31 research outputs found

    The role of social equity in employee performance of the banking sector

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    This study examined the role of social equity in employee performance in the banking sector using SmartPLS 3 software to conduct a partial least squares structural equation modeling analysis. The study found that social equity has a positive effect on employee seriousness, accuracy, and punctuality. The results of the correlation matrix showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between social equity and employee seriousness, as well as employee punctuality. There was also a positive and significant relationship between employee seriousness and employee punctuality. The path coefficients of the three hypotheses supported the notion that social equity has a positive effect on employee performance. The findings of this study have important implications for the banking sector. The study highlights the importance of promoting social equity in the workplace and implementing policies and practices that promote fairness, transparency, and equal treatment of all employees. The study also provides insights into the factors that contribute to employee performance in the banking sector, which can inform the development of strategies to enhance employee performance. By promoting social equity in the workplace, banks can enhance their performance and reputation, and ultimately contribute to the overall growth of the banking sector

    The Development of Semantic Processing in Children’s Emotional Advancement: An Analysis of the Movie “Inside Out”

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    The study focuses on the development of semantic processing in children through the lens of the Disney animated movie “inside out” by Pete Docter and Ronnie Del Carmen. Semantic processing is a basic aspect of human knowledge of language processing that enables to extract meaning from the words and to comprehend the intended information conveyed by others. The movie “Inside Out” depicts the story of an 11-year-old girl named Riley and the personification of her emotion Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust as they navigate her life experiences. By analyzing the movie’s plot, characters and dialogues, the study investigates (1) how children’s semantic processing develops over time, (2) how it relates to the ability to understand abstract concepts and how it can impact children’s emotional development. (3) What role do metaphors and analogies play in the semantic development of children depicted in the movie. The goals of this study are to investigate the content, characters, and themes of the movie, to analyze the use of metaphors and analogies in the movie and to explore the relationship between the development of semantic processing and children's emotional advancement. The present study used mixed method to provide a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon. The study targeted two different age groups i.e. 5-8 years and 9-12 years to calculate the impact of age on the development of semantic processing. The findings indicate that the movie “Inside Out” successfully engaged the children in reflecting on and succussing their understanding of emotions. Participants demonstrated and enhanced awareness of the importance and complexity of emotions. Also, it provides insight into how animated movies can be used as a tool to promote semantic development in children’s emotional advancement and inform the development of educational materials that can facilitate semantic processing in children

    Current status and overview of farm mechanization in Pakistan – A review

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    Economic growth in Pakistani agricultural sector lags behind growth in industry and services, creating an ever widening rural-urban income fissure.  Agricultural mechanization plays a strategic role in improving agricultural production and productivity in developing countries. The average farm size in Pakistan is small (2.5 acres) and small and marginal land holdings (less than 2.0 ha) account for 85% of land holdings.  Mechanizing small and non-contiguous group of small farms is against ‘economies of scale’ for individual ownership of farm machinery. It was observed that there was a direct correlation between farm power availability and productivity during the past six decades. Being an agrarian country, mechanization can be called as back bone of Pakistan’s economy as it optimizes the use of biological, chemical and hydrological inputs.  So far, Pakistan has only experienced selective farm mechanization as this concept has remained limited to use of tractors only and at the country level, the temporal analysis shows that an increase in tractor population from 1975 -1984 was about 341% while it was 61% from 1984-1994.  At present there are about 0.94 million tractors in Pakistan, which alone provides 0.84 hp/acre.  Land preparation is the only operation that is nearly 100% mechanized in the country for almost all crops with 901 thousand chisel plough and 108 thousand Mould board ploughs.  The market of planting and spraying machinery has grown from 70 and 21 thousands in 2004 to 295 and 1438 thousands in 2014 respectively due to the inclination of the farming community towards mechanized sowing and spraying.  The thrasher’s market in Pakistan is estimated at 20,000-30,000 units annually by sales resulting in nearly 100% mechanized threshing operation for cereal crops. By increasing the available horse power per hectare and by the proper management of agricultural machinery the average crop yield can be enhanced

