares these national, regional, and international models and offers recommendations on the development of international regulation of the sale and use of pesticides

    International Regulation of the Sale and Use of Pesticides

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    This Article discusses international regulation of the sale and use of pesticides. It examines and compares national, regional, and international models as a means of achieving effective international regulation. For the national model, this article selected the United States because it was the first country to impose national restrictions on the export of pesticides. For the regional model, this article selected the European Economic Community because it has sovereign powers, and has been a market-driven entity. For the international model, this article selected the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization because it has the most far-reaching code on the regulation of pesticides. The Article then compares these national, regional, and international models and offers recommendations on the development of international regulation of the sale and use of pesticides

    Evolving Patterns: Conflicting Perceptions of Cultural Preservation and the State of Batik’s Cultural Inheritance Among Women Artisans in Guizhou, China

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    My exploration features Miao batik-making in Guizhou Province and explores several sets of overlapping questions. The first set focuses on the status of the craft of Miao batik-making and the perceptions of its future. Is batik-making a dying art form? To what extent is Batik-making a thriving cultural practice today, or do Miao in China (and other ethnic groups involved in batik-making) perceive an inheritance crisis? My next focus is on the role of institutions and the tourism industry. If taught less and less in the domestic sphere (traditions passed from mother to daughter), what role do public domains such as educational institutions and the tourism industry play in the preservation of batik-making? What changes might a formalized or standardized curriculum have on the art form? What influences might the commercial markets have on batik-making

    Early Reading Interventions: What Works?

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    The purpose of this study was to: 1) examine differences in the programs and practices employed in area schools to teach successful and unsuccessful at-risk students, 2) determine relationships among identified problems, reading interventions, and outcomes, and 3) present implications of the study for schools

    Internetové obchodování s mezinárodním prvkem

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    In the last two decades the world has experienced enormous growth of the internet users what has created business opportunities in a completely new and very specific space. The goal of this thesis is to analyze the most important legal aspects of internet business transactions with an international element. The internet commerce and subsequently the consumer protection programme has become a legal discipline which is subject of extensive development reflected in setting in legal standards found within the legal code of the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into three main parts. It starts with a short introduction of internet environment and its characteristic, focusing on its specific aspects which respresent a challenge for the regulation such as decentralisation or geographical independence. The second part deals with the process of closing contracts on and consumer protection within the scope of european regulation such as directive on electronic commerce, directive on the protection of consumers in respect of distance contracts or directive on consumer rights. The third part is dedicated to the role of the international element within internet business transactions and methods of identification of the applicable law and respective jurisdiction. The role of the Court of Justice of the European Union...V posledných dvoch desaťročiach zaznamenal svet obovský rast internetových používateľov, čo vytvorilo nové obchodné príležitosti v úplne novom a veľmi špecifickom postredí. Cieľom tejto práce je podrobiť analýze najdôležitejšie aspekty internetového obchodovania s medzinárodným prvkom. Internetové obchodovanie a následne i ochrana spotrebiteľa sú súčasťou právných oborov, ktoré sú predmetom rozsiahleho vývoja, ktorý sa odzrkadluje v právnych normách v rámci právneho poriadku Českej republiky. Práce je rozdelená do troch hlavných častí. Najskôr sa venuje krátkemu úvodu do prostredia internetu a jeho špecifík, zameriavajúc sa hlavne na jednotlivé aspekty, s ktorými je potrebné sa vysporiadať v právnej rovine, ako napríklad decentralizácia prípadne geogafická nezávislosť. Druhá časť je venovaná procesu uzatvárania zmluvy na internete a ochrane spotrebiteľa v rámci európskej regulácie, teda smernice o elektronickom obchode alebo smernice o ochrane spotrebiteľa vzhľadom na zmluvy na diaľku. Tretia časť je venovaná úlohe medzinárodneho aspektu v internetových obchodných transakciách, či už v oblasti kontraktácie ako i spôsobov určenia rozhodného práva a súdnej jurisdikcie. Úloha Súdneho Dvora Európskej Únie je klúčová pri interpretácii jednotivých ustanovení týchto európskych nariadení a smerníc, a to najmä...Department of Business LawKatedra obchodního právaPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La