    FinTech implementation: a way forward to expedite bank operations

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of FinTech implementation on operational performance in the banking industry of Pakistan. Using Smart PLS analysis, the study examined the relationship between FinTech implementation and three dimensions of operational performance: accuracy, effectiveness, and efficiency. Data was collected from employees working in commercial banks in Pakistan through a self-administered questionnaire. The results of the study revealed that FinTech implementation has a positive effect on operational performance, as evidenced by the significant positive relationships between FinTech implementation and accuracy, effectiveness, and efficiency. These findings suggest that the implementation of FinTech solutions can significantly improve operational performance in the banking industry, and that investing in FinTech solutions can lead to improved competitive advantage, enhanced customer experience, and reduced costs. The study concludes with recommendations for banks in Pakistan to adopt FinTech solutions to achieve operational excellence, and suggests areas for future research to further explore the impact of FinTech on operational performance in the banking industry

    Responsiveness of the Immune System to Nanomedicine during Coronavirus Infections Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis

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    Aim Nanomedicine can play an important role in the various stages of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, vaccination, and research related to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). While nanomedicine is a powerful interdisciplinary means that offers various approaches in patient treatment, a number of factors should be critically studied to find approaches and mechanisms in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of this disease. This bibliometric analysis was designed to explore studies on the current knowledge of the structure, its mechanism of cell binding, and the therapeutic effect of nanomedicine on COVID-19. Methods The study data was searched from Web of Science Core Collection(WoSCC) between 2017 and 2021. Biblioshiny and VOSviewer were used to analyze and visualize patterns in scientific literature derived from WoS. Results The three clusters of keywords resulted relating to aim. Cluster 1 looking into epidemiological and public health studies on COVID-19. Cluster 2 included terms associated with virus transition, such as receptor binding, membrane glycoprotein, membrane fusion, and viral envelope proteins. Cluster 3 involved high-frequency keywords associated with nanomedicine, such as metal nanoparticles, drug delivery system doxorubicin, immunology, immune response, inflammation, and unclassified drug. Keywords such as “nanotechnology” and “gold nanoparticles” were at the center of COVID-19 related clusters, indicating the importance of these areas during the outbreak. Conclusions Understanding the advanced virology of coronaviruses and interfering with their spread through nanomedicine could significantly impact global health and economic stability. Continuous research is needed to accelerate the transfer of nanomedicine results into practice of treatment without risk of side effects

    Ev sahibi-misafir etkileşimi kullanılarak histotiripsi ajanı geliştirilmesi

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    Histotripsy is a mechanical cell ablation technique, which works on the mechanism of acoustic cavitation using microsecond-long, high-frequency ultrasound (US) pulses that can generate a bubble cloud (cavitation) using the already existing gas pockets in the tissue. Once the bubble cloud gains enough energy, it collapses resulting in the cellular destruction/ablation of the surrounding tissue. Histotripsy requires extremely high pressures to initiate cavitation in the tissue. Recently developed Nanodroplet Mediated Histotripsy (NMH) addresses this limitation by lowering the cavitation threshold using perfluorocarbon filled nanodroplets as a histotripsy agent. Despite the fact that these nanodroplets work perfectly for NMH, the synthesis of these nanodroplets is complex, and requires expertise in the eld of polymer chemistry. Thus, this work aims to address the need for a new histotripsy agent that can work as e ectively as nanodroplets, but have better potential in terms of being more user-friendly, straightforward, and economical. Two currently available Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved and commercial compounds, -cyclodextrin (BCD) and perfluorohexane (PFH), were used to obtain an inclusion complex (IC) through host-guest interaction, where hydrophobic cavity of BCD accommodates hydrophobic perfluorocarbon that might act as cavitation nuclei, and lower the threshold during histotripsy treatment. PFH was successfully encapsulated in the cavity of BCD with an encapsulation efficiency of 98%. Physiochemical characterization of the IC supported the complex formation and indicated the potential of having more than one PFC in the cavity, depending on PFH/BCD ratio. The size of the complex was measured at 48 nm, which is smaller than the size of nanodroplets. However, it has a tendency to form a bigger self-assembly depending on the dispersion concentration, which may affect cavitation behavior. Hemolytic activity and cytotoxicity experiments revealed that the inclusion complex is biocompatible at the concentration as high as 1 mg/mL. Finally, the ability to lower cavitation threshold for histotripsy was tested, and it showed that it acts as desired nuclei sites for cavitation at low pressures of around 15 MPa, indicating that this new agent can be effectively used as a histotripsy agent.Histotripsi, mikrosaniye boyunda, yüksek frekanslı ultrason (US) sinyallerini kullanarak, akustik kavitasyon mekanizmasını ile mekanik olarak hücre parçalama tekniğidir. Bu US sinyalleri vücutta hâlihazırda çözünmüş olarak bulunan gaz baloncuklarından bir baloncuk bulutu oluştururlar. Bu bulutun yeteri kadar enerji kazanarak parçalanması sonucu içerisinde bulundukları dokuda da mekanik bir parçalanma/hasar oluşur ve bu prosesin gerçekleşmesi için çok yüksek basınç gerekmektedir. Yakın zamanlarda, içerisine perflorokarbon doldurulmuş nanodamlacıkların histotoripsi ajanı olarak kullanıldığı nanodamlacık ortamlı histotoripsi (NMH) bu yüksek basınç sınırlamasına çözüm olmuştur. nanodamlacıklar histotripsi için mükemmel ajanlar olmalarına rağmen, sentezleri karmaşıktır ve polimer kimyası alanında tecrübe gerektirmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, histotripsi için nanodamlacıklar kadar etkin çalışacak, ama üretimi çok daha kolay, büyük miktarlarda üretime uygun ve daha kolay ticarileşebilme potansiyeli olan yeni bir histortripsi ajanı geliştirmektir. Amerikan Gıda ve İlaç Kurumu (FDA) tarafından onaylamış ve ticari olarak temin edilebilen β-siklodekstrin (CD) ve perfloroheksan (PFH) bileşiklerinin ev sahibi–misafir etkileşimi ile inklüsyon kompleksi oluşturması ile, hidrofobik karakterdeki perflorokarbon siklodekstrinin hidrofobik kavitesine girerek, histotripsi sırasında kavitasyon oluşturacak çekirdek görevi üstelenebilir. Bu durum histotripsi uygulaması sırasında kavitasyon için gerekli esik basıncının düşürülmesini sağlayacaktır. PFH başarılı bir şekilde %98 etkinlikle siklodektrinin hidrofobik kavitesine yerleştirilmiştir. Karakterizasyon çalışmaları inklüsyon kompleksinin oluşumunu desteklemiş ve PFH/CD oranına bağlı olarak bir CD kavitesine 2 tane PFH`nin girme olasılığını desteklemiştir. Bu inklusyon kompleksinin boyutu nanodamlacıklardan daha küçük bir değer olan 48 nm olarak ölçülmüştür, fakat elde edilen komleksin suda dağıtılma konsantrasyonuna bağlı olarak kendi kendini daha büyük boyutlu parçacıklar halinde düzenlediği gözlenmiştik, bu durum histotoripside kavitasyon davranışını etkileyen bir parametre olabilir. Ayrıca hemolitik aktivitelerinin ve hücre içi sitotoksisitelerinin incelenmesi sonucu bu komplekslerin 1mg/mL gibi yüksek konsantrasyonlarda bile toksik etki göstermediği gözlenmiştir. Son olarak, histotripsi ajanı olarak kavitasyon esik basıncını düşürebilme kapasitesi test edildiğinde, beklenen etkiyi gerçekleştirdiği, nanodamlacıklarda olduğu gibi kavitasyon esik basıncını yaklaşık 15 MPa`a kadar düşürdüğü gözlenmiştir

    An in-depth study of DOPE:DOPC liposomes to maximize targeted drug delivery to cancer-associated cells