    Az alacsony intenzitású, bizonyítottan hatékony kognitív viselkedésterápia Crohn-betegségben

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease and colitis ulcerosa) is a chronic, long-term condition that causes chronic inflammation in the digestive tract, and shows an increasing incidence and prevalence worldwide. Changes in disease activity over time affect psychological distress which increases the risk of exacerbations. Beside somatic symptoms (such as abdominal pain, diarrhoea and weight loss), psychiatric comorbidity (in particular major depression, anxiety, social phobia) is common in patients with Crohn's disease. This case study illustrates the management and stabilization of a 21-year-old adult male patient with active Crohn's disease and with severe psychiatric comorbidity. The patient was diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder and dysruptive mood dysregulation disorder based on the results of psychodiagnostics (SCID-II structured clinical interview, MMPI personality inventory and disease-specific clinical questionnaires such as Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Hopelessness Scale, Social Cognition Questionnaire, Anger Expression Scale, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale). The main aim of psychotherapy is to increase the adherence to pharmacotherapy, to promote psychosocial functioning, to improve well-being and to enhance adaptive coping strategies. Low-intensity cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy was used which included psychoeducation, motivational interview, behavioural activation, patient diary, cognitive restructuring, problem-solving training, and family consulting. Twenty-five sessions were held weekly in outpatient form and 3 sessions of crisis intervention after the surgery at the hospital. The efficacy of the treatment was measured by self-reported questionnaires at baseline and at two follow-up sessions which corroborated a very significant decrease in the severity of depression, hopelessness, while emotional regulation and self-esteem became more adaptive. The remission of the above-mentioned psychiatric symptoms resulted in the improvement of the pharmacotherapy adherence and the quality of life. Low- intensity psychosocial interventions are proven to be an effective way of delivering evidence-based psychotherapy. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(9): 363-369

    Detecting and Monitoring the Formation of Biological Nanoassemblies with Resistive-Pulse Sensing.

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    This thesis describes innovative applications for resistive-pulse sensing with submicrometer pores and discusses the noise and bandwidth characteristics of the experimental setup. In the initial study, resistive-pulse sensing was used to monitor the formation of antibody-antigen complexes (immune complexes or biological nanoassemblies). The developed technique was rapid (detection in ≤ 15 minutes), label-free, could be performed in small volumes (≤ 40 μL), and required no immobilization of the antibody or antigen. This assay was able to detect purified antigens at concentrations as low as 30 nM, and to detect antigens in complex media such as serum. It also enabled the characterization of the time course of immune complex formation and growth with a precision that made it possible to detect single complexes. In the second study, resistive-pulse sensing was used to characterize and quantify antibody-virus interactions. These experiments demonstrated that resistive-pulse sensing can be used to detect a specific virus or a virus-specific antibody in solution, probe the ability of an antibody to immunoprecipitate the virus, determine the average number of antibodies bound to virus particles, and monitor the time course of the assembly of antibodies onto viruses in situ. The third study developed theory for extracting thermodynamic parameters of antibody-antigen interactions from resistive-pulse data. A model system presented in the literature, antibodies binding to spherical nanoparticles that expose antigens, was used to validate the theory; the calculated solid phase affinity constant of the antibody (2.6x10^8 ± 0.8x10^8 M^-1) was in agreement with the specifications of the supplier of the antibody. The fourth and final study examined in detail the theoretical and experimental noise and bandwidth of current recordings from resistive-pulse sensing experiments. The theory presented in this study combined with its experimental validation enables the development of resistive-pulse sensing systems optimized for low-noise (high sensitivity) and high-bandwidth (high accuracy). The experiments presented here demonstrate that resistive-pulse sensing is a simple, yet powerful technique for examining the formation of biological nanoassemblies. Based on these findings, resistive-pulse sensing holds great promise as a tool for nanotechnology and for use in portable or high-throughput assays.Ph.D.Biomedical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/57599/2/uramj_1.pd
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