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    Cancer is a global health concern, with chemotherapy being the primary treatment for many cancer types. Despite advances in cancer treatment, chemotherapy remains the most common treatment modality for many cancer types with various side effects, including hair loss, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and decreased immune function. These side effects can be debilitating and may not effectively eradicate cancer cells, leading to drug resistance. Therefore, the development of new and more effective cancer therapies with fewer side effects is crucial to improve patient outcomes and quality of life. Liposomes are spherical nanoparticles composed of a phospholipid bilayer that can encapsulate both hydrophobic and hydrophilic drugs. They are an attractive delivery system for cancer chemotherapy due to their ability to improve the pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of drugs, reduce toxicity, and enhance therapeutic efficacy by targeted drug delivery of single drugs as well as combinations of drugs, to the tumor site. The first study examined the effects of liposome size on cellular uptake and toxicity. Four different liposome sizes, ranging from 50 to 400 nm, were loaded with the chemotherapy drug doxorubicin (DOX) and rigorously tested for their cellular uptake and toxicity in vitro. The results showed that the 100 nm liposomes were most efficiently taken up by the cells, whereas toxicity levels were similar across all four sizes, with no significant difference observed among the half-minimal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values. Based on these findings, the 100 nm liposomes were selected for further studies, as they showed the most promise in terms of improving targetability and reducing toxicity for cancer cells. The second study focused on modifying the surface of 100 nm DOPE:DOPC liposomes with 17 new arginine-like molecules to enhance their targetability towards myofibroblasts, which are cancer-associated fibroblasts found in the presence of a tumor. Results showed that 15 of the 17 molecules effectively targeted myofibroblasts more compared to fibroblasts, with higher cellular uptake and lower IC50 values, demonstrating the potential for these modifications to be used for improved drug delivery in cancer therapy. In the third study, we investigated the use of a combination of doxorubicin and ibuprofen-loaded liposomes (IBLL) against macrophages and their phenotypes (M0, M1, and M2). After testing nine different concentrations of IBLL in combination with a constant concentration of doxorubicin-loaded liposomes (DLL), the three highest concentrations of IBLL showed synergistic results against macrophages. While toxicity was increased, the cellular uptake remained similar. However, to effectively target M2-type macrophages which transform into tumor-associated macrophages in the presence of a tumor, more targeting strategies must be included on the surface of the liposomes. The results demonstrated that this combination could significantly increase the efficacy of doxorubicin while reducing its toxic effects on healthy cells, highlighting the potential of combination therapies and drug delivery systems for improving cancer treatment outcomes. In the fourth study, DOPE was modified by attaching a cysteine to it with the aim of using the -SH bond of cysteine to click with any targeting agent using the thiol-ene/yne click chemistry. Folic acid was used as a proof of concept and modified to have a triple bond at the terminal end. The click reaction was executed, and folic acid was successfully attached to the surface of liposomes encapsulated with DOX. These liposomes were then tested against M0, M1, and M2-type macrophages, where it was observed that M2-type macrophages showed a higher cellular uptake due to the folic acid modification. As M2-type macrophages act as tumor-associated macrophages in the vicinity of a tumor, this modification could prove useful in targeting them specifically. Overall, these studies demonstrate the potential of liposomes as a promising targeted drug delivery system for combination cancer treatments. Further optimization and modification of liposome formulations could lead to more effective and targeted therapies with reduced toxicity

    An in-depth study of DOPE:DOPC liposomes to maximize targeted drug delivery to cancer-associated cells

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    Cancer is a global health concern, with chemotherapy being the primary treatment for many cancer types. Despite advances in cancer treatment, chemotherapy remains the most common treatment modality for many cancer types with various side effects, including hair loss, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and decreased immune function. These side effects can be debilitating and may not effectively eradicate cancer cells, leading to drug resistance. Therefore, the development of new and more effective cancer therapies with fewer side effects is crucial to improve patient outcomes and quality of life. Liposomes are spherical nanoparticles composed of a phospholipid bilayer that can encapsulate both hydrophobic and hydrophilic drugs. They are an attractive delivery system for cancer chemotherapy due to their ability to improve the pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of drugs, reduce toxicity, and enhance therapeutic efficacy by targeted drug delivery of single drugs as well as combinations of drugs, to the tumor site. The first study examined the effects of liposome size on cellular uptake and toxicity. Four different liposome sizes, ranging from 50 to 400 nm, were loaded with the chemotherapy drug doxorubicin (DOX) and rigorously tested for their cellular uptake and toxicity in vitro. The results showed that the 100 nm liposomes were most efficiently taken up by the cells, whereas toxicity levels were similar across all four sizes, with no significant difference observed among the half-minimal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values. Based on these findings, the 100 nm liposomes were selected for further studies, as they showed the most promise in terms of improving targetability and reducing toxicity for cancer cells. The second study focused on modifying the surface of 100 nm DOPE:DOPC liposomes with 17 new arginine-like molecules to enhance their targetability towards myofibroblasts, which are cancer-associated fibroblasts found in the presence of a tumor. Results showed that 15 of the 17 molecules effectively targeted myofibroblasts more compared to fibroblasts, with higher cellular uptake and lower IC50 values, demonstrating the potential for these modifications to be used for improved drug delivery in cancer therapy. In the third study, we investigated the use of a combination of doxorubicin and ibuprofen-loaded liposomes (IBLL) against macrophages and their phenotypes (M0, M1, and M2). After testing nine different concentrations of IBLL in combination with a constant concentration of doxorubicin-loaded liposomes (DLL), the three highest concentrations of IBLL showed synergistic results against macrophages. While toxicity was increased, the cellular uptake remained similar. However, to effectively target M2-type macrophages which transform into tumor-associated macrophages in the presence of a tumor, more targeting strategies must be included on the surface of the liposomes. The results demonstrated that this combination could significantly increase the efficacy of doxorubicin while reducing its toxic effects on healthy cells, highlighting the potential of combination therapies and drug delivery systems for improving cancer treatment outcomes. In the fourth study, DOPE was modified by attaching a cysteine to it with the aim of using the -SH bond of cysteine to click with any targeting agent using the thiol-ene/yne click chemistry. Folic acid was used as a proof of concept and modified to have a triple bond at the terminal end. The click reaction was executed, and folic acid was successfully attached to the surface of liposomes encapsulated with DOX. These liposomes were then tested against M0, M1, and M2-type macrophages, where it was observed that M2-type macrophages showed a higher cellular uptake due to the folic acid modification. As M2-type macrophages act as tumor-associated macrophages in the vicinity of a tumor, this modification could prove useful in targeting them specifically. Overall, these studies demonstrate the potential of liposomes as a promising targeted drug delivery system for combination cancer treatments. Further optimization and modification of liposome formulations could lead to more effective and targeted therapies with reduced toxicity

    An in-depth study of DOPE:DOPC liposomes to maximize targeted drug delivery to cancer-associated cells

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    Cancer is a global health concern, with chemotherapy being the primary treatment for many cancer types. Despite advances in cancer treatment, chemotherapy remains the most common treatment modality for many cancer types with various side effects, including hair loss, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and decreased immune function. These side effects can be debilitating and may not effectively eradicate cancer cells, leading to drug resistance. Therefore, the development of new and more effective cancer therapies with fewer side effects is crucial to improve patient outcomes and quality of life. Liposomes are spherical nanoparticles composed of a phospholipid bilayer that can encapsulate both hydrophobic and hydrophilic drugs. They are an attractive delivery system for cancer chemotherapy due to their ability to improve the pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of drugs, reduce toxicity, and enhance therapeutic efficacy by targeted drug delivery of single drugs as well as combinations of drugs, to the tumor site. The first study examined the effects of liposome size on cellular uptake and toxicity. Four different liposome sizes, ranging from 50 to 400 nm, were loaded with the chemotherapy drug doxorubicin (DOX) and rigorously tested for their cellular uptake and toxicity in vitro. The results showed that the 100 nm liposomes were most efficiently taken up by the cells, whereas toxicity levels were similar across all four sizes, with no significant difference observed among the half-minimal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values. Based on these findings, the 100 nm liposomes were selected for further studies, as they showed the most promise in terms of improving targetability and reducing toxicity for cancer cells. The second study focused on modifying the surface of 100 nm DOPE:DOPC liposomes with 17 new arginine-like molecules to enhance their targetability towards myofibroblasts, which are cancer-associated fibroblasts found in the presence of a tumor. Results showed that 15 of the 17 molecules effectively targeted myofibroblasts more compared to fibroblasts, with higher cellular uptake and lower IC50 values, demonstrating the potential for these modifications to be used for improved drug delivery in cancer therapy. In the third study, we investigated the use of a combination of doxorubicin and ibuprofen-loaded liposomes (IBLL) against macrophages and their phenotypes (M0, M1, and M2). After testing nine different concentrations of IBLL in combination with a constant concentration of doxorubicin-loaded liposomes (DLL), the three highest concentrations of IBLL showed synergistic results against macrophages. While toxicity was increased, the cellular uptake remained similar. However, to effectively target M2-type macrophages which transform into tumor-associated macrophages in the presence of a tumor, more targeting strategies must be included on the surface of the liposomes. The results demonstrated that this combination could significantly increase the efficacy of doxorubicin while reducing its toxic effects on healthy cells, highlighting the potential of combination therapies and drug delivery systems for improving cancer treatment outcomes. In the fourth study, DOPE was modified by attaching a cysteine to it with the aim of using the -SH bond of cysteine to click with any targeting agent using the thiol-ene/yne click chemistry. Folic acid was used as a proof of concept and modified to have a triple bond at the terminal end. The click reaction was executed, and folic acid was successfully attached to the surface of liposomes encapsulated with DOX. These liposomes were then tested against M0, M1, and M2-type macrophages, where it was observed that M2-type macrophages showed a higher cellular uptake due to the folic acid modification. As M2-type macrophages act as tumor-associated macrophages in the vicinity of a tumor, this modification could prove useful in targeting them specifically. Overall, these studies demonstrate the potential of liposomes as a promising targeted drug delivery system for combination cancer treatments. Further optimization and modification of liposome formulations could lead to more effective and targeted therapies with reduced toxicity